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110 lines (106 loc) · 1.27 KB

File metadata and controls

110 lines (106 loc) · 1.27 KB


Small application to count the frequency of words in a text file (in this case example.txt).


The example can be run by calling python example.txt. The application will provide a list of words and the frequency these words occur in the provided text file:

et: 80
cu: 73
in: 72
ne: 72
at: 70
ea: 69
ut: 68
ei: 67
ex: 66
te: 65
eu: 64
no: 64
id: 59
ad: 58
an: 51
pro: 49
his: 47
mei: 45
ius: 45
has: 45
usu: 44
per: 44
eam: 43
qui: 41
est: 40
nam: 39
vis: 38
duo: 37
vix: 37
pri: 37
mel: 36
vel: 34
quo: 33
eum: 33
cum: 32
sit: 31
vim: 30
eos: 30
nec: 28
sea: 28
mea: 28
sed: 25
necessitatibus: 13
nemore: 12
nostro: 12
commodo: 12
aeque: 11
volutpat: 11
dolorum: 11
ignota: 11
nihil: 11
fuisset: 10
facete: 10
liberavisse: 10
graecis: 10
soluta: 10
regione: 10
feugiat: 10
vidisse: 10
velit: 10
ullamcorper: 10
sadipscing: 10
docendi: 10
vitae: 10
recusabo: 10
admodum: 9
oblique: 9
possit: 9
viderer: 9
nonumy: 9
eligendi: 9
quot: 9
eros: 9
iuvaret: 9
harum: 9
evertitur: 9
tale: 9
suscipit: 9
abhorreant: 9
conclusionemque: 9
omittam: 9
copiosae: 9
corrumpit: 9
partem: 9
erroribus: 9
ipsum: 8
affert: 8
dissentias: 8
ubique: 8
justo: 8
omnesque: 8
facilis: 8
accusam: 8
fastidii: 8
deleniti: 8
possim: 8
homero: 8
everti: 8
delectus: 8
quaerendum: 8