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Raw and processed data from Zhao et al. (2024).

heatwave-days.csv: decadal statistics of heatwave exposure, in days. Columns include:

  • location_type: country or region
  • continent: continent in question
  • region: region within the continent
  • iso2: country's ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code
  • country: country name
  • avr: average annual number of heatwave days over 1980–2019
  • 1980-1989 through 2010-2019: average annual number of days for each decade
  • Change_per_decade: the change in the average annual number of days each decade over 1980–2019
  • percen: the percentage change in the average annual number of days each decade over 1980–2019

heatwave-mortality-stats-country: statistics around to heatwave-related mortality in long format. Columns include:

  • measure: Excess deaths, Excess deaths per 10M residents
  • population: WHO standard population or Country-specific age standardisation
  • location_type: country or region
  • id: an ID based on measure and population
  • continent: continent the country is on
  • region: region the country is in
  • iso2: country's ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code
  • country: country name
  • statistic: Overall, Average, Pct change per decade or a decadal range
  • central, lower, upper: central, lower or upper estimates for the figure. Lower and upper are at a 95% confidence interval.


Supplementary tables from Zhao et al. (2024), which are processed and tidied by the analysis.

heatstress-asiapac-mosthours-2014to2023.csv, heatstress-asiapac-mostdays-avgannual-2014to2023.csv

Processed statistics from the above tidied data, specific to Asia-Pacific, ordered from most to least.



Data on the heat stress experienced by countries and Indian states over 2014 to 2023, from the ERA5-HEAT dataset. Columns include:

  • year: the year
  • lower, upper: the lower and upper limits of the heat stress category, based on the the UTCI index. Thresholds are based on those defined by Copernicus.
  • hs_category: a string label of the category representing a severity of heat stress, based on the UTCI index. Thresholds are based on those defined by Copernicus.
  • iso: for countries, the ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code; for Indian states, an identifier
  • country or state: the name of the country or the Indian state
  • hours: the number of hours that the country or state averaged this level of heat stress for a given year


Widened form of the above data for the south-east Asia region. Columns include:

  • year: the year
  • country: the country name
  • Strong (32-38), Very strong (38-46), Extreme (> 46): hours within this UTCI heat stress band