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Maven Central Version javadoc

Use Fluent Interface Design Pattern to provide uniform and fast scheduling tools for Spigot/Folia.

About the Scheduler

Irs is compatible with Folia, but this is not a reason to abuse the scheduler.

There are three schedulers in Folia: GlobalRegionScheduler, AsyncScheduler, and EntityScheduler.

Both Bukkit.getScheduler() and new BukkitRunnable().run() that were available in Spigot and Paper are no longer available.

To learn more, see the Folia project description.


Irs are published to a central repository and can be imported without adding additional repositories.



Gradle (Groovy)

repositories {

dependencies {
    implementation 'one.tranic:irs:'

Gradle (Kotlin DSL)

repositories {

dependencies {

Shadow Jar Relocation Guide

When using the Irs library in a plugin, it is essential to relocate its dependencies to prevent conflicts with other plugins that might also include the same library. Here is a guide to set up relocation.

Gradle Shadow Plugin

Step 1: Add Shadow Plugin

Add the Shadow plugin to your build.gradle file.

Gradle (Groovy):

plugins {
    id 'com.gradleup.shadow' version '8.3.5'

Gradle (Kotlin DSL):

plugins {
    id("com.gradleup.shadow") version "8.3.5"

Step 2: Configure Relocation

Configure the Shadow plugin to relocate the one.tranic.irs package. This ensures that the Irs library’s classes do not conflict with other plugins.

Gradle (Groovy):

shadowJar {
    relocate 'one.tranic.irs', 'your.plugin.shadow.irs'

Gradle (Kotlin DSL):

tasks.shadowJar {
    relocate("one.tranic.irs", "your.plugin.shadow.irs")

Step 3: Build the Relocated Jar

Run the Shadow task to build your plugin with the relocated dependencies:

gradle shadowJar

The resulting jar file in the build/libs directory will include the relocated Irs library, avoiding classloader conflicts.

Step 4: Verify Relocation

To ensure that relocation works as intended, decompile the built jar and verify that the one.tranic.irs package has been renamed to your.plugin.shadow.irs or your specified relocation path.

Maven Shade Plugin

For Maven users, you can use the Maven Shade Plugin to achieve relocation.

Step 1: Add Maven Shade Plugin

Include the Maven Shade Plugin in your pom.xml:


Step 2: Build the Relocated Jar

Run the Maven package command:

mvn clean install

The resulting jar file in the target directory will include the relocated Irs library.

Step 3: Verify Relocation

As with Gradle, decompile the jar and confirm that the one.tranic.irs package has been relocated to your.plugin.shadow.irs or the specified path.

By following this guide, you can safely include the Irs library in your project without worrying about conflicts with other plugins.


IRS tries to allow developers to use a set of codes to adapt to spigot and folia, but in fact, developers also need to dispatch tasks to the correct scheduling instead of blind selection. IRS is not so intelligent.

Select the scheduler

I need to modify the data near an entity: RegionScheduler or EntityScheduler

I need to modify the weather: GlobalRegionScheduler

I need to get updates for my plugin, or other tasks that do not operate in the world: AsyncScheduler or CustomThread

GlobalRegion Scheduler

    .sync() // Starting at 1.3, Sync is the default behavior.

// In Spigot/Paper
Bukkit.getScheduler().runTask(this, task);

// In Folia
Bukkit.getGlobalRegionScheduler().run(this, (e)->;

Entity Scheduler

    .sync(player) // Yes, players can also use.

// In Spigot/Paper
Bukkit.getScheduler().runTask(this, task);

// In Folia
entity.getScheduler().run(this, (e) ->, null);

Region Schduler

    .sync(location) // or

// In Spigot/Paper
Bukkit.getScheduler().runTask(this, task);

// In Folia
Bukkit.getRegionScheduler().run(this, location, (e) ->;

Async Scheduler


// In Spigot/Paper
Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskAsynchronously(this, task);

// In Folia
Bukkit.getAsyncScheduler().runNow(this, (e) ->;