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File metadata and controls

291 lines (221 loc) · 11 KB


This document contains everything except:

  1. naming conventions, please refer to for these details.
  2. test code standards, please refer to for these details.
  3. specialized patterns, please refer to for these details.

File Purpose Comments

Unless it is very obvious what the file's responsibility it is, this should be very clearly defined at the top using this comment block:

 * Purpose: {defined purpose that makes it obvious what this file's
     singular responsibility is (think of the "S" in "SOLID"
 * Reason to change: {this should help make it clear whether the
     Single Responsibility Principle is being followed or not}

For example, at the top of apiOrchestrationMiddleware.ts:

 * Purpose: To determine when to make RESTful API calls based on actions that occur.
 * Reason to change: When new RESTful API calls are needed.


Types related to the data structure that the reducer stores in the state tree should be exported from the reducer itself.


Make sure to import selectors this way:

// selectors
import * as apiSelectors from "../selectors/apiSelectors";
import * as backlogItemSelectors from "../selectors/backlogItemSelectors";

Why it is done this way: it makes you think about where you're getting the data from. Most of the time this will make sense, but sometimes it will make you question where the data lives. It ensures that your application's state is logically structured.


Middleware should have next(action); as the first line to ensure that state is updated first.

Ensure that you're using the correct types like this:

export const apiOrchestrationMiddleware: Middleware<{}, StateTree> = (store: StoreTyped) => (next) => (action: Action) => {

State retrieval is very common in middleware so it should be done at the start of the middleware like below. It should not be done in each case block.

const state = store.getState();


Prefer React.FC components over the legacy style components. Atoll started before functional components were widely used, so there may still be some code that does not use FC, but don't be tempted to use these as templates for new components- rewrite using FC instead.

Use React.FC<ComponentNameProps> as the default component definition where ComponentName will be your actual component name, e.g. MyButton.

ComponentNameProps should be split into 2 interfaces:

  • ComponentNameStateProps and ComponentNameDispatchProps

ComponentNameStateProps will contain the typical properties. ComponentNameDispatchProps will contain event handler related properties.

To combine the these two interfaces use: type ComponentNameProps = ComponentNameStateProps & ComponentNameDispatchProps

ComponentNameStateProps can be used for mapStateToProps ComponentNameDispatchProps can be used for mapDispatchToProps

Button Components

A base component called SimpleButton should be used when deriving specialized buttons. There's a cleanPassthroughProps function that should be used for passing properties from the specialized button to the contained SimpleButton instance.

Switch Statements

Case statements should always be enclosed in curly braces so that block scope is applied and variables within these blocks are scoped to the block. This has a couple of benefits: firstly, it allows a variable name to be reused without errors being reported; secondly, it improves alignment of case statements - try copying and pasting a case section below along case section without curly braces and see what it does with indentation!

For example:

    switch (props.size) {
        case "xsmall": {
            className = css.xsmall;
        case "small": {
            className = css.small;
        default: {
            className = css.medium;

Import Statements


  1. Imports should contain most specific import path
  • Don't import directly from an "index.ts" file, those are intended only for exporting from @atoll/shared - see how they're used in "index.ts" in the "src" folder.
  • If, for the purpose described above, an index file is used in an import don't rely on the optional "index" file behavior, make it clear that you are using an index file. This makes it obvious that you intended to use the index file and that it will need to be maintained as the way to export the subfolder's files. For example, use export * from "./utils/index" instead of export * from "./utils".
  1. Import statements should be grouped per "Import Sections" (see below).

Import File Paths

VS Code may provide options such as module ".." and module "../reducers/rootReducer". In this case "../reducers/rootReducer" should be chosen because it is the most specific path.

Import Sections

Import statments should be grouped into the following commented sections (try to stick to this order as well- see notes on this below):

externals any third party module, e.g. React
libraries anything imported from @atoll/* repos
config any project related configuration consts
utils any project related utility functions
routes any project related routing config/functions
data access any project related data access functions
actions any project related action creators
components any project related JSX components used
state any project related state
consts/enums any project related constants and enums
interfaces/types any project related interface or types
style any project related css module references

Why the order matters- VS Code automatically adds imports to the first import statement it finds. For example, having "utils" before "interfaces/types" prevents VS Code from turning an "import type" statament into a plain "import" if it auto-imports a utility function. There are other reasons for doing this as well, including consistency when viewing one file after another.

This helps to identify inconsistencies in naming because it becomes obvious when you group by category. This also helps to make it obvious when a module could be going beyond its single responsibility (and thereby violating SOLID principles).

For example:

// externals
import React from "react";
import { hydrate } from "react-dom";
import { Provider } from "react-redux";
import { Route, Switch } from "react-router-dom";
import { ConnectedRouter } from "connected-react-router";

// utils
import { configureStore } from "@atoll/shared";
import { createClientHistory } from "@atoll/shared";
import { storeHistoryInstance } from "@atoll/shared";

// components
import { App } from "@atoll/shared";
import { ReviewViewContainer, SprintViewContainer } from "@atoll/shared";
import { IntlProvider } from "@atoll/shared";

// layouts
import { layouts } from "@atoll/shared";


Avoid using classes as much as possible. Classes should be restricted to specialized use only.


Preferred Style

The preferred style for functions is const functionName = (arg1: ArgType1, arg2: ArgType2, ...): ResultType => { ... } as opposed to function functionName(arg1: ArgType1, arg2: ArgType2): ResultType { ... }.

Argument Types

  1. Boolean types should be avoided to improve readability.
    For example, const doSomething = (convertNullToTrue: boolean) should be changed to const doSomething = (nullConversionOption: NullConversionOption) where NullConversionOption is defined as an enum with the value MapNullToTrue. This makes calling code easier to read: doSomething(NullConversionOption.MapNullToTrue) means something, as opposed to doSomething(true) that you would have to explore further to understand.
  2. As arguments be careful to include full objects when only a couple of properties are needed- this limits the reusability of the functions. However, a specialized object can be introduced and exported from that same file that contains the function itself if there are a lot of arguments passed into the function.
  3. Consider using an options argument (similar to the code style the "deno" project uses), when this applies, to contain all the various "configuration" type arguments if there are many.


Preferred Style

Use type in most cases, interface should be reserved when applying to classes. This standard was introduced later in the project so you may find a lot of interface use until a wide-scale refactor has been performed.

Extending Interfaces

As the "preferred style" section stated- type should be used most of the time, but when interface is used the following guidance should be applied (it is also possible to do the exact same thing with type as well).

General guidance when extending interfaces:

  1. Keep hierarchy as shallow as possible- this may mean that you need to refactor at some point when the hierarchy has grown and there are unnecessary intermediary types that can be removed.

  2. Try to avoid inheritance- instead you should aggregate interfaces, for example a Saveable interface could have hasBeenSaved boolean property and BacklogItem could extend Saveable and so could Sprint (that will make the Saveable interface reusable).

Function Definitions

Use arrow function style for function types.

For example,

export type BacklogItemFullDetailFormDispatchProps = {
    onDetailClick: (partId: string, strictMode: boolean) => void;

In the past it would've been done this way:

export type BacklogItemFullDetailFormDispatchProps = {
    onDetailClick: { (partId: string, strictMode: boolean): void };

Reason: It is easy to see the : void as just another argument and you may append arguments after this which TypeScript will allow... but that will make it a structured type and not a function call definition. Since the two can easily be confused this new style is preferred.

Action Types

Make sure to extend the action type from redux's Action so that it can be used in a switch statement in the middleware.

Action Creator Code

// externals
import type { Action } from "redux";


export type ApiPostSprintBacklogItemSuccessAction = Action<typeof ActionTypes.API_POST_SPRINT_BACKLOG_ITEM_SUCCESS> & {
    payload: ApiPostSprintBacklogItemSuccessActionPayload;
    meta: ApiActionMetaDataRequestMeta<{}, MetaActionParams>;