rabbitmq Virtual Hosts 使用
RabbitMQ 是一个多租户系统:连接、交换、队列、绑定、用户权限、策略和其他一些东西都属于虚拟主机,即实体的逻辑组。如果您熟悉 Apache 中的虚拟主机或 Nginx 中的服务器块,那么它们的理念是相似的。
但有一个重要区别:Apache 中的虚拟主机是在配置文件中定义的;而 RabbitMQ 则不是:虚拟主机是使用 rabbitmqctl 或 HTTP API 创建和删除的。
本地docker搭建一个 rabbitmq
docker run -d -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 --hostname my-rabbit --name rabbit -e RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER=user -e RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS=user rabbitmq:3-management
curl -u user:user -X PUT http://localhost:15672/api/vhosts/vhost1
curl -u user:user -X PUT http://localhost:15672/api/vhosts/vhost2
curl -u user:user -X PUT http://localhost:15672/api/vhosts/vhost3
curl -u user:user -X PUT http://localhost:15672/api/vhosts/vhost4
package main
import (
var (
user = "user"
pwd = "user"
addr = "mw.internal.cn"
port = "5672"
url = fmt .Sprintf (
"amqp://%s:%s@%s:%s/" ,
user ,
pwd ,
addr ,
port ,
config = amqp.Config {
Vhost : "/" , //设置服务的Vhost
Properties : amqp.Table {},
config1 = amqp.Config {
Vhost : "vhost1" ,
Properties : amqp.Table {},
config2 = amqp.Config {
Vhost : "vhost2" ,
Properties : amqp.Table {},
config3 = amqp.Config {
Vhost : "vhost3" ,
Properties : amqp.Table {},
config4 = amqp.Config {
Vhost : "vhost4" ,
Properties : amqp.Table {},
func failOnError (err error , msg string ) {
if err != nil {
log .Fatalf ("%s: %s" , msg , err )
func main () {
c , cancel := context .WithCancel (context .Background ())
go exec (c , url , config )
go exec (c , url , config1 )
go exec (c , url , config2 )
go exec (c , url , config3 )
go exec (c , url , config4 )
time .Sleep (time .Second * 40 )
cancel ()
func exec (c context.Context , url string , config amqp.Config ) {
conn , err := amqp .DialConfig (url , config )
failOnError (err , config .Vhost + ": Failed to connect to RabbitMQ" )
defer conn .Close ()
// 创建一个通道
ch , err := conn .Channel ()
failOnError (err , config .Vhost + ": Failed to open a channel" )
defer ch .Close ()
// 声明一个队列
q , err := ch .QueueDeclare (
config .Vhost + ": hello" , // 队列名称
false , // 是否持久化
false , // 是否自动删除
false , // 是否独占模式
false , // 是否阻塞
nil , // 额外属性
failOnError (err , config .Vhost + ": Failed to declare a queue" )
var ok = make (chan struct {})
// 发送消息到队列
go func () {
var seq = 1
for {
body := fmt .Sprintf (config .Vhost + ": Hello, RabbitMQ---%d!" , seq )
err = ch .Publish (
"" , // 交换机名称
q .Name , // 队列名称
false , // 是否强制
false , // 是否立即发送
amqp.Publishing {
ContentType : "text/plain" ,
Body : []byte (body ),
failOnError (err , config .Vhost + ": Failed to publish a message" )
fmt .Println (config .Vhost + ": Message sent!" )
ok <- struct {}{}
seq ++
time .Sleep (2 * time .Second )
// 接收来自队列的消息
msgs , err := ch .Consume (
q .Name , // 队列名称
"" , // 消费者名称
true , // 是否自动应答
false , // 是否独占模式
false , // 是否阻塞
false , // 是否等待
nil , // 额外属性
failOnError (err , config .Vhost + ": Failed to register a consumer" )
// 处理接收到的消息
go func () {
for msg := range msgs {
fmt .Println (config .Vhost + ": Received message:" , string (msg .Body ))
<- ok
// 等待程序退出
<- c .Done ()
go run main.go
/: Message sent!
vhost1: Message sent!
vhost3: Message sent!
vhost2: Message sent!
vhost4: Message sent!
/: Received message: /: Hello, RabbitMQ---1!
vhost1: Received message: vhost1: Hello, RabbitMQ---1!
vhost3: Received message: vhost3: Hello, RabbitMQ---1!
vhost2: Received message: vhost2: Hello, RabbitMQ---1!
vhost4: Received message: vhost4: Hello, RabbitMQ---1!