This Golang utility tests whether the platform supports Intel BtG/CBnT and FIT boot chain has been configured correctly under x86_64 linux. The only supported architecture is x86_64.
Supported OS: Any Linux distribution
1. Load the MSR kernel module.
Load the msr kernel module:
modprobe msr
2. Execute the bg-suite.
sudo chmod +x bg-suite && sudo ./bg-suite
Commandline arguments
Usage: bg-suite <command>
Intel BtG/CBnT Test Suite
-h, --help Show context-sensitive help.
--manifest-strict-order-check Enable checking of manifest elements order
-t, --file-path=STRING Select firmware image filepath
exec-tests Executes tests given be TestNo or TestSet
list Lists all tests
markdown Output test implementation state as Markdown
version Prints the version of the program
Run "bg-suite <command> --help" for more information on a command.
bg-suite: error: expected one of "exec-tests", "list", "markdown", "version"
Please take a look at the TESTPLAN.