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executable file
187 lines (168 loc) · 6.22 KB


INVIGORATE is tested on: Ubuntu 18.04 ROS melodic Python 2.7

Clone the code

git clone
git submodule init
git submodule update --recursive --init

# clone another copy for use inside docker
git clone INVIGORATE_docker 
cd INVIGORATE_docker
git submodule init
git submodule update --recursive --init

Environment setup

INVIGORATE relies on 4 different neural networks. Their environments have to be setup respectively. It is recommended that they each have their separate conda environment or docker. Since MAttNet and VMRN requires pytorch 0.4 and CUDA 8.0, it is recommended to use our provided docker to run them.


We use a custom version of detectron2. To install dependencies, do

conda create -n detectron2 python=3.8 # detectron uses python3
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
cd src/faster_rcnn_detector/detectron2
pip install -e .
pip install rospkg catkin_pkg opencv-python # to make ROS work with python3

MAttNet and VMRN

Both MAttNet and VMRN requires pytorch 0.4 and cuda 9.0. You can setup the environment on your own or use our provided docker. Our docker uses cuda 9.0 and it has a conda environment called torch_old that contains pytorch 0.4.

  1. Install docker
  2. Follow the official instruction to install nvidia-docker. This allows docker to use your GPU.
  3. Download and run our provided docker
cd .. # move to the parent folder of INVIGORATE
docker pull adacompnus/vmrd
docker run --gpus all -v "$(pwd)"/INVIGORATE_docker:/home/INVIGORATE_docker --network host -it adacompnus/vmrd /bin/bash # mount INVIGORATE_docker folder into docker and give GPU and network access
  1. Now you are inside the docker, use the provided torch_old environment.
cd /home/INVIGORATE_docker # go to mounted folder
catkin build
source devel/setup.bash
conda activate torch_old # the docker has a conda environment with cuda 9.0 and pytorch 0.4


Proceed to follow the official instruction to setup an environment for MAttNet. Some of the most important steps are shown below.

conda activate torch_old # if you have not done this.
cd src/mattnet_server/MAttNet
  1. Install cocoapi
cd pyutils/mask-faster-rcnn
git clone data/coco
cd data/coco/PythonAPI
  1. compile models
cd pyutils/mask-faster-rcnn/lib
  1. compile refer submodule
cd pytuils/refer


We are using a legacy version of VMRN. Just go to vmrn_old submodule and run

conda activate torch_old # if you have not done this.
cd src/mrt_detector/vmrn_old

INGRESS (Required only if you want to generate captions for asking questions)

  1. Install docker
  2. Follow the official instruction to install nvidia-docker. This allows docker to use your GPU.
  3. Download the official INGRESS docker and run it
docker run --gpus all --network host -it adacompnus/ingress /bin/bash
  1. Inside docker, install lua torch and cuda libraries: (In case you cannot install, try this command: git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git://)
$ luarocks install cutorch
$ luarocks install cunn
$ luarocks install cudnn
  1. Make sure you can run Demo for INGRESS.


Create a conda environment for INVIGORATE

conda create -n invigorate python=2.7
conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
pip install -r requirements.txt

Download models

All models are stored here


Download model_final_cascade.pth put it in <root_dir>/src/model


Download all_in_one_1_25_1407_0.pth put it in <root_dir>/src/mrt_detector/vmrn_old/output/res101/vmrdcompv1. (The root directory should be INVIGORATE_docker if you follow the procedure above.)


Download mattnet pretrained model on refCOCO from its official repository. (The root directory should be INVIGORATE_docker if you follow the procedure above.)


Included in the INGRESS docker

INVIGORATE observation models

Download density estimation pickle files. (ground_density_estimation_mattnet.pkl and relation_density_estimation.pkl) put it in <root_dir>/src/model

Download INVIGORATE Dataset

Download invigorate dataset from here. Extract it and put it under the <root_dir>/src


This repo is a ROS workspace. Now build it.

catkin build
source devel/setup.bash


Assuming environments for different neural network modules are setup, launch them in separate terminals

  1. Start roscore
  1. Start detectron service
conda activate <detectron2_env> # use your environment name
source devel/setup.bash
cd src
  1. Start mattnet service inside docker
conda activate torch_old
source devel/setup.bash
cd src
  1. Start vmrn service inside docker
conda activate torch_old
source devel/setup.bash
cd src
  1. Start INGRESS service inside docker (If you want to generate captions)
docker run -it adacompnus/ingress:v1.2 /bin/bash

Now we are ready to run INVIGORATE! There are 100 scenarios in the provided dataset, we have included experiment results for scenario 1-10. To replicate a particular scenario,

conda activate invigorate
source devel/setup.bash
cd src/scripts
python dataset_demo --scene_num 1

If you want to generate captions:

python dataset_demo --scene_num 1 --captions

The result will be saved inside src/logs directory. The result produced should be equivalent to the result in the dataset.