- 39 Mil HSBC cx's
- 1.5 Mil using PayMe app
- PayMe for Consumer
- PayMe for Business
- Cloud Native solution
- Microservices architecture - User Profile, Business Profile, Onboarding, Payment transactions, Payment reporting, security authentication, social, timeline, notification, QR code service, Optical Character Recognition, FAQ, Messages
- Transaction = Merchant -> amount on app -> QR code on merchant -> QR scanned by consumer -> details of payment -> confirmation -> payment transaction (process) -> notification service for consumer / merchant.
- Each microservice has its own -> azure key vault, azure DB for MySQL, Redis cache, Azure event hub, Azure blob storage, Azure application insights
- Scaling Out -> Payment transactions, compute and DB layer - Read replicas of MySql db (upto 500 mil transactions)
- Comms b/w microservices - Each microservice runs its own subnet and communicate with azure services like azure event hub, azure key vault, azure active directory, azure blob storage , azure db for mysql, azure cosmosdb, azure appln insights.
- Vnet service endpoint - creates secure endpoints as if they were local, yet secure
- CDN to control traffic
- Advanced threat protection built in for azure db for mysql that monitor events and sends risks
- Analytics and Data - all transactional data put in graph data model using cosmos db (used as an analytics store) + azure databricks to stich together all the interactions -> used both for data engineering workload and data science workload
- streamline data from transactional data stores, event hub , storage into Databricks -> refine the data moved to clear staging model -> connected data in SLIM(Simple Lightly Integrated Model) used by Data science (realtime)
- Transactional data not real time -> on databricks workloads
- Use managed services to reduce effort -> ideation to live faster
- Design your architecture -> isolate microservices - increase resiliency , availability
- Monitor the health and status of your Azure resources
- Quickly diagnose and fix issues
- Run commands to manage your Azure resources
- Data is secure and encrypted