We strongly suggest to use the precompiled SDK versions that can be found in the Releases section
Getting all the SDK dependencies resolved and waiting for the build to complete can be very time-consuming.
The following instructions assume Linux or MacOS operating system. For Windows-based builds we
recommend first installing Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). Once installed, the following
instructions can be used on Windows also. Otherwise minor changes are needed, like using
mklink /D
instead of ln -s
in the following instructions.
We assume command-line versions of git, unzip and curl are already installed.
Use git submodule
to resolve source-level dependencies:
git submodule update --init --remote --recursive
Download and set up 'boost' library:
curl -o boost_1_78_0.zip -L https://sourceforge.net/projects/boost/files/boost/1.78.0/boost_1_78_0.zip/download
unzip boost_1_78_0.zip
cd libs-external
ln -s ../boost_1_78_0 boost
cd ../boost_1_78_0
./b2 headers
cd ..
Special swig version (swig-2.0.11-nutiteq branch) is needed for generating language-specific wrappers, this can be downloaded from https://github.com/CartoDB/swig. Clone it and compile it using usual ./autogen.sh; ./configure; make
routine. Make sure build script refers to this one.
brew install autoconf automake libtool
git clone https://github.com/farfromrefug/mobile-swig.git
cd mobile-swig
wget https://github.com/PhilipHazel/pcre2/releases/download/pcre2-10.39/pcre2-10.39.tar.gz
Python 2.7.x or Python 3.x is used for build scripts
CMake 3.14 or later is required by build scripts
Android build requires Android SDK, JDK 10 or newer and Android NDK r22 or newer.
iOS build requires XCode 12 or later.
Universal Windows Platform build requires Visual Studio 2022 and Microsoft Windows SDK.
CARTO Mobile SDK can be compiled with different features. The feature set is defined by profiles, which are defined in 'scripts/build/sdk_profiles.json' file. Different profiles can be combined, for example the official SDK builds are currently compiled with 'valhalla+nmlmodellodtree' profiles. The following instructions use 'standard' profile as an example.
In order to make SDK binaries as small as possible, 'lite' profile can be used. This profile disables geocoding, routing and offline support, but resulting binaries are about 40% smaller.
Be patient - full build will take 1+ hours. You can speed it up by limiting architectures and platforms where it is built.
Go to 'scripts' library where the actual build scripts are located:
cd scripts
python swigpp-java.py --profile standard --swig ../mobile-swig/swig
python build-android.py --profile standard --build-aar --configuration=Release
python swigpp-objc.py --profile standard --swig ../mobile-swig/swig
python build-ios.py --profile standard
python swigpp-csharp.py --profile standard android --swig ../mobile-swig/swig
python build-xamarin.py --profile standard android
python swigpp-csharp.py --profile standard ios --swig ../mobile-swig/swig
python build-xamarin.py --profile standard ios
python swigpp-csharp.py --profile standard winphone --swig ../mobile-swig/swig
python build-winphone.py --profile standard
- Developer docs: https://carto.com/docs/carto-engine/mobile-sdk/
- Android sample app: https://github.com/CartoDB/mobile-android-samples
- iOS sample app: https://github.com/CartoDB/mobile-ios-samples
- .NET (Xamarin and UWP) sample app: https://github.com/CartoDB/mobile-dotnet-samples
- Scripts for preparing offline packages: https://github.com/nutiteq/mobile-sdk-scripts
- Post an issue to this project, submit a Pull Request
- Commercial support options: [email protected]
Go into libs-carto/cartocss/util
Then run :
cmake -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cd build
make -j $(( $(nproc) + 1 )) css2xml