The Observer Pattern defines a one-to-many dependency between objects, so when one object (Subject) changes state, all its Observers are notified automatically. 🔔
It promotes loose coupling and follows the Publish-Subscribe model. 📰
- Subject (Publisher) → Maintains a list of observers and notifies them.
- Observers (Subscribers) → React to changes in the subject.
- Subscription Mechanism → Observers can subscribe/unsubscribe dynamically.
✅ When multiple objects need to react to state changes in another object.
✅ When you want to implement event-driven systems.
✅ When you need a decoupled notification mechanism.
- UI Event Listeners: Button click handlers 🎯
- Newsletters: Users subscribe to email updates 📩
- Stock Market: Investors get real-time price updates 📈
🔗 Example Code: See Implementation