- [M+] MOSAIC now requires at least Java 11 Runtime Environment to be executed.
- [M+] Improved MOSAIC Tutorials on eclipse.dev/mosaic and related applications.
- [A+] Perception Module leaves experimental phase and is now available per default.
- [A+] New perception modifiers model occlusion based on bounding boxes, and errors on heading and dimension of perceived objects.
- [A+] The application API was extended to get access to the unit's logging directory (e.g. for data export).
- [M+] Mapping of vehicle applications now follows a stochastic distribution per default instead of a repeating pattern (configurable).
- [M-] Fixed that vehicle deceleration values were omitted in specific configuration setups.
- [S+] Import of SUMO net files in Scenario-Convert supports almost any projection now (only UTM was supported).
- [S-] Fixed database type affinities to make scenario-database more robust.
- [T+] Vehicles defined in integrated SUMO scenarios can now be mapped with complex application distributions.
- [T+] Now supports SUMO 1.18.0
- [X+] Path handling in Simulation-Runner is more robust now.
- [A+] Perceived objects provide dimension information (length, width, height).
- [A+] The perception module can now detect traffic lights and their current states.
- [A+] Vehicles and other units are finally able to send V2X messages during their shutdown procedure.
- [A-] Resolved issues in perception module, e.g., when multiple apps used perception modifiers simultaneously.
- [M+] The RTI now detects the OS type of the local host by itself.
- [M-] Fixed minor bugs in RTI, Logging, and JSON-Scheme files.
- [S+] Scenario-Convert is now able to import building information to an existing scenario database.
- [T+] Improved handling of vehicles which are teleported by SUMO.
- [T+] Several data related to trains can now be read from SUMO.
- [T+] Now supports SUMO 1.16.0
- [X+] Introduced OpenDRIVE support for PHABMACS (Extended).
- [A+] Perception module is now working with viewing angles larger than 180 degrees.
- [A+] Introducing perception modifiers, such as occlusion or simple error models.
- [A+] Improved API of vehicle operating system; action methods (e.g., change speed) now accept nanoseconds instead of milliseconds.
- [M+] Improved handling of priorities when processing time advance requests.
- [M+] Allow parallel execution of federates based on same Docker image (e.g., when running simulations in parallel).
- [M+] Added configuration option to configure decimal separator in file output generator.
- [C+] Upgraded ns-3 federate to support ns3-36.1.
- [C+] Improved default logging of OMNeT++ and ns-3 simulations to be less verbose.
- [C-] Fixed a bug in OMneT++ federate using the wrong
. - [S+] Added import of building information from OSM, e.g., for wall occlusion in perception module.
- [T+] Improved coupling of traffic simulator SUMO with vehicle simulators (e.g., PHABMACS or Carla).
- [T+] Now supports SUMO 1.14.1
- [T+] Released Berlin SUMO Traffic (BeST) scenario at https://github.com/mosaic-addons/best-scenario
- [A+] A perception module has been added. Vehicles can now perceive other vehicles in their field of view.
- [A+] Adjusted tutorial application WeatherServerApp to use server entity.
- [A+] Improved map matching of start and end points for routing.
- [A-] Fixed a bug in payload deserialization.
- [M+] Added Quad-tree and Grid index for fast search of surrounding entities.
- [M+] Allow configuration of a connection id as departure position of a vehicle.
- [M-] Refactored and unified matrix implementations in mosaic-utils.
- [T+] Improved LibSumo coupling interface.
- [T+] Enhanced interface to SUMO to use context subscriptions in certain situations.
- [T+] Now supports SUMO 1.13.0
- [T-] Fixed wrong position problem of parked vehicles.
- [X+] Introduced new physics engine in PHABMACS based on PhysX (Extended).
- [A+] Server units are now able to access the central navigation component for routing purposes.
- [A+] The stop mode has been revised, allowing vehicles to park in parking areas (SUMO).
- [M-] WebVisualizer now removes vehicles correctly and shows V2X indicators longer.
- [M-] Fixed a bug in matrix mappers configuration in mapping.
- [C+] Upgraded ns-3 federate to support ns3-34.
- [C+] Major improvement of logging for SNS, OMNeT++, and ns-3.
- [C-] Fixed a bug in polygon intersection test used by reachability check in mosaic-cell.
- [S+] Improved scenario-convert for faster and more reliable import of SUMO net files.
- [T+] You can now use LibSumo as an alternative to TraCI (experimental).
- [T+] Now supports SUMO 1.10.0
- [X+] Major overhaul of battery and charging station simulation (Extended).
- [X+] Added new consumption model for Li-Ion based batteries (Extended).
- [T+] It is now possible to map applications on vehicles which are defined in SUMO configurations.
- [T+] Simplified the internal road network model for a better integration of existing SUMO scenarios.
- [C+] Implemented much faster reachability check in SNS.
- [A+] Added the possibility to map an application on all existing traffic lights at once.
- [A+] New simulation entity for Server applications.
- [M-] Fixes a minor bug in the contains check of polygons
- [M+] Added complete documentation for most configuration files to the website.
- [M+] Added a new tutorial showcasing the integration of existing SUMO configurations.
- [T+] Now supports SUMO 1.8.0
- [M+] Moved main code to new public repository github-com/eclipse-mosaic
- [M+] Changed license to EPL 2.0
- [M+] Revised and refactored all public code.
- [M+] Significantly improved and extended the documentation, including new tutorials
- [M-] Replaced dependencies which are incompatible with EPL.
- [M+] Major overhaul of configuration files, e.g.
- vsimrti/vsimrti_config.xml -> scenario_config.json
- etc/defaults.xml -> etc/runtime.json
- [A+] Mapping configuration has been extended with new features (e.g. typeDistributions, parameter variations).
- [A+] New API for traffic light applications
- [C+] SNS supports most important Geo-Routing features for ad-hoc multihop communication
- [T+] Now supports SUMO 1.7.0
- [C+] The OMNeT++ federate has been migrated to OMNeT++ 5.5 and INET 4. The federate needs to be rebuild completely.
- [S+] The option "--db2vsimrti" has been extended and creates now further default configuration files.
- [A+] The collection of example applications has been extended.
- [A+] The navigation API for VSimRTI applications has been improved with new methods.
- [M+] Configuration of vehicle types now supports the emergencyDecel parameter.
- [V+] The visualizers can now be configured to visualize messages within a specific time period only.
- [V+] The websocket visualizer now centers the viewport in the browser automatically to the first simulated vehicle.
- [S-] The intersection detection in scenario-convert has been fixed.
- [V-] Several bugfixes and changes int the command line interface of VSimRTI and scenario-convert.
- [V-] The bundled LuST tutorial has been fixed to work again with VSimRTI.
- [V-] The performance GUI has been removed.
- [V+] Now supports SUMO 1.3.0
- [V+] Added support for Java 11 and OpenJDK on all operating systems.
- [V+] A new statistics visualizer collects and aggregates values from vehicles during the simulation. Find more details in the user manual.
- [V+] The web socket visualizer now uses the OpenLayers API instead of Google API.
- [V+] The configuration of vehicle spawners in the mapping configuration has been improved (e.g. depart speed, lane selection, scaling traffic).
- [A+] A model for Infrastructure to Vehicle Information (IVI) messages has been introduced.
- [A-] A bug has been fixed which led to false configuration of ad-hoc modules in application.
- [S+] The import of SUMO net and route files into scenario database has been improved.
- [S+] The new option "--db2vsimrti" has been added, which generates a simple simulation scenario from a database file.
- [V-] The Barnim tutorial scenario has been updated.
- [V-] Various performance improvements have been made.
- [V+] Now supports SUMO 1.1.0 and 1.2.0
- [A+] A new simulation entity has been added to simulate Traffic Management Center applications.
- [A+] It's now possible to parametrize applications directly in the mapping configuration.
- [C+] The Simple Network Simulator (SNS) now supports simple multi hopping.
- [C+] Cell2 now models handovers when vehicles move to another region.
- [C+] The OMNeT++ federate has been updated to support OMNeT++ 5.3 and INET 3.6
- [C+] The NS-3 federate has been updated to support ns-3 3.28
- [V+] Improved printing of exceptions to the console output.
- [V+] A new 3D visualization tool is now available in the commercial license of VSimRTI.
- [S-] The export of roundabouts for SUMO net files has been fixed.
- [T+] A vehicle class configured in the mapping configuration is now translated to a suitable SUMO vClass.
- [T+] Now supports and requires SUMO 1.0.x
[T+] The integration of pre-existing SUMO scenarios has been improved. However, minor limitations exist.
[S+] It is now possible to create a scenario database from any given SUMO network file.
[S-] The scenario database scheme has been changed slightly over the previous releases. Old databases are now unsupported. See conversion guide for details.
[V+] The Luxembourg SUMO Traffic (LuST) scenario * [1] has been integrated into VSimRTI . See user manual for details.
[S-] Roundabouts from OSM data is now imported resulting in correct right of way behavior at roundabouts.
[C+] Various improvements regarding Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) in the Cell2 simulator.
[V+] The GeoTools library has been upgraded to its latest version.
[V+] VSimRTI supports Java 9 and 10 on Linux based systems. On Windows, Java 8 is still required.
[V-] Various performance improvements in the core of VSimRTI have been made.
[T+] Now supports SUMO 0.32.0
- [V-] Fixed a bug which would not preserve the order of events in rare cases.
- [A+] Ids for messages are now unique per unit, not globally.
- [A+] Introduced a simplified API for sending V2X messages from applications.
- [C+] It's now possible to define regions as polygons for the Cell2 simulator.
- [C+] The Cell2 simulator respects the maxmimum bandwidth of each vehicle.
- [C+] The OMneT++ and NS-3 federates now require protobuf3.
- [C+] The NS-3 federate experienced a major code cleanup.
- [B-] Fixed a bug in the calculation of air drag in the battery simulator.
- [T-] The SUMO TraCI Client code has been reimplemented and is now more robust.
- [T+] Now supports SUMO 0.31.0
- [V+] VSimRTI supports and requires Java Runtime Environment (or JDK) Version 8.
- [V+] Now supports elevation data for nodes.
- [V+] The file visualizer optionally compresses its output file.
- [A+] Applications are provided with more information about the road the vehicle is driving on. See conversion guide for details.
- [C+] The OMNeT++ and ns-3 federate can now be executed inside a Docker container. See user manual for more details.
- [C-] The configuration of the Cell2 simulator has been revised. See conversion guide for details.
- [S+] Added the option --srtm2db for importing elevation data provided by ASC files (experimental feature).
- [T+] The slope of a vehicle is read out from SUMO via TraCI (requires SUMO > 0.27.0)
- [T-] Fixed a bug in SUMO ambassador where the vehicle signals have been read out incorrectly.
- [V-] Support of JiST/SWANS has been removed due to technical reasons.
- [A-] Fixed a bug in the application simulator where applications received events before they had been set up.
- [A-] Removed unused parameter BehaviorDataStruct from application API. See conversion guide for details.
- [T+] Now support SUMO 0.29.0
- [V+] Added a new tutorial to the User Documentation regarding mapping of traffic lights.
- [V+] VSimRTI now provides a global random number generator whose seed can be set in vsimrti_config.xml
- [A+] Reworked the Application API for configuring the AdHoc and Cell modules. Please read the Conversion Guide.
- [T+] Improved performance of SUMO coupling.
- [T+] Configure SUMO specific parameters for the vehicle type, such as emissionClass or carFollowModel
- [T+] Fuel consumption is now read out from vehicles.
- [T-] Bugfix in SUMO ambassador regarding Change Speed.
- [A-] Fixed a bug in the application simulator which did not properly simulate traffic light applications.
- [V-] Fixed a bug which occurred when the distance sensor was activated and the web visualizer was used at the same time.
- [S+] Added the option --db2shp to scenario-convert which provides a conversion of the database to shapefile format.
- [T+] Now support SUMO 0.27.1
- [A+] Application API allows to change vehicle parameters, such as minimum gap or maximum speed, during the simulation
- [C+] Revised installer scripts for network simulators OMNeT++ and ns-3
- [C-] Bugfix in coupling of network simulators OMNet++ and ns-3
- [T+] SUMO coupling now provides distance sensor information for vehicles (opt-in) and the longitudal acceleration
- [T+] Now support SUMO 0.26.0
- [V+] Improved User Documentation with new detailed Tutorials of Tiergarten and Barnim, and extended API-Config-Doxygen
- [A-] Application API Refactoring to allow more flexible selection of implemented functionalities (CommunicationApplication, ElectricVehicleApplication, ...)
- [A+] Introduction of new Central Navigation Component to Application to provide advanced navigation functionalities for the applications (e.g. calculate new routes with own cost functions)
- [A+] New interactions with traffic simulator (mainly SUMO) for ChangeSpeed
- [C-] Improved stability of coupling of network simulators OMNeT++ and ns-3 (based on and needs Google Protocol Buffers)
- [C+] Now support latest ns-3.25
- [C+] Introduced new built-in Simple Network Simulator (SNS), supporting various ad hoc communication modes, for quick and easy usage without further installations
- [S-] Bugfix in scenario-convert regarding SUMO rou-file import in mode --sumo2db
- [T-] Revised SUMO interfaces for compatibility with SUMO 0.25.0 (regarding headings)
- [T+] Support visualization and control of simulations directly from SUMO-GUI
Please note, this version only delivers correct results (regarding headings) with SUMO 0.25.0 or higher
- [V+] A new CLI argument (--scenario) is available for vsimrti.bat/sh which lets the user pass the name of scenario instead of the full path to vsimrti_config.xml
- [A+] Support new addressing handling of tcp-like message Acknowledgment (for cellular communication)
- [A+] Enable/disable WLANmodule for ad hoc communication from applications
- [A+] Support configurable IP Address Resolver
- [B+] New configuration for the Battery Ambassador
- [C+] OMNeT++: support OMNeT++ 4.6 and INET 3.0 now
- [C-] Improved minor bugs in Cellular Simulator
- [C+] Support new schemes for geographic addressing over cellular (include MBMS/eMBMS feature)
- [N+] Major improvements in navigation simulator, which now uses GraphHopper for route calculation (e.g. routing now considers turn costs and turn restrictions).
- [S+] Several improvements in scenario-convert (now supports start with json-config).
- [T-] Fixed a bug which let SUMO crash when the navigation simulator calculated an invalid route.
- [T+] Now support SUMO 0.25.0
[INTERNAL] new versioning system: every module of the aggregate has now the same version
[V-] Several minor bugfixes for the general framework
[A+] Slight improvements of interfaces of VSimRTI_App
[B+] Extended modeling in the Battery simulator (improved handling and switching of discharging/charging)
[C+] New generation of the VSimRTI_Cell cellular simulator with additional features (separated up/downlink, improved region definition with kml-visualization)
[C-] Stability improvements for ns-3 and OMNeT++ (now support OMNeT++ 4.4.1)
[T+] Enhanced SUMO integration regarding navigation interactions (ChangeRoute, ChangeTarget), now support SUMO 0.24.0 Please note, this version only works with sumo v0.21.0 or higher
- [V+] General performance improvements
- [V+] Improved SimRunner configuration
- [A+] Completely Revised Application simulator with new features and improved performance
- [C+] Additional Features for cellular simulator VSimRTI_Cell
- [C-] Stability Improvements for ns-3 and OMNeT++ Please note, this version only works with sumo v0.21.0 or higher
Changelog (Features and Bugfixes) Legend: [M] MOSAIC [V] VSimRTI [A] Application simulator [C] Communication simulator [E] Environment simulator [N] Navigation component [S] Scenario-convert [T] Traffic simulator [X] MOSAIC Extended [+/-] new Feature/Bugfix