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File metadata and controls

137 lines (76 loc) · 5.17 KB

A Style Injection Framework

A Style Injection provide the injection way to customize whole iOS application base on the single configuration file without extra coding.


Basic Example:

Install Style Injuection project and create file named StyleSheet.plist to the project in main target as below, no code is needed, the style all automatically apply to whole project.

You can also apply specific style to specific element by set the styleIdentifIer in Storyboard.


Sample Style Configuration and Runtime Results


More detail about the rule of StyleSheet.plist, pleae check out the Style Plist Provider section

Update style to different style sheet

[[A_InjuectionManager shared] setupStyleSourceRepository:
      [[StylePlistProvider alloc] init:@"NewStyleSheet"]];

Once the setupStyleSourceRepository function called, the whole project style will be updated immediately.

New Style configuration and result


Style Source Repository

Style Injuection allow to have different way to provide the style data, all the provider are implemented protocol InjectionStyleSourceRepository.
By default, Style Injuection use StylePlistProvider which read config from .plist file.

Style Plist Provider

By default, Style Plist Provider reading the file named StyleSheet.plist. The file name can be changed when initialize StylePlistProvider.

Style plist are follow below rules:

  1. Multilayer style map:

    • First layer can be either the class name of UIViewController or Type of UIView, for example:
      • DemoViewControlleror @UILabel
    • Second layer cannot be the class name of UIViewController, only can be the name of Type of UIView
    • When the first layer is the class name of UIViewController, that means all the children style set are apply under this UIViewController
    • When the first layer is Type of UIView, which means the style set will apply globally with lower priority
  2. Type style set:

    • When the key start with special character @ means apple the style setting to the type of controls
    • For instance, @UILabel means the style set apply to all the @UILabel under that level
  3. Name style set:

    • When the key start with special character # means apple the style setting to the controls with the styleIdentifier
    • For instance, #demoLabel means the style set apple to all UIViews with the styleIdentifier named #demoLabel
  4. Value of style set:

    • Style set should be dictionary, key is property name of the control; and the value is the value of the property

    • The key as property can be class/structure, and in some case need to set the property to the sub-property; we can using (dot .) in this case:

      • For Example, apply these two style setting to set the view to be rounded corners;
     layer.cornerRadius : 10
     clipsToBounds : true
  • In the plist, the value type is limited, the StyleInjection libaray provide format to allow convert string to different type of value, the full list in "Format of Style value" section, below is some example:
    • Color: it must start with # and come along with 6 digit, e.g. #A0A0A0
    • Font: it must start with $ come along with "" has Font name init, then : with size of Font, e.g. $"Helvetica Neue":17

Style value decoding

Since some of the value will beyond String and Number type, StyleValueDecoderInterface is the protocol for implement value decoder.

By default, library provided below decoding rule for basic usage:

Type Format Example Description
Color # with 6 digit #A0A0A0 Create UIColor, it must be # follow 6 digit Hex
CGColor CG# with 6 digit #A0A0A0 Create CGColorRef, it must be # follow 6 digit Hex
Font $" Font name ":Font Size $"Helvetica Neue":17 Create Font, if font name not exist, will use system font
UIImage IMG(image name) IMG(imageName) Create image from main bundle, image name cannot be special character.

UIKit Extension Property


Property Mapped Original Function
normalTitle titleForState:Normal
highlightedTitle titleForState:Highlighted
disabledTitle titleForState:Disabled
selectedTitle titleForState:Selected
normalTitleColor titleColorForState:Normal
highlightedTitleColor titleColorForState:Highlighted
disabledTitleColor titleColorForState:Disabled
selectedTitleColor titleColorForState:Selected


Cocoa Pod install:

  pod 'A_StyleInjection'