- Integrated Vizro Plotly templates following the release of
. Usingvizro.bootstrap
to be installed. - Added
plotly templates from vizro themes, corresponding to chart templates available invizro==0.1.34
. - Applied minor visual adjustments to
Plotly 6.0 compatibility
- Update json templates to be compatible with plotly major release. Closes #45
Fixed dbc.css
- use new Bootstrap variables for border width and color Closes #6
- matched dcc date picker input fields to match dcc.Dropdown input fields
Fixed dbc.css - ag grid toolip background color
Fixed regression where figure background did not match theme's card color. Closes issue #25
Fixed error in how colorways were created, resulting in a slight changed in the color of the green (Bootstrap Success) color. Thanks to @oliverb for PR #22
Fixed placeholder text color. Closes #20
- Added 26 new dark mode figure templates for each of the 26 Bootstrap themed figure templates
- Added examples of how to use the Bootstrap Color Modes switch between dark and light modes in a Dash app
- Added support for styling Dash AG Grid with a bootstrap theme in the
file - Added an option to load all figure templates:
from dash_bootstrap_templates import load_figure_template
Updated the dbc.css file to add the dbc-ag-grid
class to apply Bootstrap theme to Dash AG Grid
- Pull Request #14. Thanks @BSd3v for the contribution!
- Fixed
so it doesn't load multiple stylesheets when toggling. - Add support for
to work with stylesheets in the assets folder. - Removed restriction for
of only working with the themes in the dash-bootstrap-components library.
- Fixed hover template font closes #9
- Fixed margins - made margins the same as the Plotly default templates.
- Fixed the theme switch component when it starts in dark mode. closes #8
- relaxed install versions
- updated the dbc.css to improve style when switching themes.
V1.0.0 is based on dash
V2.0.0 and dash-bootstrap-components
V1.0.0 which uses
Boostrap V5 stylesheets.
- added "QUARTZ", "MORPH", "VAPOR", "ZEPHYR" themes
- added 2 All-In-One components to switch themes.
toggles between two themesThemeChangerAIO
opens a Offcanvas component to select any of the 26 themestemplate_from_url
helper function to get the figure template name for the selected theme
- added
which minimally stylesdash-core-components
and theDataTable
with the selected Bootstrap theme - added examples of the2 AIO components that switch themes.
- updated
to generate figure templates based on Boostrap V5 stylesheets
This is the initial release of dash-bootstrap-templates
which includes a collection of 22 Plotly figure templates customized
for Bootstrap themes. This is based on dash
V1.21.0 and dash-bootstrap-components
V0.21.0 which uses
Boostrap V4 stylesheets.
Find sample usage in the examples/