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Home | Design | Features | Troubleshooting | Parameters | Scope | Zero Trust Framework

Quickstart Guide


There are two main avenues for deploying the Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) solution:

  1. Command Line Tools - Bicep and the PowerShell Az Modules
  2. Template Spec Deployment and GUI

Both methods require some initial setup in order for a successful deployment


There are several Azure resource prerequisite that are required to run this deployment. Read and complete the steps in this section to create the basic resources required for a successful pilot deployment. See the official Prerequisites for more information (including how to integrate this solution into an existing Azure Landing Zone). See Microsoft Learn | Azure Virtual Desktop Prerequisites for the latest information.


  • Licenses: ensure you have the required licensing for AVD.
  • Networking: deployment requires a minimum of 1 Azure Virtual Network with one subnet to which the deployment virtual machine (deployment helper) and the session host(s) will be attached. For a PoC type implementation of AVD with Entra ID authentication, this Vnet can be standalone as there are no custom DNS requirements; however, for hybrid identity scenarios and zero trust implementations, the Virtual Network has DNS requirements as documented below under optional. Machines on this network need to be able to connect to the following network destinations:
    • Resource Manager Url TCP Port 443 (Commercial -, US Gov -, USSec -, USNat - You can leverage the AzureResourceManager service tag in NSGs and the Azure Firewall to configure this access.
  • Image Management Resources: the deployment of the custom image build option depends on many artifacts that must be hosted in Azure Blob storage to satisfy Zero Trust principals or to build the custom image on Air-Gapped clouds. This repo contains a helper script that should be used to deploy the image management resources and upload the artifacts to the created storage account. See deployments/imageManagement/Deploy-ImageManagement.ps1.
  • Azure Permissions: ensure the principal deploying the solution has the "Owner" or ("Contributor" and "User Access Administrator") roles assigned on the target Azure subscription. If you wish to reference the secrets in an existing Key Vault (including one deployed by this solution) via the Template Spec UI deployment, you'll need to have the "Key Vault Secrets User" role assigned to this Key Vault either through inheritance from a higher scope or directly on the resource.
  • Security Group: create a security group for your AVD users.
    • Active Directory Domain Services: create the group in Active Directory and ensure the group has synchronized to Entra ID.
    • Entra ID: create the group.
    • Entra Domain Services: create the group in Entra ID and ensure the group has synchronized to Entra ID Domain Services.


  • Domain Services: if you plan to domain join the session hosts, ensure Active Directory Domain Services or Entra Domain Services is available in your enviroment and that you are synchronizing the required objects. AD Sites & Services should be configured for the address space of your Azure virtual network if you are extending your on-premises Active Directory infrastruture into the cloud.

  • Disk Encryption: the "encryption at host" feature should be deployed on the virtual machines to meet Zero Trust compliance. This feature is not enabled in your Azure subscription by default and must be manually enabled. Use the following steps to enable the feature: Enable Encryption at Host.

  • DNS: There are several DNS requirements:

    • If you plan to domain join the sessions hosts, you must configure your subnets to resolve the Domain SRV records for domain location services to function. This is normally accomplished by configuring custom DNS settings on your AVD session host Virtual Networks to point to the Domain Controllers or using a DNS resolver that can resolve the internal domain records.

    • In order to use private links and disable public access to storage accounts, key vaults, and other PaaS resources (in accordance with Zero Trust Guidance), you must ensure that the following private DNS zones are also resolvable from the session host Virtual Networks:

      Purpose Commercial Name USGov Name USSec Name USNat Name
      AVD PrivateLink Global Feed
      AVD PrivateLink Workspace Feed and Hostpool Connections
      Azure Backup privatelink.<geo>.backup.windowsazure.com1 privatelink.<geo>.backup.windowsazure.us1 privatelink.<geo> privatelink.<geo>.backup.eaglex.ic.gov1
      Azure Blob Storage
      - image management artifacts
      - backup
      - managed disk access
      Azure Files
      - FSLogix Storage
      Azure Key Vault
      -vm secrets
      - customer managed keys
      Azure Queue Storage
      - storage quota function app
      Azure Table Storage
      - storage quota function app
      Azure Web Sites
      - storage quota function app
  • Domain Permissions

    • For Active Directory Domain Services, create a principal to domain join the session hosts and Azure Files, using the following steps:
      1. Open Active Directory Users and Computers.
      2. Navigate to your service accounts Organizational Unit (OU).
      3. Right-click on the OU and select New > User.
      4. Type the appropriate values into the dialog box. Recommend that you set a strong password and set the Password never expires option. Complete the creation of the service account.
      5. In the Active Directory Users and Computers mmc, select View > Advanced Features from the menu bar.
      6. Create an OU for the AVD computers if not already present.
      7. Right-click on the AVD computer OU and select Properties.
      8. Select the Security tab.
      9. Click the Advanced button.
      10. In the Advanced Security Settings for OU Name window, click the Add button.
      11. Select a principal by clicking on the Select a principal link. Search for the newly created service account, click on Check Names, and then click OK.
      12. In the Permission Entry for OU Name window, ensure that the "Applies to:" drop down is set to "This object and all descendant objects" and then under Permissions, select only "Create Computer Objects" and "Delete Computer Objects". Select OK to save the entry.
      13. Back in the Advanced Security Settings for OU Name window, click the Add button.
      14. Select a principal by clicking on the Select a principal link. Search for the newly created service account, click on Check Names, and then click OK.
      15. In the Permission Entry for OU Name window, ensure that the "Applies to:" drop down is set to "Descendant Computer objects" and then under Permissions, select only "Read all properties", "Write all properties", "Read permissions", "Modify permissions", "Change password", "Reset password", "Validated write to DNS host name", and "Validated write to service principal name". Select OK to save the entry.
      16. Select OK until you are returned to the Active Directory Users and Computers window.
    • for Entra ID Domain Services, ensure the principal is a member of the "AAD DC Administrators" group in Azure AD.
  • FSLogix with Azure NetApp Files: the following steps must be completed if you plan to use this service.

  • Enable AVD Private Link this feature is not enabled on subscriptions by default. Use the following link to enable AVD Private Link on your subscription: Enable the Feature

  • Marketplace Image: If you plan to deploy this solution using PowerShell or AzureCLI and use a marketplace image for the virtual machines, use the code below to find the appropriate image (the Template Spec and Blue Button deployment UIs also automatically populate the available options.):

    # Determine the Publisher; input the location for your AVD deployment
    $Location = '<location>'
    (Get-AzVMImagePublisher -Location $Location).PublisherName
    # Determine the Offer; common publisher is 'MicrosoftWindowsDesktop' for Win 10/11
    $Publisher = 'MicrosoftWindowsDesktop'
    (Get-AzVMImageOffer -Location $Location -PublisherName $Publisher).Offer
    # Determine the SKU; common offers are 'Windows-10' for Win 10 and 'office-365' for the Win10/11 multi-session with M365 apps
    $Offer = ''
    (Get-AzVMImageSku -Location $Location -PublisherName $Publisher -Offer $Offer).Skus
    # Determine the Image Version; common offers are '21h1-evd-o365pp' and 'win11-21h2-avd-m365'
    $Sku = ''
    Get-AzVMImage -Location $Location -PublisherName $Publisher -Offer $Offer -Skus $Sku | Select-Object * | Format-List
    # Common version is 'latest'


PowerShell Az Module Installation

In order to run the scripts that simplify setup and complete the prerequisites you will need the 'Az' PowerShell module.

You can install PowerShell modules for all users or for the current user. In order to install modules for all users, you must launch PowerShell as an administrator.

Open PowerShell (preferably PowerShell 7 or later), and install the latest Az Modules.

If you launched PowerShell (or pwsh) as an administrator, use the following command:

Install-Module -Name Az -AllowClobber -Force

If you did not launch pwsh as an administrator, use the following command:

Install-Module -Name Az -AllowClobber -Force -Scope CurrentUser

Additional Information can be found here.

Bicep Installation

You should install Bicep to complete the deployments as all templates are more easily maintained as Bicep and need to be transpiled to ARM templates during deployment or Template Spec creation when not referencing the transpiled json.

Launch a PowerShell window and enter the following commands:

## Create the install folder
$installPath = "$env:USERPROFILE\.bicep"
$installDir = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $installPath -Force
$installDir.Attributes += 'Hidden'
## Fetch the latest Bicep CLI binary
(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile("", "$installPath\bicep.exe")
## Add bicep to your PATH
$currentPath = (Get-Item -path "HKCU:\Environment" ).GetValue('Path', '', 'DoNotExpandEnvironmentNames')
if (-not $currentPath.Contains("%USERPROFILE%\.bicep")) { setx PATH ($currentPath + ";%USERPROFILE%\.bicep") }
if (-not $env:path.Contains($installPath)) { $env:path += ";$installPath" }
## Verify you can now access the 'bicep' command.
bicep --help

Additional Information can be found here.

Authentication to Azure

  1. Connect to the correct Azure Environment where <Environment> equals "AzureCloud", "AzureUSGovernment", "USNat", or "USSec".

    Connect-AzAccount -Environment <Environment>
  2. Ensure that your context is configured with the subscription to where you want to deploy the image management resources.

    Set-AzContext -Subscription <subscriptionID>

Resource Provider Registration

You must make sure the Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization provider is registered in your subscription.

Register-AzResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization

Optionally, to comply with Zero Trust and other IC customer baselines, you must use 'EncryptionAtHost'. To use encryption at host, you have to register the resource provider.

Register-AzProviderFeature -FeatureName EncryptionAtHost -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.Compute

Template Spec Creation

A template spec is a resource type for storing an Azure Resource Manager template (ARM template) in Azure for later deployment. This resource type enables you to share ARM templates with other users in your organization. Just like any other Azure resource, you can use Azure role-based access control (Azure RBAC) to share the template spec.

Template specs provide the following benefits:

  • You use standard ARM templates for your template spec.
  • You manage access through Azure RBAC, rather than SAS tokens.
  • Users can deploy the template spec without having write access to the template.
  • You can integrate the template spec into existing deployment process, such as PowerShell script or DevOps pipeline.
  • You can generate custom portal forms for ease of use and understanding.

For more information see Template-Specs | Microsoft Learn and Portal Forms for Template Specs.

The AVD deployments created in this repo come with the custom portal forms for each template. The easiest way to create the Template Specs from the templates in this repo is to utilize the New-TemplateSpecs.ps1 file located in the deployments folder. Follow these instructions to execute this script.

  1. Connect to the correct Azure Environment where <Environment> equals 'AzureCloud', 'AzureUSGovernment', 'USNat', or 'USSec'.

    Connect-AzAccount -Environment <Environment>
  2. Ensure that your context is configured with the subscription to where you want to deploy the image management resources. Replace <subscriptionID> with the actual subscription ID.

    Set-AzContext -Subscription <subscriptionID>
  3. Change your directory to the [deployments] folder and execute the following command replacing the <location> placeholder with a valid region name.

    .\New-TemplateSpecs.ps1 -Location <location>


In order to deploy the image management storage account with private endpoints, create a custom image, and deploy session hosts (virtual machines), you must have an existing Virtual Network with at least one subnet. Ideally, you have already created an Azure Landing Zone including a hub network and private DNS zones (as required).

In order to deploy the Azure Virtual Desktop standalone or spoke network and required private DNS Zones, you can utilize the Azure Virtual Desktop Networking template spec with portal ui. This template spec deployment will automate the creation of the spoke virtual network, required subnets, peering (if needed), route tables (if needed), NAT gateway (if needed), and missing private DNS zones (if needed).

  1. Go to Template Specs in the Azure Portal.

    Template Spec

  2. Choose the Azure Virtual Desktop Networking Template Spec and click "Deploy"

    Deploy Template Spec

  3. Populate the form with correct values. Use the the tool tips for more detailed parameter information.

    Image Build Form

  4. Once all values are populated, deploy the template. Parameter values and the template can be downloaded from the deployment view.

If you do not wish to utilize the template spec to deploy the required networking, you can follow the instructions below to create the required networking components via PowerShell. These instructions assume a standalone network for deploying a Proof of Concept (be sure to updated the variable values).

  1. Create a new resource group if one does not already exist:

    $Location       = '<Region>'
    $ResGroupName   = '<Resource Group Name>'
    New-AzResourceGroup -Location $Location -Name $ResGroupName
  2. Create the VNet:

    $VnetName           = '<VNet Name>'
    $VnetAddressPrefix  = ''
    $VirtualNetwork     = New-AzVirtualNetwork -Name $VnetName -ResourceGroupName $ResGroupName -Location $Location -AddressPrefix $VnetAddressPrefix
  3. Create the virtual machine subnet configuration:

    $SubnetName          = '<Virtual Machine Subnet Name>'
    $SubnetAddressPrefix = ''
    $SubnetConfig        = Add-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name $SubnetName -VirtualNetwork $VirtualNetwork -AddressPrefix $SubnetAddressPrefix
  4. Associate the subnet configuration to the virtual network:

    $VirtualNetwork | Set-AzVirtualNetwork
  5. Retrieve the Subnet Resource Id:

    $VNet = Get-AzVirtualNetwork -Name $VnetName -ResourceGroupName $ResGroupName
    ($VNet.Subnets | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "$SubnetName"}).Id

    Save the resource id of the subnet for use in the parameters files below as follows:

    1. imageBuild - 'subnetResourceId'
    2. hostpools = 'virtualMachineSubnetResourceId'
  6. Create the private endpoint subnet configuration:

    $SubnetName          = '<Private Endpoint Subnet Name>'
    $SubnetAddressPrefix = ''
    $SubnetConfig        = Add-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name $SubnetName -VirtualNetwork $VirtualNetwork -AddressPrefix $SubnetAddressPrefix
  7. Associate the subnet configuration to the virtual network:

    $VirtualNetwork | Set-AzVirtualNetwork
  8. Retrieve the Subnet Resource Id:

    $VNet = Get-AzVirtualNetwork -Name $VnetName -ResourceGroupName $ResGroupName
    ($VNet.Subnets | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "$SubnetName"}).Id

    Save the resource id of the subnet for use in the parameters files below as follows:

    1. imageManagement - privateEndpointSubnetResourceId
    2. imageBuild = privateEndpointSubnetResourceId
    3. hostpools = managementAndStoragePrivateEndpointSubnetResourceId

While utilizing private endpoints is optional, it must be deployed in order to follow Zero Trust principles. Both the image management and AVD deployments can use private endpoints for the following:

  • Image Management - Blob Storage Account
  • Image Build - Blob Storage Account for logging customizations
  • AVD Deployment - Azure Files for FSLogix profiles, Azure Key Vault for storing secrets and Customer Managed Keys, AVD Private Link, Azure Recovery Services, and the Function App deployed to increase premium storage account quotas.

Prior to running the Deploy-ImageManagement script, if the Azure Blob private DNS zone does not exist, you will want to create the Azure Blob private DNS zone via the portal, the Azure Virtual Desktop Networking template spec, or through Powershell. See DNS Prerequisites for the correct values per environment.:

$ResGroupName = '<Resource Group Name>'
$ZoneName = '<privateDNSZoneName>'
$Zone = New-AzPrivateDnsZone -Name $ZoneName -ResourceGroupName $ResGroupName

The zone then needs to be linked to the Virtual Network created above.

$VNet = Get-AzVirtualNetwork -Name $VnetName -ResourceGroupName $ResGroupName
$Link = New-AzPrivateDnsVirtualNetworkLink -ZoneName $ZoneName -ResourceGroupName $ResGroupName -Name "Blob-$VnetName-Link" -VirtualNetworkId $Vnet.Id

Retrieve the private DNS zone resource id using the following PowerShell command and save it for the 'azureBlobPrivateDnsZoneResourceId' the parameters below.


Confidential VM Disk Encryption with Customer Managed Keys (Optional)

In order to deploy Virtual Machines with Confidential VM encryption and customer managed keys, you will need to create the 'Confidential VM Orchestrator' application in your tenant.

Use the following steps to complete this prerequisite.

  1. Open PowerShell (perferably PowerShell 7 or later), and install the latest Az Modules.

    If you launched PowerShell (or pwsh) as an administrator, use the following command:

    Install-Module -Name Microsoft.Graph -AllowClobber -Force

    If you did not launch pwsh as an administrator, use the following command:

    Install-Module -Name Microsoft.Graph -AllowClobber -Force -Scope CurrentUser
  2. From the same PowerShell (or pwsh) console, execute the following PowerShell commands replacing "your tenant ID" with the correct value.

    Connect-Graph -Tenant "your tenant ID" Application.ReadWrite.All
    New-MgServicePrincipal -AppId bf7b6499-ff71-4aa2-97a4-f372087be7f0 -DisplayName "Confidential VM Orchestrator"

You will then need to specify the objectId property of this new service principal in the 'confidentialVMOrchestratorObjectId' parameter for the AVD Host Pool Deployment. The parameters for this deployment are documented at AVD Host Pool Parameters.


Deploy Image Management Resources

If you plan to build custom images or to add custom software or run scripts during the deployment of your session hosts, you should deploy the image management resources to support Zero Trust. You can also chose not to deploy these resources, but the image build VM will need access to the Internet to download the source files required for installation/configuration.

The deployments/Deploy-ImageManagement.ps1 script is the easiest way to ensure all necessary image management resources (scripts and installers and Compute Gallery for custom image option.) are present for the AVD deployment.


For Zero Trust deployments and other details, see image management parameters for an explanation of all the available parameters.

  1. Set required parameters and make any optional updates desired in deployments/imageManagement/parameters/imageManagement.parameters.json file.

  2. [Optional] If you wish to add any custom scripts or installers beyond what is already included in the artifacts directory .common/artifacts, then gather your installers and create a new folder inside the artifacts directory for each customizer or application. In the folder create or place one and only one PowerShell script (.ps1) that installs the application or performs the desired customization. For an example of the installation script and supporting files, see the .common/artifacts/VSCode folder. These customizations can be applied to the custom image via the customizations deployment parameter.

  3. [Optional] The SkipDownloadingNewSources switch parameter will disable the downloading of the latest installers (or other files) from the Internet (or other network). Do not use this switch if you want to enable an "evergreen" capability that helps you keep your images and session hosts up to date. In addition, update the Urls specified in the <environment>.downloads.parameters.json2 file in the deployments/imageManagement/parameters folder to match your network environment. You can also not depend on this automated capability and add source files directly to the appropriate location in the .common/artifacts folder. This directory is processed by zipping the contents of each child directory into a zip file and then all existing files in the root plus the zip files are added to the blob storage container in the Storage Account.

  4. Open the PowerShell version where you installed the Az module above. If not already connected to your Azure Environment, then connect to the correct Azure Environment where <Environment> equals "AzureCloud", "AzureUSGovernment", "USNat", or "USSec".

    Connect-AzAccount -Environment <Environment>
  5. Ensure that your context is configured with the subscription to where you want to deploy the image management resources.

    Set-AzContext -Subscription <subscriptionID>
  6. Change directories to the deployments folder and execute the Deploy-ImageManagement.ps1 script as follows:

    .\Deploy-ImageManagement.ps1 -DeployImageManagementResources -Location <Region> [-SkipDownloadingNewSources] [-TempDir <Temp directory for artifacts>] [-DeleteExistingBlobs] [-TeamsTenantType <TeamsTenantType>]

    This script:

    a. With the '-DeployImageManagementResources' switch, deploys the resources in the deployments/imageManagement/imageManagement.bicep to create the following Azure resources in the Image Management resource group:

    b. If the '-SkipDownloadingNewSources' switch is not set, downloads new source files into a temporary directory, generates a text file containing file versioning information, and then copies those directories/files to the Artifacts directory overwriting any existing files.

    c. Compresses the contents of each subfolder in the Artifacts directory into a zip file into a second temporary directory. Copies any files in the root of the Artifacts directory into the same temporary directory.

    d. Uploads the contents of the temporary directory as individual blobs to the storage account blob container overwriting any existing blobs with the same name.

Create a Custom Image (optional)

A custom image may be required or desired by customers in order to pre-populate VMs with applications and settings.

This deployment can be done via Command Line, Blue Button, or through a Template Spec UI in the Portal.

Option 1: Blue-Button Deployment via the Azure Portal

This option opens the deployment UI for the solution in the Azure Portal. Be sure to select the button for the correct cloud. If your desired cloud is not listed, please use the template spec detailed in the Quick Start guide.

Deploy to Azure Deploy to Azure Gov

Option 2: Using a Template Spec and Portal Form

  1. Go to Template Specs in the Azure Portal.

    Template Spec

  2. Choose the Azure Virtual Desktop Custom Image Template Spec and click "Deploy"

    Deploy Template Spec

  3. Populate the form with correct values. Use the the tool tips for more detailed parameter information.

    Image Build Form

  4. Once all values are populated, deploy the template. Parameter values and the template can be downloaded from the deployment view

Option 3: Using Command Line

  1. Create a parameters file (imageBuild.parameters.json) by referencing the Image Build Parameters Reference.

  2. Deploy the Image Build

    $Location = '<Region>'
    $DeploymentName = '<valid deployment name>'
    New-AzDeployment -Location $Location -Name $DeploymentName -TemplateFile '.\deployments\imageManagement\imageBuild\imageBuild.bicep' -TemplateParameterFile '.\deployments\imageManagement\imageBuild\parameters\imageBuild.parameters.json' -Verbose

Deploy an AVD Host Pool

The AVD solution includes all necessary resources to deploy a usable virtual desktop experience within Azure. This includes a host pool, application group, virtual machine(s) as well as other auxilary resources such as monitoring and profile management.


When choosing the settings for the source image, make sure that all settings are compatible or the build may fail. For example, choose a VM size that is compatible with the storage type (ie. Premium_LRS)

Option 1: Blue-Button Deployment**

This option opens the deployment UI for the solution in the Azure Portal. Be sure to select the button for the correct cloud. If your desired cloud is not listed, please use the template spec detailed in the Quick Start guide.

Deploy to Azure Deploy to Azure Gov

Option 2: Using a Template Spec and Portal Form**

  1. Go to Template Specs in the Azure Portal


  2. Choose the Azure Virtual Desktop HostPool Template Spec click "Deploy"

    Deploy Template Spec

  3. Populate the form with correct values. Use the table above or the tool tips for more detailed parameter information

    AVD Form

  4. Once all values are populated, deploy the template. Parameter values and the template can be downloaded from the deployment view

Option 3: Using Command Line**

  1. Create a parameters file [<identifier>-<index>.parameters.json] based on deployments/hostpools/parameters/solution.parameters.json by reviewing the documentation at AVD Host Pool Parameters.

  2. Deploy the AVD Host Pool (and supporting resources)

    $Location = '<Region>'
    $DeploymentName = '<valid deployment name>'
    New-AzDeployment -Location $Location -Name $DeploymentName -TemplateFile '.\deployments\hostpools\hostpool.bicep' -TemplateParameterFile '.\deployments\hostpools\parameters\hostpoolid.parameters.json' -Verbose


Once all resources have been deployed, the Virtual Machine should be accessible using Windows Remote Desktop or through AVD Web for Azure Commercial and AVD Gov Web for Azure US Government.

The VM should appear and allow you to log in. Authentication depends on the identity solution supplied in the AVD Deployment step.

AVD Client


  1. To determine the value of <geo>, see the locations file in this repo. The recoveryServicesGeo property of each location from each cloud is listed. 2 3 4

  2. The value of <environment> is 'public' for the Azure Cloud and Azure US Government environments. The value of <environment> is 'ussec' for the USSEC air-gapped cloud and 'usnat' for the USNAT air-gapped cloud.