This solution will deploy new session hosts to an existing host pool.
- Permissions: below are the minimum required permissions to deploy this solution
- User Access Administrator on the target Subscription
- Desktop Virtualization Host Pool Contributor on the resource group containing the target host pool
- Resources: this solution assumes the following items already exists:
- Resource group where session hosts will be deployed (created by AVD LZA baseline)
- Host pool with an active registration token (created by AVD LZA baseline)
- Key vault with the following secrets (created by AVD LZA baseline):
- VM local admin user password
- Domain join account password
- Disk encrpyption key (when enabling zero trust for session hosts)
- Virtual network for session hosts (created by AVD LZA baseline)
- Optional: application security group for session hosts (created by AVD LZA baseline)
- Storage account and file share configured for fslogix (created by AVD LZA baseline)
- Optional: log analytics workspace configured with Azure Virtual Desktop insights settings (created by AVD LZA baseline)
New-AzDeployment `
-Location '<Azure location>' `
-TemplateFile '' `
-computeSubscriptionId '<Subscription ID>' `
-computeRgResourceGroupName '<AVD pool compute resource group>' `
-countIndex '<Current count of session hosts in the host pool>' `
-count '<Number of new session hosts to deploy>' `
-hostPoolResourceId '<Existing host pool resource ID>' `
-subnetResourceId '<Resource ID of subnet to use for the new session hosts>' `
-location '<Azure region to deploy new session hosts to>' `
-vmLocalUserName '<Local admin user name>' `
-keyVaultResourceId '<Resource ID of the key vault that contains the local admin password secret>' `
az deployment sub create \
--location '<Azure location>' \
--template-uri '' \
--parameters \
computeSubscriptionId '<Subscription ID>' \
computeRgResourceGroupName '<AVD pool compute resource group>' \
countIndex '<Current count of session hosts in the host pool>' \
count '<Number of new session hosts to deploy>' \
hostPoolResourceId '<Existing host pool resource ID>' \
subnetResourceId '<Resource ID of subnet to use for the new session hosts>' \
location '<Azure region to deploy new session hosts to>' \
vmLocalUserName '<Local admin user name>' \
keyVaultResourceId '<Resource ID of the key vault that contains the local admin password secret>' \
HostPoolResourceId '<Resource ID for the target host pool>'