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Unit Testing

Srikanta edited this page Oct 19, 2020 · 7 revisions

Mocks in unit tests

Unit tests are aimed at testing small isolated components of code that can be predictably executed any number of times to yield the same outcome.

Mocks provide a convenient mechanism to circumvent interaction with methods that are outside the scope of your unit tests. This will let you focus on testing the code that is in scope for your unit tests and not worry about external classes/libraries/dependencies.

Having said that, code should be testable without using any of the mocking libraries like Mockito, JMockit etc. "Fakes rather than Mocks". A fake object is simply a replacement for the real object. While a real object may have actual business logic, a fake object may simply return canned responses.

public interface ConfigurationService {
        Configuration readConfiguration(String configurationName);

public class AzureConfigurationService implements ConfigurationService {
    Configuration readConfiguration(String configurationName) {
        // read configuration from Azure configuration service

public class MyApplication {
    private final ConfigurationService configurationService;
    public MyApplication(ConfigurationService configurationService) {
        this.configurationService = configurationService;

    public String getConfigurationOwner () {
        Configuration configuration = configurationService.readConfiguration("configName");
        return configuration.getOwner();

public class Test {
    public void testMyApplication() {
        // unit test won't work as it requires connection to azure services
        MyApplication myApplication = new MyApplication(new AzureConfigurationService()); 
        assertEquals("foo", myApplication.getConfigurationOwner());

Instead, you could inject a fake dependency

public class FakeConfigurationService implements ConfigurationService {
    public Configuration readConfiguration(String configurationName) {
        Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
        return configuration;

public class Test {
    public void testMyApplication() {
        // unit test will now work as the fake object requires no network connection
        MyApplication myApplication = new MyApplication(new FakeConfigurationService());
        assertEquals("foo", myApplication.getConfigurationOwner());

However, mocking libraries help in writing your tests faster. In the previous example, a fake implementation had to be created to write unit tests. Mocks can make this faster by letting you mock the behavior of real object without writing lot of code for faking dependencies.

Good candidates for using a mock:

  1. Dependencies that require network connection - Any dependency that goes over the wire like database access, REST service calls etc.
  2. File System - Methods/classes that require file operations. This should be treated similar to a dependency that requires network connection. Consider the case that the file may reside on a NFS.
  3. Third-party library classes - mock these judiciously. Your code depends on these libraries and it's best to not mock them unless they are libraries that internally use file or network operations. Ideally, such libraries should be wrapped behind an interface you own and the dependency should be contained.
  4. Date and time tests - Tests that rely on date can be mocked to return dates in future/past. Some functionalities require execution at certain intervals of time. Injecting a mock clock object with tickers that can simulate 100 clock ticks within a second is useful rather than letting the unit test run for 100 seconds.

Static Methods

Libraries like PowerMock allow mocking static methods but it comes at a cost. It meddles with the default classloader and can lead to inconsistent behavior in tests and production runtime. Also, some of these libraries interfere with test coverage instrumentation and result in incorrect test coverage reports.

Solution: If you need to mock a static method, first evaluate if there's a way to refactor your code and eliminate the need for static method. If that's not possible, then consider isolating the static method access by wrapping it in a method that can be easily mocked.

public class ClassToTest {
    public String methodToTest() {
        String retVal = Util.notTestFriendlyStaticMethod();
        return process(retVal);

Consider doing

public class ClassToTest {
	private UtilWrapper utilWrapper;
    public ClassToTest(UtilWrapper utilWrapper) {
        this.utilWrapper = utilWrapper;

    public String methodToTest() {
        String retVal = utilWrapper.callStaticUtilMethod();
        return process(retVal);

public class Test {
    public void testMethod() {
        UtilWrapper utilWrapper = Mockito.mock(UtilWrapper.class);
        ClassToTest classToTest = new ClassToTest(utilWrapper);
        assertEquals("expectedstring", classToTest.methodToTest());

Mocking Final classes

If you are using Mockito, it requires additional configuration to be able to mock final classes as described in Mockito 2 documentation.

Note that most of (if not all) the client classes provided in Azure SDK are final. These clients use the network to communicate with Azure services.

As a consumer of Azure SDK client libraries, your application is taking a dependency on 3rd party library that making network calls. In such scenarios, it's a good idea for your application to abstract out the dependency and hide it behind your own interface. This will contain the scope of dependency just within the implementation of the interface and your application is only using the interface you have defined. This allows your application to switch between different implementations of the interface without having to make changes to your application. The added benefit is that now your unit tests can either use a fake implementation as shown in the example at the top of this page or use a mock without requiring special configuration to enable mocking of final classes.

Mocking Azure Service Clients

Customers using the Azure SDK client libraries can mock service clients using Mockito with org.mockito.plugins.MockMaker. More information can be found at Mock the unmockable: opt-in mocking of final classes/methods.


  1. Create a file src/test/resources/mockito-extensions/org.mockito.plugins.MockMaker
  2. In the file, put a single line.
  • mock-maker-inline


Consider an application that uses Azure Event Hubs to fetch telemetry and the end user wants to test that their TelemetryEvents class properly transforms EventData to TelemetryEvent.

Product code

public class TelemetryEvents {
    private final EventHubConsumerAsyncClient consumerClient;
    public TelemetryEvents (EventHubConsumerAsyncClient consumerClient) {
        this.consumerClient = consumerClient;
    public Flux<TelemetryEvent> getEvents() {
        return consumerClient.receiveFromPartition("1", EventPosition.latest())
                .map(event -> new TelemtetryEvent(event));

Test code

import reactor.test.publisher.TestPublisher;
import reactor.test.StepVerifier;

import static*;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;

public class TelemetryEventsTest {
    public void canGetEvents() {
        // Arrange

        // After following the instructions in "Steps" section
        EventHubConsumerAsyncClient consumerClient = mock(EventHubConsumerAsyncClient.class);

        TestPublisher<EventData> eventsPublisher = TestPublisher.createCold();
        eventsPublisher.emit(new EventData("Foo"), new EventData("Bar"));
        when(consumerClient.receiveFromPartition(eq("1"), eq(EventPosition.latest())).thenReturn(eventsPublisher.flux());

        TelemetryEvents telemetryEvents = new TelemetryEvents(consumerClient);

        // Act
            .assertNext(event -> isMatchingTelemetry(event))
            .assertNext(event -> isMatchingTelemetry(event))
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