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  • Rust toolchain

    When you run cargo build, toolchain version 1.80 and necessary components will be installed automatically.

  • (Recommended) If you use Visual Studio Code, install recommended extensions to improve your development experience.

Generated code

If you want to contribute to a file that is generated (the file is located in a generated subdirectory), the best approach is to open a PR on the TypeSpec specification since we cannot replace generated code that will be replaced when regenerated. Please visit the Azure/azure-rest-api-specs repo to view and make changes to Azure service API specifications.


We welcome contributions! But before you start coding, please read our Rust Guidelines including implementation details for contributors.

Most of our code is generated from TypeSpec and, more specifically for Azure services, TypeSpec Azure libraries. Changes to any services - including documentation improvements - need to made in TypeSpec specifications found in Only TypeSpec is supported at this time, so any changes to OpenAPI v2 a.k.a., "swagger", specifications will not be used.

Crates containing the majority of written code include azure_core and its dependencies. Some crates like azure_security_keyvault_secrets might also have some written code to improve usability.


To build any crate in the Azure SDK for Rust navigate to the crate's project folder and run cargo build. Alternatively, you can build any one or more crates by passing their crate names to --package (short: -p) e.g., cargo build -p azure_security_keyvault_secrets.

You can also build the entire workspace by either building from the root source directory or running cargo build --workspace, but unless you're making changes to azure_core or its dependencies, this is generally unnecessary nor recommended. It will take considerable time and drive space.


You can run cargo clippy to check for common issues. Like cargo build, you can pass one or more crate names to --package. Before create a pull request (PR), it's a good practice to build and lint your project to avoid a lot of commits that can make the review process tedious for reviewers.


To test any crate in the Azure SDK for Rust navigate to the crate's project folder and run cargo test. Alternatively, you can test any one or more crates by passing their crate names to --package (short: -p) e.g., cargo test -p azure_security_keyvault_secrets.

This command will run all tests in the selected packages, including unit tests, integration tests, any tests within examples, and doc tests. To learn more about the different styles of tests and where they are located in a project, see Tests in The Cargo Book.

Integration Tests

We use integration tests - tests defined under a crate's tests/ directory - for testing against provisioned resources. Most crates use recorded tests to record (and sanitize) or play back HTTP traffic during test execution by attributing tests with #[recorded::test].

If your crate does not communicate over HTTP or provisioning resources cannot be fully automated, you can also mark tests as #[recorded::test(live)].

For more details about recorded tests, please refer to the azure_core_test crate.

Documentation Tests

Though you should use integration tests for testing client methods, or create examples under examples/ that show customers how to do common tasks, documentation tests can be helpful to show customers examples of calling your code e.g., utility code to parse some resource identifier, that are also runnable (or just compilable) and will fail cargo test if the test assertions fail.

Each crate should define document tests to highlight common scenarios. Unlike markdown comments in Rust .rs source code, however, you need to define the code fence using the rust no_run declaration e.g.,

```rust no_run
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {

This is because when GitHub renders the file, it needs to know the syntax. The no_run tells cargo test to only compile the test - to make sure it indeed compiles - but not to run it, which is important if it shows an example running against live resources that likely include placeholder values e.g.,

More guidance for writing documentation tests can be found in our Rust Guidelines.

Debugging with Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code with recommended extensions installed can be used to run and debug tests for a module or individual tests. In most cases you can click Run Test or Debug found right above the test function. For integration tests - those tests found under the tests/ directory - this will run or debug the test using a previously recorded session, if one exists.

If a recording for an integration test does not exist or needs to be updated, along with the LLDB extension installed you can create or update a .vscode/launch.json file to debug recording a session e.g.:

  "version": "0.2.0",
  "configurations": [
      "type": "lldb",
      "request": "launch",
      "name": "Record secret_roundtrip",
      "cargo": {
        "args": [
        "filter": {
          "name": "secret_client",
          "kind": "test"
        "env": {
          "AZURE_TEST_MODE": "record"
      "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
      "env": {
        "AZURE_KEYVAULT_URL": "",
        "RUST_LOG": "trace"

If you don't need to debug recording the test or running live, you can record from the command line e.g.:

AZURE_KEYVAULT_URL= AZURE_TEST_MODE=record cargo test -p azure_security_keyvault_secrets --test secret_client

In either case above, the Test Proxy will be started automatically if installed.

Running Test Proxy Manually

You can also start the Test Proxy manually, which may provide additional diagnostics.

If you're using a .vscode/launch.json file, in the outer env above add "PROXY_MANUAL_START": "true".

Similarly, if running on the command line pass PROXY_MANUAL_START=true.

Enabling Trace Logging

To log tracing information to the terminal, you can add the RUST_LOG environment variable as shown above using the same format supported by env_logger. The targets are the crate names if you want to trace more or less for specific targets e.g., RUST_LOG=info,azure_core=trace to trace information messages by default but detailed traces for the azure_core crate.

Code Review Process

Before a pull request will be considered by the Azure SDK team, the following requirements must be met:

  • Prior to issuing the pull request:
    • All code must have completed any necessary legal sign-off for being publicly viewable (Patent review, JSR review, etc.)
    • The changes cannot break any existing functional/unit tests that are part of the central repository.
      • This includes all tests, even those not associated with the given feature area
    • Code submitted must have basic unit test coverage, and have all unit tests pass. Testing is the full responsibility of person submitting the code review.
      • Functional tests are encouraged, and provide teams with a way to mitigate regressions cause by other code contributions.
    • Code should be commented.
    • Code should be fully code reviewed.
    • Code should be able to merge without any conflicts into the dev branch being targeted.
    • Code should pass all relevant static checks and coding guidelines set forth by the specific repository.
    • All build warnings and code analysis warnings should be fixed prior to submission.
  • As part of the pull request (aka, in the text box on GitHub as part of submitting the pull request):
    • Proof of completion of the code review and test passes requirements above.
    • Identity of QA responsible for feature testing (can be conducted post-merging of the pull request).
    • Short description of the payload of pull request.
  • After the pull request is submitted:
    • When your PR is submitted someone on our team will be auto assigned the PR for review. No need to email us.

Once all of the above steps are met, the following process will be followed:

  • A member of the Azure SDK team will review the pull request on GitHub.
  • If the pull request meets the repository's requirements, the individual will approve the pull request, merging the code into the appropriate branch of the source repository.
  • If the request does not meet any of the requirements, the pull request will not be merged, and the necessary fixes for acceptance will be communicated back to the person who opened the PR.

Pull Request Etiquette and Best Practices


  • If you disagree with the overall approach of the PR, comment on the general PR rather than individual lines of code.
  • Leaving suggested changes is welcomed, but please never commit them for a PR you did not create.
  • When you are seeking to understand something rather than request corrections, it is suggested to use language such as "I'm curious ..." as a prefix to comments.
  • For comments that are just optional suggestions or are explicitly non-blocking, prefix them with "nit: " or "non-blocking: ".
  • Avoid marking a PR as "Request Changes" Request Change Icon unless you have serious concerns that should block the PR from merging.
  • When to mark a PR as "Approved"
    • You feel confident that the code meets a high quality bar, has adequate test coverage, is ready to merge.
    • You have left comments that are uncontroversial and there is a shared understanding with the author that the comments can be addressed or resolved prior to being merged without significant discussion or significant change to the design or approach.
  • When to leave comments without approval
    • You do not feel confident that your review alone is sufficient to call the PR ready to merge.
    • You have feedback that may require detailed discussion or may indicate a need to change the current design or approach in a non-trivial way.
  • When to mark a PR as "Request Changes"
    • You have significant concerns that must be addressed before this PR should be merged such as unintentional breaking changes, security issues, or potential data loss.

Pull Request Authors

  • If you add significant changes to a PR after it has been marked approved, please confirm with reviewers that they still approve before merging.
  • Please ensure that you have obtained an approval from at least one of the code owners before merging.
  • If a reviewer marks your PR as approved along with specific comments, it is expected that those comments will be addressed or resolved prior to merging.
    • One exception is when a comment clearly states that the feedback is optional or just a nit
    • When in doubt, reach out to the commenter to confirm that they have no concerns with you merging without addressing a comment.


Third-party dependencies

Third party libraries should only be included in samples when necessary to demonstrate usage of an Azure SDK package; they should not be suggested or endorsed as alternatives to the Azure SDK.

When code samples take dependencies, readers should be able to use the material without significant license burden or research on terms. This goal requires restricting dependencies to certain types of open source or commercial licenses.

Samples may take the following categories of dependencies:

  • Open-source : Open source offerings that use an Open Source Initiative (OSI) approved license. Any component whose license isn't OSI-approved is considered a commercial offering. Prefer OSS projects that are members of any of the OSS foundations that Microsoft is part of. Prefer permissive licenses for libraries, like MIT and Apache 2. Copy-left licenses like GPL are acceptable for tools, and OSs. Kubernetes, Linux, and Newtonsoft.Json are examples of this license type. Links to open source components should be to where the source is hosted, including any applicable license, such as a GitHub repository (or similar).

  • Commercial: Commercial offerings that enable readers to learn from our content without unnecessary extra costs. Typically, the offering has some form of a community edition, or a free trial sufficient for its use in content. A commercial license may be a form of dual-license, or tiered license. Links to commercial components should be to the commercial site for the software, even if the source software is hosted publicly on GitHub (or similar).

  • Dual licensed: Commercial offerings that enable readers to choose either license based on their needs. For example, if the offering has an OSS and commercial license, readers can choose between them. MySql is an example of this license type.

  • Tiered licensed: Offerings that enable readers to use the license tier that corresponds to their characteristics. For example, tiers may be available for students, hobbyists, or companies with defined revenue thresholds. For offerings with tiered licenses, strive to limit our use in tutorials to the features available in the lowest tier. This policy enables the widest audience for the article. Docker, IdentityServer, ImageSharp, and Visual Studio are examples of this license type.

In general, we prefer taking dependencies on licensed components in the order of the listed categories. In cases where the category may not be well known, we'll document the category so that readers understand the choice that they're making by using that dependency.