diff --git a/website/src/content/docs/docs/howtos/Generate client libraries/13pagingOperations.mdx b/website/src/content/docs/docs/howtos/Generate client libraries/13pagingOperations.mdx
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index 0000000000..26a3641d7e
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+++ b/website/src/content/docs/docs/howtos/Generate client libraries/13pagingOperations.mdx
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+title: Paging Operations
+import { ClientTabs, ClientTabItem } from "@components/client-tabs";
+This doc details what emitters will generate for paging operations.
+## Using next link to indicate how to get the next page
+Next link is an absolute url that returned by paging operation, which indicate how to get the next page.
+If the response does not return next link, it should be the last page.
+Next link should be annotated in response model with `@nextLink`.
+There are two ways to indicate the paging operation with `@nextLink`:
+1. Use `@pagedResult` and `@items` in `Azure.Core` lib.
+op listWithPage(): UserList;
+model User {
+ id: string;
+ name: string;
+model UserList {
+ @items
+ value: User[];
+ @nextLink
+ nextLink?: url;
+// TODO
+// TODO
+public PagedIterable listWithPage();
+2. Use `@list` and `@pageItems` in core.
+op listWithPage(): UserList;
+model User {
+ id: string;
+ name: string;
+model UserList {
+ @pageItems
+ value: User[];
+ @nextLink
+ nextLink?: url;
+// TODO
+// TODO
+public PagedIterable listWithPage();
+## Using continuation token to indicate how to get the next page
+Continuation token is a string that returned by paging operation, which could be used as a parameter value for the paging operation to get the next page.
+If the response does not return continuation token, it should be the last page.
+Continuation token should be annotated in one of the request parameter with `@continuationToken`, as well as response model with `@continuationToken`.
+1. Continuation token in query parameter and response body.
+op listWithPage(@query @continuationToken continuationToken?: string): UserList;
+model User {
+ id: string;
+ name: string;
+model UserList {
+ @pageItems
+ value: User[];
+ @continuationToken
+ continuationToken?: string;
+// TODO
+// TODO
+2. Continuation token in header parameter and response body.
+op listWithPage(@header @continuationToken continuationToken?: string): UserList;
+model User {
+ id: string;
+ name: string;
+model UserList {
+ @pageItems
+ value: User[];
+ @continuationToken
+ continuationToken?: string;
+// TODO
+// TODO
+3. Continuation token in query parameter and response header.
+op listWithPage(@query @continuationToken continuationToken?: string): {
+ @header
+ @continuationToken
+ continuationToken?: string;
+ @pageItems
+ value: User[];
+model User {
+ id: string;
+ name: string;
+// TODO
+// TODO
+4. Continuation token in header parameter and response header.
+op listWithPage(@query @continuationToken continuationToken?: string): {
+ @header
+ @continuationToken
+ continuationToken?: string;
+ @pageItems
+ value: User[];
+model User {
+ id: string;
+ name: string;
+// TODO
+// TODO