You need to help Marvin and his clones (or is it the other way round?) reach the exit in order to help them escape the inside of the Infinite Improbability Drive.
The drive has a rectangular shape of variable size. It is composed of several floors (0 = lower floor) and each floor has several possible positions that the clones can occupy (0 = leftmost position, width - 1 = rightmost position).
The goal is to save at least one clone in a limited amount of rounds.
The details: Clones appear from a unique generator at regular intervals, every three game turns. The generator is located on floor 0. Clones exit the generator heading towards the right.
Clones move one position per turn in a straight line, moving in their current direction.
A clone is destroyed by a laser if it is goes below position 0 or beyond position width - 1.
Elevators are scattered throughout the drive and can be used to move from one floor to the one above. When a clone arrives on the location of an elevator, it moves up one floor. Moving up one floor takes one game turn. On the next turn, the clone continues to move in the direction it had before moving upward.
On each game turn you can either block the leading clone - meaning the one that got out the earliest - or do nothing.
Once a clone is blocked, you can no longer act on it. The next clone in line takes the role of "leading clone" and can be blocked at a later time.
When a clone moves towards a blocked clone, it changes direction from left to right or right to left. It also changes direction when getting out of the generator directly on a blocked clone or when going up an elevator onto a blocked clone.
If a clone is blocked in front of an elevator, the elevator can no longer be used.
When a clone reaches the location of the exit, it is saved and disappears from the area.
# nb_floors: number of floors (input)
# width: width of the area (input)
# nb_rounds: maximum number of rounds (input)
# exit_floor: floor on which the exit is found (input)
# exit_pos: position of the exit on its floor (input)
# nb_total_clones: number of generated clones (input)
# nb_additional_elevators: ignore (always zero) (input)
# nb_elevators: number of elevators (input)
@nb_floors, @width, @nb_rounds, @exit_floor, @exit_pos, @nb_total_clones,
@nb_additional_elevators, @nb_elevators = gets.split(' ').map(&:to_i)
# floor and position of the elevator
elevators = { gets.split(' ').map(&:to_i) }
loop do
# clone_floor: floor where the leading clone is (input)
# clone_pos: position where the leading clone is (input)
# direction: direction of the leading clone: LEFT or RIGHT (input)
clone_floor, clone_pos, direction = gets.split(' ')
clone_floor, clone_pos = clone_floor.to_i, clone_pos.to_i
# position where the leader should BLOCK
elevator_position = elevators.find { |elevator| elevator.first == clone_floor }&.last
block = elevator_position || @exit_pos
# if leading clone reaches the start or the end of the floor
# or if clone is between an elevator / the exit and the start / the end of the floor
# then block leading clone
if || clone_pos == @width - 1 ||
(direction == 'LEFT' && clone_pos < block) ||
(direction == 'RIGHT' && clone_pos > block)
puts 'BLOCK'
puts 'WAIT'
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
var nbFloors, width, nbRounds, exitFloor, exitPos, nbTotalClones, nbAdditionalElevators, nbElevators int
fmt.Scan(&nbFloors, &width, &nbRounds, &exitFloor, &exitPos, &nbTotalClones, &nbAdditionalElevators, &nbElevators)
elevators := make([]int, nbFloors)
for i := 0; i < nbElevators; i++ {
var elevatorFloor, elevatorPos int
fmt.Scan(&elevatorFloor, &elevatorPos)
elevators[elevatorFloor] = elevatorPos
for {
var cloneFloor, clonePos int
var direction string
fmt.Scan(&cloneFloor, &clonePos, &direction)
action := "WAIT"
// if direction is "NONE", keep waiting
if direction != "NONE" {
// if leader is on the exit floor
if cloneFloor == exitFloor {
// if leader is moving away from the exit position
if direction == "RIGHT" && clonePos > exitPos ||
direction == "LEFT" && clonePos < exitPos {
action = "BLOCK"
} else {
// find the elevator position
elevatorPos := elevators[cloneFloor]
// if leader is on a floor with elevator
if elevatorPos > 0 {
// if leader is moving away from the elevator position
if direction == "RIGHT" && clonePos > elevatorPos ||
direction == "LEFT" && clonePos < elevatorPos {
action = "BLOCK"
// if leader is reaching the limits of the map
} else if clonePos >= width-1 || clonePos <= 0 {
action = "BLOCK"
var inputs = readline().split(' ');
const nbFloors = parseInt(inputs[0]); // number of floors
const width = parseInt(inputs[1]); // width of the area
const nbRounds = parseInt(inputs[2]); // maximum number of rounds
const exitFloor = parseInt(inputs[3]); // floor on which the exit is found
const exitPos = parseInt(inputs[4]); // position of the exit on its floor
const nbTotalClones = parseInt(inputs[5]); // number of generated clones
const nbAdditionalElevators = parseInt(inputs[6]); // ignore (always zero)
const nbElevators = parseInt(inputs[7]); // number of elevators
const elevators = []
for (let i = 0; i < nbElevators; i++) {
var inputs = readline().split(' ');
const elevatorFloor = parseInt(inputs[0]); // floor on which this elevator is found
const elevatorPos = parseInt(inputs[1]); // position of the elevator on its floor
elevators[elevatorFloor] = elevatorPos
// game loop
while (true) {
var inputs = readline().split(' ');
const cloneFloor = parseInt(inputs[0]); // floor of the leading clone
const clonePos = parseInt(inputs[1]); // position of the leading clone on its floor
const direction = inputs[2]; // direction of the leading clone: LEFT or RIGHT
// Write an action using console.log()
// To debug: console.error('Debug messages...');
const pos = elevators[cloneFloor] || exitPos
const action = (
clonePos == 0 || clonePos == width - 1 ||
(direction == 'LEFT' && clonePos < pos) ||
(direction == 'RIGHT' && clonePos > pos)
) ? 'BLOCK' : 'WAIT'
console.log(action); // WAIT or BLOCK