CiviGrant is designed to help grant-giving organisations to manage this process. CiviGrant is one of the simpler CiviCRM components so if you are familiar with other CiviCRM components, you will probably find CiviGrant quite straightforward.
An understanding of the following key concepts will help you to make the best use of CiviGrant.
The standard CiviGrant workflow starts with the details of the grant that a contact is applying for, including the amount applied for and when the application was received. You can then record the stages of the process including when the grant decision was made, how much was granted, when money was transferred, when the grant report was due and if it has been received.
Use grant types to specifiy the different types of grant that your organisation distributes. You can set up as many grant types as you like, and you can also search based on grant type.
CiviGrant comes with three default grant statuses: Pending, Granted and Rejected. You can add more grant statuses to match your workflow.
You can create application processing forms and eligibility criteria in CiviGrant, using CiviCRM's custom data fields. Think about what fields should be attached to the contact who has applied for the grant, and what fields should be attached to the grant.
Once you've familiarised youself with the concepts outlined above, and before you begin to work with CiviGrant, answer the following questions:
- What grant types does your organisation offer?
- What is your grant application workflow and how can you map it to CiviGrant statuses?
- Do you have an application form, and if so, how can you model it using custom data?
- What kinds of reports to you want to generate from the grant process?