The Network layer handles all the problems of connecting to a peer, and exposes
simple bidirectional streams. Users can both open a new stream
) and register a stream handler (SetStreamHandler
). The user
is then free to implement whatever wire messaging protocol she desires. This
makes it easy to build peer-to-peer protocols, as the complexities of
connectivity, multi-transport support, flow control, and so on, are handled.
To help capture the model, consider that:
is similar to making a Request in an HTTP client.SetStreamHandler
is similar to registering a URL handler in an HTTP server
So a protocol, such as a DHT, could:
node := p2p.NewNode(peerid)
// register a handler, here it is simply echoing everything.
node.SetStreamHandler("/helloworld", func (s Stream) {
io.Copy(s, s)
// make a request.
buf1 := []byte("Hello World!")
buf2 := make([]byte, len(buf1))
stream, _ := node.NewStream("/helloworld", peerid) // open a new stream
stream.Write(buf1) // write to the remote
stream.Read(buf2) // read what was sent back
fmt.Println(buf2) // print what was sent back
In the Internet of 2015, we have a processing model where a program may be running without the ability to open multiple -- or even single -- network ports. Most hosts are behind NAT, whether of the household ISP variety or the new containerized data-center type. And some programs may even be running in browsers, with no ability to open sockets directly (sort of). This presents challenges to completely peer-to-peer networks that aspire to connect any hosts together -- whether they're running on a page in the browser, or in a container within a container.
IPFS only needs a single channel of communication with the rest of the network. This may be a single TCP or UDP port, or a single connection through WebSockets or WebRTC. In a sense, the role of the TCP/UDP network stack -- i.e. multiplexing applications and connections -- may now be forced to happen at the application level.
IPFS is transport-agnostic. It can run on any transport protocol. The
format (which is an IPFS-specific
multiaddr) describes the transport.
For example:
# ipv4 + tcp
# ipv6 + tcp
# ipv4 + udp + udt
# ipv4 + udp + utp
IPFS delegates the transport dialing to a multiaddr-based network package, such as go-multiaddr-net. It is advisable to build modules like this in other languages, and scope the implementation of other transport protocols.
Some of the transport protocols we will be using:
- WebRTC (SCTP, etc)
- WebSockets
- TCP Remy
Efforts like NDN and XIA are new architectures for the Internet, which are closer to the model IPFS uses than what IP provides today. IPFS will be able to operate on top of these architectures trivially, as there are no assumptions made about the network stack in the protocol. Implementations will likely need to change, but changing implementations is vastly easier than changing protocols.
We have the hard constraint of making IPFS work across any duplex stream (an outgoing and an incoming stream pair, any arbitrary connection) and work on any platform.
To make this work, IPFS has to solve a few problems:
- Protocol Multiplexing - running multiple protocols over the same stream
- multistream - self-describing protocol streams
- multistream-select - a self-describing protocol selector
- Stream Multiplexing - running many independent streams over the same wire
- Portable Encodings - using portable serialization formats
- Secure Communications - using ciphersuites to establish security and privacy (like TLS)
Protocol Multiplexing means running multiple different protocols over the same stream. This could happen sequentially (one after the other), or concurrently (at the same time, with their messages interleaved). We achieve protocol multiplexing using three pieces:
- multistream - self-describing protocol streams
- multistream-select - a self-describing protocol selector
- Stream Multiplexing - running many independent streams over the same wire
multistream is a self-describing protocol stream format. It is extremely simple. Its goal is to define a way to add headers to protocols that describe the protocol itself. It is sort of like adding versions to a protocol, but extremely explicit.
For example:
multistream-select is a simple multistream protocol that allows listing and selecting other protocols. This means that Protomux has a list of registered protocols, listens for one, and then nests (or upgrades) the connection to speak the registered protocol. This takes direct advantage of multistream: it enables interleaving multiple protocols, as well as inspecting what protocols might be spoken by the remote endpoint.
For example:
Stream Multiplexing is the process of multiplexing (or combining) many different streams into a single one. This is a complicated subject because it enables protocols to run concurrently over the same wire, and all sorts of notions regarding fairness, flow control, head-of-line blocking, etc. start affecting the protocols. In practice, stream multiplexing is well understood and there are many stream multiplexing protocols. To name a few:
- HTTP/2
IPFS nodes are free to support whatever stream multiplexors they wish, on top of the default one. The default one is there to enable even the simplest of nodes to speak multiple protocols at once. The default multiplexor will be HTTP/2 (or maybe QUIC?), but implementations for it are sparse, so we are beginning with SPDY. We simply select which protocol to use with a multistream header.
For example:
In order to be ubiquitous, we must use hyper-portable format encodings, those that are easy to use in various other platforms. Ideally these encodings are well-tested in the wild, and widely used. There may be cases where multiple encodings have to be supported (and hence we may need a multicodec self-describing encoding), but this has so far not been needed. For now, we use protobuf for all protocol messages exclusively, but other good candidates are capnp, bson, and ubjson.
The wire protocol is -- of course -- wrapped with encryption. We use cyphersuites similar to TLS. This is explained further in requirements and considerations: encryption.
Here, we present a table with the multicodecs defined for each IPFS protocol that has a wire componenent. This list may change over time and currently exists as a guide for implementation.
protocol | multicodec | comment |
secio | /secio/1.0.0 | |
TLS | /tls/1.3.0 | not implemented |
plaintext | /plaintext/1.0.0 | |
spdy | /spdy/3.1.0 | |
yamux | /yamux/1.0.0 | |
multiplex | /mplex/6.7.0 | |
identify | /ipfs/id/1.0.0 | |
ping | /ipfs/ping/1.0.0 | |
circuit-relay | /libp2p/relay/circuit/0.1.0 | spec |
diagnostics | /ipfs/diag/net/1.0.0 | |
Kademlia DHT | /ipfs/kad/1.0.0 | |
bitswap | /ipfs/bitswap/1.0.0 |