Releases: CleverNucleus/data-attributes
+Added limit checker method to API class Maths.
*Tweaked the stacking behaviour function for diminishing attributes to take into account a floor value: what does this mean? Previously, 0.5 + 0.1 could give you ~0.43, which is obviously wrong and weird. This was because 0.5 + 0.1 would be added together first to produce 0.6 and then the diminishing function would work on that total value. Now it takes the largest single source and removes it from that function, such that it would do 0.5 + the diminished returns of 0.1, to produce ~0.55.
*Incremented version.
Consistency release - no actual substance
*Built with Fabric API 0.57.0+1.19
*Incremented version (1.2.x is the base for MC1.19)
*Changed LiteralText to Text.literal
*Changed datapack loading slightly to be more inline with vanilla
*Fixed concurrency issue when used in conjunction with PlayerEx and Levelz and teleporting.
*Fixed bug causing attributes to sometimes be null (i.e. the Create incompatibility/crash).
*Fixed crash with Creeper Overhaul.
Initial port to Minecraft 1.18.2. Large changes, mostly functional. Awaiting documentation and more bug reports (i.e. mod conflicts).
*Fixed a bug with reloading datapacks causing datadriven attributes to become unattached from players under certain conditions.
+Incremented version
*Moved to newer releases of Fabric API and Loader.
Updated Fabric Loader to 0.12.10.
*Fixed some EntityAttributeModifier stacking bugs
*Fixed some mixin issues