- NodeJs v16, you can use
to use the version specify in the.nvmrc
You can lauch the backend with or withour docker. To configure each of these methods you must have 2 different env file :
Copy and rename docker.env.example
and .env.example
Label depends on 2 other services from the Cour de cassation : dbsder-api and nlp-pseudonymisation-api. You can lauch these services locally to simulate operation close to production or you can disable theses services from env files. In this case these 2 services are emulated by Label with the storage folder. To do so, follow the Add documents you want to annotate
step in the reuser guide or just rename the storage-example
folder to storage
Install dependencies with:
To lauch the frontend run:
yarn start:client:dev
Then, on your web browser, open http://localhost:55432
Build the backend with:
yarn docker:build:backend
Start the backend with:
yarn docker:start:backend
Start the database:
yarn docker:start:db
Start the backend:
yarn start:backend:dev
You can init database with :
yarn init:db
This script is lauch with the .env
Label contains many scripts, they are listed here You can launch scripts with theses commands :
docker container exec -it label-backend-1 sh -c "cd packages/courDeCassation; sh scripts/runLocalScript.sh ./dist/scripts/myScript.js --myArgument"
scripts/runScriptLocally.sh "myScript.js --myArgument"
Follow the installation guide.
The LABEL application leverages the SSO module as a dependency for its integration with the Single Sign-On (SSO) system. The details of this integration are documented in the README of the SSO module.
The backend exposes the following URLs to interact with the SSO:
- /api/sso/login: Endpoint to initiate the login process via SSO.
- /api/sso/acs: Endpoint for processing SAML assertions following a successful authentication.
- /api/sso/logout: Endpoint to disconnect the user from the SSO.
The attributes returned by the SSO, as well as the roles used by the application, are specified in the configuration file.