Fotowall is a creative tool that allows you to layout your photos or pictures in a personal way. You can add pictures, then resize, move, change colors, text, shadows, etc.. Check out the home page and the blog too. Focus is on simplicity, express your creativity! ;-)
Fotowall "REVO" 1.0 (Unreleased):
In progress:
Arnaud's Undo/Redo system
Wordcloud editor
Arrange Contents
Text shaking
View perspective and rotation (reqby Nicolas Brisset)
Crop picture button (reqby Rossana)
Fotowall "Alchimia" 0.9 (2009-12-08):
- Fast, Solid and Integrated Workflow with Home Screen
- New Contents: Canvas and Wordcloud
- Graphics Effects
- Nested Editors
- LikeBack feedback system
- Zoomable canvas
- Other changes (more than 250 ;-)
- Autoblend effect for Images
- SVG export
- Quick and improved property editors
- Cursor key movement
- OpenGL performance tests and auto-tuning
- Google Images search (by Marco Bavagnoli, reqby. Rossana)
- Cleanups and Refactors: Selection, Frames, Rendering, Backgrounding, DVD/CD, Print/Export
- Fixed relative saving (with contents auto-search)
- Fixed multiple Webcams and bad Colors
- Fixed the Exact Size modes
- Fixed licensing
Version 0.8 (2009-09-12):
- Bezier Shaped Text
- Pictures: Crop and change Opacity
- Context-sensitive Top-Bar
- Window Transparency
- OpenGL Acceleration
- Added many User Requested Features
- add ok button for finalizing the text and just close the tab with X (req. by Rossana)
- network image loading from http (req. by Rossana)
- pictures on background: keep ratio in some way (req. by Rossana)
- same folder when you open the picture (req. by Rossana)
- Video -> Webcam (req. by Rossana)
- FotoWall -> Fotowall (req. by Rossana)
- Merged external Contributions
- fixes from Georges Dubus (intro overflow and translation) and Andreas Brech (bad accelereators, scale with all corners)
- Other changes
- restore the common behavior for rotating (left click)
- animations with 4.6: top bar, item show/hide, properties show/hide
- builds with 4.4 (without many features), 4.5 (without animations), 4.6
- fix: left alignment of some items
- fix: resizing works only with the bottom right corner. fix the others.
Version 0.7.1 (2009-07-23):
- Flickr content download
- Qt 4.6 GFX cuteness and network speed (4.6 highly recommended)
- Rubberband selection of items
- Prettified properties dialogs
- Better load/save (even of network objects)
- Load additional frames + 1 new frame (by Arnaud Tanguy)
- German translation (by Martin Zimmermann)
- Check for updates
- Fixed many bugs
Version 0.6 (2009-04-29):
- PosteRazor Integration
- Live Video (Linux only, requires a WebCam)
- Export Wizard (Wallpaper, Image, PosteRazor, Print)
- XML file format (will ensure compatibility from now on)
- Multi-items selection (to move, delete, set properties, ...)
- All-in-one Scale+Rotate button (different with LMB/RMB and Shift/Ctrl)
- Perspective Transform
- Fixed Size mode
- Sepia Effect
- Scale Text like Images
Version 0.5 (2009-04-11):
- CD/DVD Cover composition and printing (by Arnaud Tanguy)
- Rich Text (with extended editing)
- Glow effect (by Arnaud Tanguy)
- Properties configurable for all objects [reqby Ilan d'Inca]
- Usability fixes [reqby Ilan d'Inca]
- Save to all the supported image formats (by Arnaud Tanguy)
- Properties close button [reqby Ilan d'Inca]
- Improved stacking (fixes + relative to neighbourhoods) [reqby Ilan d'Inca]
- Add the 'No effect' effect removal option (by Arnaud Tanguy)
- French Introduction translation (by Arnaud Tanguy)
- Translation of the Introduction text (by Arnaud Tanguy)
- Fall back to QTextDocument where QtWebkit is not available
Version 0.4 (2009-03-29):
- Windows executable on github
- Image Effects (by Arnaud Tanguy)
- French Translation (by Arnaud Tanguy)
- German translation [Martin]
- Apply properties to All
Version 0.3.1 (2009-03-13):
- builds with Qt 4.4
- Brazilian translation [Marcio Moraes]
- Configuration Panel: right click on an image and edit properties
- More Frame types (default, heart, Plasma backgrounds) [David Eccher]
- More Image Formats (bmp, tiff, gif, ...) [Superstoned]
- Reflections, and really cool ones
- Mirror the photo by clicking on an axis [Alberto Scarpa]
- DoubleClick on a picture -> set it as background, and vice-versa [Alberto Scarpa]
- More pretty (plasma icons) and usable (behavior) frame buttons
- Stacking order [Superstoned]
- Export a single picture as-you-see-it on disk
- Fixed-ratio resize: hold CTRL while resizing
- Visual Help [Alberto Scarpa]
- Drag&Drop: better behavior and can change a picture inside an existing frame too
- Pictures stay on-screen
I hope to expand the program as soon as I can, since there is many room for improvement and the code is kept clean and small.
- You can join the development.. the whole stuff is done with Qt 4.5 or higher using the GraphicsView framework.
- And if you have any Idea or Suggestion, just drop me a line, on the project homepage or by mail at [email protected] ;-)
- Make the propeties dialog moveable/stay in the current view (reqby Martin Zimmermann)
- Integrate Marco Bavagnoli updates on the googleimagedownloader
- Parametric "Random placement", so the image can not be rotated, for example
- Change all pictures opacity at the same time (workaround for the 'random placement' that changes opacity too)
- Font selectable - this is used for title and for frame's text
- Create a MacOS like screensaver - where polaroids fall on the background over time, one on top of the other (or mixed)
- Use the Exact size specifying the Pixel size too (carefully choose the other constraint: dpis or print size?)
- Progress dialog when loading images/{fotowall file made of many} and/or threaded loading
- Text shaking
- pop-art: pointel-ize, like krita brushes, using circles of different size
- add the undo/redo support
- canvas 'dummy' mode for taking snapshots only (shuts off video, for example)
- frame text: centered
- make uninstall
- transform pictures with a 'magneto tool' (good on grids)
- collate pictures, like autocollage, but keeping user transformations
- blend images in one another (reqby Ruud)
- handle initial load-save after being shown. also evaluate normalized rescaling.
- frame: add bordercolor-propagating frame
- svg drawings [balloons, signs, etc..]
- masked pic
- both new and old resize&co
- webcam: on win32
- webcam: configuration panel
- templates
- the template system could even be some auto-generated fotowall file with changing urls.
- provide some default/example files, also loadable with a short path
- use a fotowall scene as gui (4 squared load/save/welcome/etc..)
- scene-in-scene for 'recent files'
- embedded examples (inside/network)
- duplicate/clone content
- real cropping
- scissors tool
- real shaping, intersects frame shape
- integrate with a gimp-like library for effects/graphics ops
- new graphics effects (like Colorize or Warhol-ize ;-)
- mosaic effect: from 1 picture to a grid of misaligned pics (needs re-cropping)
- update the video tutorial (still at 0.2!)
- add the "color changing stuff" to the picture themselves (req. by Contrast, Superstoned)
- win: photo dragging from the 'add picture' filedialog (seems harder that it should be. works on linux) (req. by Rossana)
- auto-placement [force field, shape, collage, etc..]
- ap: perform rectangular image composition based on an input picture (color, pattern)
- ap: perform image distribution based on shapes or probability sampling (on a sprayed grayscale canvas)
- 3d text
- global illumitation/shading for shadows, frames, 3d text
- Google-suggest completion (already in, but misplaced when embedded into qgraphicsview)
- integrate kde-apps knowledgebase (already in, but doesn't work great)
- scene matrix (global perspective)
- regional links to web resources
- italian:
- french: ubuntu-fr ?
- missing relicences
- 3rdparty/richtextedit/richtexteditor*: redo 'cause non free
This Fotowall package provides source code; to make an executable out of the sources you have to know a little about programming or ask one of your friends to do it ;-) Or just grab an 'executable package' from the project homepage.
In Linux/X11, Mac, or Windows, install the latest Qt development packages that you will find on
- on linux this is tested with Qt 4.4/4.5/4.6-git and GCC 4.0+
- on windows this is tested witn Qt 4.5.2+ and MSVC Express 2005 and 2008
- on mac it is tested with Qt 4.5+
Just open a command prompt (win), shell (linux, mac) and go the sources location and issue the followings commands:
- qmake (or qmake-qt4 if your system is weird)
- make (or nmake, if you're on windows)
- make install (on linux)
The executable will be built and you can start enjoying Fotowall! ;-)
Internal: To prepare the folder for release: make distclean; git clean -fdx; rm -fr Makefile data/sources .build .git .gitignore translations/.gitignore examples; qmake; rm -fr Makefile .build Internal: Check dependancies: find .h -maxdepth 1 -exec grep -irH {} ../items/ ;
2009-03-02 Fotowall is now on GitHub. Development will continue here. Changes are coming soon!
2008-09-03 Peter Upfold put together a great ScreenCast of the application!!
See fot the article and click on the Video link to see the screencast.
2008-08-01 Thanks to everybody that is sending me patches!
I really appreciate that, even if I don't have time right now to check and apply them.. but I'm willing to give everybody the SVN access, so drop me a note if you want to contribute!
2008-04-14 Updated this page including the Wishlist
2008-04-06 Fotowall 0.21 released
Changes in this release are: relicensing and a new program icon
2008-04-06 Imported the project into Google Code