A Landing Zone is a set of cloud resources that serve as the underlying infrastructure where workspaces or other Terra applications can be deployed. The resources in a Landing Zone define and implement constraints, provide cross-cutting features, or can be shared. These resources have a different lifecycle than resources in workspaces.
The Landing Zone "Service" is currently being used as a library attached to Workspace Manager. It is in the process of being stood up as a standalone service. See README.md for directions on running the service.
The Landing Zone Manager is the high-level component that lists the available Landing Zone Step Definition factories, deploys Landing Zone and lists resources per purpose.
The Landing Zone Manager requires a TokenCredential
, AzureProfile
and resourceGroupName
You can list resources by purpose using the Landing Zone Manager:
List<DeployedResource> resources=landingZoneManager.reader().listResourcesByPurpose(landingZoneId, ResourcePurpose.SHARED_RESOURCE);
Virtual Networks can be listed by subnet purpose:
List<DeployedVNet> vNets=
landingZoneManager.reader().listVNetWithSubnetPurpose(landingZoneId, SubnetResourcePurpose.WORKSPACE_COMPUTE_SUBNET);
You can get all available Landing Zone Step Factories:
List<FactoryInfo> factories=LandingZoneManager.listDefinitionFactories();
The Landing Zone Service is a Spring service component that wraps the Landing Zone Manager, provides a job based/async API to deploy Landing Zones, and persists Landing Zone deployments state in a DB.
The table below describes the current Landing Zone Definitions available in the library.
Factory | Description | Versions | Shared Resources | Parameters |
CromwellBaseResourcesFactory | Deploys required resources to run Cromwell on Azure. | V1 |
POSTGRES_DB_ADMIN: Username of the DB admin Default value: db_admin POSTGRES_DB_PASSWORD: DB admin password Default value: UUID.randomUUID().toString() POSTGRES_SERVER_SKU: PostgreSQL Server SKU Default value: Standard_D2ds_v5 POSTGRES_SERVER_SKU_TIER: PostgreSQL Server Compute Tier Default value: General Purpose VNET_ADDRESS_SPACE: Virtual network address space Default value: AKS_SUBNET: AKS subnet address space Default value: BATCH_SUBNET: Batch subnet address space Default value: POSTGRESQL_SUBNET: PostgreSQL subnet address space Default value: COMPUTE_SUBNET: Compute resources subnet address space Default value: AKS_NODE_COUNT: Number of nodes in AKS Nodepool Default value: 1 AKS_MACHINE_TYPE: Machine type used for AKS hosts Default value: ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes.STANDARD_A2_V2 AKS_AUTOSCALING_ENABLED: Flag to enabled autoscaling for the AKS nodepool Default value: false AKS_AUTOSCALING_MIN: Minimum number of nodes in nodepool when autoscaling is enabled Default value: 1 AKS_AUTOSCALING_MAX: Maximum number of nodes in nodepool when autoscaling is enabled Default value: 3 AKS_COST_SAVING_SPOT_NODES_ENABLED: Enable Spot Node usage on AKS Default value: false Azure storage account overview: documentation Azure storage CORS configuration: documentation STORAGE_ACCOUNT_BLOB_CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS: The origin domains that are permitted to make a request against the storage service via CORS Default value: * STORAGE_ACCOUNT_BLOB_CORS_ALLOWED_METHODS: The methods (HTTP request verbs) that the origin domain may use for a CORS request Default value: GET,HEAD,OPTIONS,PUT,PATCH,POST,MERGE,DELETE STORAGE_ACCOUNT_BLOB_CORS_ALLOWED_HEADERS: The request headers that the origin domain may specify on the CORS request Default value: authorization,content-type,x-app-id,Referer,x-ms-blob-type,x-ms-copy-source,content-length STORAGE_ACCOUNT_BLOB_CORS_EXPOSED_HEADERS: The response headers that may be sent in the response to the CORS request and exposed by the browser to the request issuer Default value: Empty string STORAGE_ACCOUNT_BLOB_CORS_MAX_AGE: The maximum amount time that a browser should cache the preflight OPTIONS request (in seconds) Default value: 0 Azure storage SKU types: documentation STORAGE_ACCOUNT_SKU_TYPE: Type of storage account Default value: Standard_LRS; Accepted values: Standard_LRS, Standard_GRS, Standard_RAGRS, Standard_ZRS, Premium_LRS; Please see StorageAccountSkuType; ENABLE_PGBOUNCER: Whether to have pgbouncer enabled on postgresql server Default value: true; |
ProtectedDataResourcesFactory | Deploy additional resources to the landing zone for additional security monitoring (using Azure Sentinel) and exporting logs to centralized long-term storage for retention. | V1 |
Same as for CromwellBaseResourcesFactory |
We use pact for contract testing between the landing zone service and other services.
Contract tests are excluded from the base "tests" gradle task. To run the consumer tests, use the following gradle invocation from the repository root:
./gradlew :service:pactConsumerTests
Provider contract tests require a running postgres:
./service/local-dev/run_postgres.sh start
They also require input pacts, either pulled from a broker or stored locally. To run against a broker, use this invocation:
PACT_BROKER_USERNAME="<brokerusername>" PACT_BROKER_PASSWORD"<brokerpassword>" PACT_BROKER_URL="<brokerurl>" ./gradlew :service:verifyPacts
The required broker information is stored in vault. Ask in #dsp-workspaces for more info.
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for more information about the process of running tests and contributing code to the repository and DESIGN.md for a deeper understanding of the repository's structure and design patterns.