diff --git a/.github/dependabot.yaml b/.github/dependabot.yaml index 24b1ef5acea7ca..795be76f5b7ce9 100644 --- a/.github/dependabot.yaml +++ b/.github/dependabot.yaml @@ -1,36 +1,38 @@ version: 2 updates: - package-ecosystem: gomod - directory: / + directories: + - / + - /comp/* + - /pkg/* + - /test/* labels: - dependencies - dependencies-go - - team/triage - changelog/no-changelog ignore: # These dependencies are replaced in the main go.mod file. # They are ignored since bumping them would have no effect on the build. # To update them automatically, it is necessary to remove the `replace` directive. - - dependency-name: k8s.io/* - dependency-name: github.com/cihub/seelog - - dependency-name: github.com/containerd/cgroups - - dependency-name: github.com/containerd/containerd - dependency-name: github.com/coreos/go-systemd - # We only replace github.com/docker/distribution but we ignore all Docker dependencies. - - dependency-name: github.com/docker/* - - dependency-name: github.com/florianl/go-conntrack - - dependency-name: github.com/iovisor/gobpf - - dependency-name: github.com/lxn/walk - - dependency-name: github.com/mholt/archiver - - dependency-name: github.com/prometheus/client_golang - dependency-name: github.com/spf13/cast # Ignore internal modules - dependency-name: github.com/DataDog/datadog-agent/* + # See https://github.com/DataDog/datadog-agent/pull/10112 + - dependency-name: github.com/mailru/easyjson # Ignore golang.org/x/... deps to avoid noise, they are updated together, pretty regularly - dependency-name: golang.org/x/* # OpenTelemetry collector packages need to be updated with inv rather than dependabot - dependency-name: go.opentelemetry.io/collector/* - dependency-name: github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib/* + # Ignore test-infra-definitions because bumping the GO package inside `go.mod` + # requires to also bump `TEST_INFRA_DEFINITIONS_BUILDIMAGES` inside `.gitlab/common/test_infra_version.yml` + # and dependabot isn’t able to keep those two synchronized. + - dependency-name: github.com/DataDog/test-infra-definitions + # Do not bump dependencies that come from test-infra-definitions, they will be bumped when we'll bump the version + # https://datadoghq.atlassian.net/browse/ADXT-375 + - dependency-name: github.com/pulumi* schedule: interval: weekly open-pull-requests-limit: 100 @@ -44,75 +46,9 @@ updates: aws-sdk-go-v2: patterns: - "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2*" - - package-ecosystem: gomod - directory: /pkg/trace - labels: - - dependencies - - dependencies-go - - team/agent-apm - - changelog/no-changelog - ignore: - # Ignore internal modules - - dependency-name: github.com/DataDog/datadog-agent/* - # See https://github.com/DataDog/datadog-agent/pull/10112 - - dependency-name: github.com/mailru/easyjson - # Ignore golang.org/x/... deps to avoid noise, they are updated together, pretty regularly - - dependency-name: golang.org/x/* - # OpenTelemetry collector packages need to be updated with inv rather than dependabot - - dependency-name: go.opentelemetry.io/collector/* - - dependency-name: github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib/* - schedule: - interval: weekly - open-pull-requests-limit: 100 - - package-ecosystem: gomod - directory: /pkg/gohai - labels: - - dependencies - - dependencies-go - - team/agent-shared-components - - changelog/no-changelog - ignore: - # Ignore internal modules - - dependency-name: github.com/DataDog/datadog-agent/* - # See https://github.com/DataDog/datadog-agent/pull/10112 - - dependency-name: github.com/mailru/easyjson - # Ignore golang.org/x/... deps to avoid noise, they are updated together, pretty regularly - - dependency-name: golang.org/x/* - schedule: - interval: weekly - open-pull-requests-limit: 100 - - package-ecosystem: gomod - directory: /pkg/obfuscate - labels: - - dependencies - - dependencies-go - - team/agent-apm - - changelog/no-changelog - ignore: - # Ignore internal modules - - dependency-name: github.com/DataDog/datadog-agent/* - # See https://github.com/DataDog/datadog-agent/pull/10112 - - dependency-name: github.com/mailru/easyjson - # Ignore golang.org/x/... deps to avoid noise, they are updated together, pretty regularly - - dependency-name: golang.org/x/* - schedule: - interval: weekly - open-pull-requests-limit: 100 - - package-ecosystem: gomod - directory: /pkg/security/secl - labels: - - dependencies - - dependencies-go - - team/agent-security - - changelog/no-changelog - ignore: - # Ignore internal modules - - dependency-name: github.com/DataDog/datadog-agent/* - # Ignore golang.org/x/... deps to avoid noise, they are updated together, pretty regularly - - dependency-name: golang.org/x/* - schedule: - interval: weekly - open-pull-requests-limit: 100 + k8s-io: + patterns: + - "k8s.io/*" - package-ecosystem: gomod directory: /internal/tools labels: @@ -123,7 +59,6 @@ updates: # publish a new version exploiting that it runs automatically after it # is updated to write to our repo. - dev/tooling - - team/agent-delivery - changelog/no-changelog - qa/no-code-change schedule: @@ -132,66 +67,7 @@ updates: # Ignore golang.org/x/... deps to avoid noise, they are updated together, pretty regularly - dependency-name: golang.org/x/* open-pull-requests-limit: 100 - - package-ecosystem: gomod - directory: /pkg/networkdevice/profile - labels: - - dependencies - - dependencies-go - - team/network-device-monitoring - - changelog/no-changelog - ignore: - # Ignore internal modules - - dependency-name: github.com/DataDog/datadog-agent/* - # Ignore golang.org/x/... deps to avoid noise, they are updated together, pretty regularly - - dependency-name: golang.org/x/* - schedule: - interval: weekly - open-pull-requests-limit: 100 - - package-ecosystem: gomod - directory: /test/new-e2e - labels: - - dependencies - - dependencies-go - - team/agent-e2e-test - - changelog/no-changelog - - qa/no-code-change - - dev/testing - ignore: - # Ignore test-infra-definitions because bumping the GO package inside `go.mod` - # requires to also bump `TEST_INFRA_DEFINITIONS_BUILDIMAGES` inside `.gitlab/common/test_infra_version.yml` - # and dependabot isn’t able to keep those two synchronized. - - dependency-name: github.com/DataDog/test-infra-definitions - # Do not bump dependencies that come from test-infra-definitions, they will be bumped when we'll bump the version - # https://datadoghq.atlassian.net/browse/ADXT-375 - - dependency-name: github.com/pulumi* - # Ignore golang.org/x/... deps to avoid noise, they are updated together, pretty regularly - - dependency-name: golang.org/x/* - groups: - aws-sdk-go-v2: - patterns: - - "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2*" - k8s-io: - patterns: - - "k8s.io/*" - schedule: - interval: weekly - open-pull-requests-limit: 100 - - package-ecosystem: gomod - directory: /test/fakeintake - labels: - - dependencies - - dependencies-go - - team/agent-e2e-test - - changelog/no-changelog - - qa/no-code-change - - dev/testing - schedule: - interval: weekly - open-pull-requests-limit: 100 - ignore: - # Ignore golang.org/x/... deps to avoid noise, they are updated together, pretty regularly - - dependency-name: golang.org/x/* - package-ecosystem: docker directory: /test/fakeintake labels: @@ -203,6 +79,7 @@ updates: schedule: interval: weekly open-pull-requests-limit: 100 + - package-ecosystem: github-actions directory: / labels: @@ -215,6 +92,7 @@ updates: schedule: interval: weekly open-pull-requests-limit: 100 + - package-ecosystem: maven directory: Dockerfiles/agent/bouncycastle-fips labels: