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SpacePlanning Toolkit

A collection of node to accelerate generative space planning workflows in Dynamo & Refinery. This toolkit will run in both DynamoSandbox, DynamoStudio and Dynamo4Revit.

Space Planning Toolkit floorplan layout


There are 11 sample Dynamo graphs included with the SpacePlanningToolkit package, all made to work with Dynamo 2.0.

Sample 1 - AllNodes

Index graph showing all available nodes in the GenerativeToolkit packages.

Sample 2 - GenerativeToolkit_Binpacking2D

The sample folder contains 3 different graphs showing different ways to use the Binpacking2D nodes. The binpacking 2D nodes requriers 3 inputs, a list of rectangles to pack, a single Rectangle to pack into and a placement method. There are 3 different placement methods in the package:

  • Best Shortest Side Fits - Will pack the rectangle into the free area where it minimizes the length of the areas shortest side.
  • Best Longest Side Fits - Will pack the rectangle into the free area where it minimizes the length of the areas longest side.
  • Best Area Fits - Will pack the rectangle into the free area where the remaining area after the placement is minimized.

There are 3 different sample workflows in the sample folder:

  • GenerativeToolkit_Binpacking2DTest_BAF show the result of packing rectangles with the Best Area Fits placement method, and different ways of sorting the rectangles to pack.
  • GenerativeToolkit_Binpacking2DTest_BLSF show the result of packing rectangles with the Best Long Side Fits placement method, and different ways of sorting the rectangles to pack.
  • GenerativeToolkit_Binpacking2DTest_BSSF show the result of packing rectangles with the Best Short Side Fits placement method, and different ways of sorting the rectangles to pack.


Sample 3 - GenerativeToolkit_Binpacking3DTest

This sample shows how the Binpacking3D node works. The node requires a Bin as a Cuboid and a list of Items also as Cuboids. The node will take the items and pack as many as possible into the Bin Cuboid. The sample displays the final pack and will also show which items has been packed (green cuboids) and which items hasn't (red cuboids).


Sample 4 - GenerativeToolkit_SurfaceDivisionTest

The SurfaceDivision node will take any Surface and divided it based on U and V parameters.


Sample 5 - GenerativeToolkit_GeometricMedianTest

The GeometricMedian node takes a list of sample point and finds the point that minimizes the distance to all other points. In the sample file 5 different examples are shown.


Sample 6 - GenerativeToolkit_IsovistFromPointTest

The Isovist.FromPoint node takes a boundary polygon, internal polygons and a origin point and calculates the visible area from that point.


Sample 7 - GenerativeToolkit_OpenessTest

The Openess node takes a boundary polygon, obstacle polygons and a Surface and calculates how much of the surface perimeter is enclosed by a obstacle.

The sample folder contains 2 versions of this sample, a Sandbox version and a Revit version.


Sample 8 - GenerativeToolkit_ShortestPath

The Shortest Path node will calculate the path between two points with the minimum distance.


Sample 9 - GenerativeToolkit_ViewsToOutsideTest

Views to Outside will calculate in precentage how much views to outside there is from a origin point. Views to outside is represented by line segments.

The sample folder contains 3 versions of this sample, a Sandbox version, a Revit version and a version set up to be used in Refinery.


Sample 10 - GenerativeToolkit_VisiblePointsTest

Visible Points calculates the amount of visible points from a origin point. The points can represent what ever you want them to be, it could be "how much of this space (represented by points) is visible form this point" or "How many other desks (represented with points) are visible from this point".

The sample folder contains 2 versions of this sample, a Sandbox version and a version set up to be used in Refinery.


Sample 11 - GenerativeToolkit_DistinctColorsTest

The ContrastyColorRange node returns a given amount of colors in a random order which all are visually distinct from each other. The maximum colors that can be created right now is 19.