Thank you for contributing!
Please feel free to submit bug reports and feature requests via the Issues tab. When doing so, please make sure you fill in all required information when prompted. Bug reports should have a clear and concise description, along with steps to reproduce the bug. Feature requests should contain enough context to be understood and actioned by maintainers.
- Please feel free to submit pull requests. When doing so, please make sure you fill in all required information when prompted.
- Before writing code, please create an issue outlining the design of the proposed feature.
- Ensure your code is consistent with the code style in this repository. Where possible, we will provide linter/formatter settings that will enable you to check your code quickly and easily.
- Download and install the latest version of git.
- Configure git with your username and email:
git config --global 'your name'
git config --global 'your email'
- Make sure you have a GitHub account.
- Fork this repository to your GitHub account by clicking the Fork button.
- Clone your GitHub fork locally:
git clone{username}/{this-repository}
cd {this-repository}
- Add the main repository as a remote to update later:
git remote add upstream{this-repository}
git fetch upstream
- Create a branch and identify the issue you would like to work on.
- Using your favourite editor, make your changes, committing as you go.
- Include tests that cover any code changes you make. Make sure the test fails without your patch. Run the tests.
- Push your commits to your fork and create a pull request.
Everyone contributing to this project and issue tracker is expected to follow the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct.