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TimeTrack - small enterprise time recording

TimeTrack aims to be a easy-to-use time recording software for small enterprises. It's a fork from TimeTrack Oval, v6.2 (license-based model, within cloud & more features)


  • Time recording for your employees (as well as Vacation and Sickness reporting)
  • Email notifications
  • Platform-wide notifications
  • customizable API
  • Logging
  • EN/DE/NL language support
  • Maintenance mode
  • Easy and fast installation
  • LDAP Authentication

That's not even all of it, you can also generate timesheets (PDF) to export, user creation menu, an "easymode" to make it even easier to track your time and a mobile-friendly UI. Additional functionality can be unlocked with TimeTrack Oval



  • at least PHP 8.2 (curl|gd|gmp|intl|mbstring|mysqli|openssl|xsl|gettext|dom|ldap)
  • composer (to install dependencies; phpmailer: for sending emails via smtp, parsedown: markdown parser for the, simple-router: does the API routing, yaml: for reading plugin yaml files, ldaptools: for LDAP authentication, dompdf: for PDF generation)
  • Apache2.4 with enabled rewrite mod (optional)

This software has been tested on Debian 11/12, XAMPP, PHP internal server (e.g. php -S

Install dependencies and TimeTrack

Simply install the software by following these steps:

  • Install php and requirements: sudo apt update && sudo apt install php8.2 php8.2-curl php8.2-gd php8.2-gmp php8.2-intl php8.2-mbstring php8.2-mysqli php8.2-pgsql php8.2-xsl php8.2-gettext php8.2-dom php8.2-ldap composer git mariadb-server apache2 -y and enable the apache rewrite mod a2enmod rewrite && service apache2 restart. If you do not want to use apache2 you can skip this step.
  • Git clone timetrack to e.g. /var/www: cd /var/www && git clone && cd timetrack
  • Install requirements for composer composer install
  • Create a new database, e.g. with the name ab and create a dedicated user, login (mysql -u root -p) then e.g. timetool: CREATE DATABASE ab; and CREATE USER 'timetool'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'yourpassword'; and GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ab.* TO 'timetool'@'localhost'; don't forget to FLUSH PRIVILEGES;!
  • Import the setup/sql.sql into your database, e.g. mysql -u timetool -p ab < /full/path/to/sql.sql
  • To create your first user, run the setup/usercreate.php file, e.g. php ./usercreate.php admin yourpassword [email protected] - usercreate.php [USERNAME] [PASSWORD] [EMAIL]
  • Run the statement printed by the usercreate.php inside your database (mysql -u root -p and use ab; then the statement).
  • Configure app.json (see below - required changes: base_url, db_user, db_password, smtp section and any other if your installation is different) then mv api/v1/inc/app.json.sample app.json && cd /var/www/timetrack
  • Start webserver e.g. service apache2 stop && php -S or using apache2 (then you have to configure the sites-available conf yourself)

Configure app.json

In step 2, you need to configure the app.json.sample within the api/v1/inc folder:

  • app_name: The name of your application, e.g. ACME Inc. TimeRecording
  • base_url: The Base URL (can also be an IP) of your application, without ending trailing slash and the protocol, e.g. or (URLs will be built with the http:// protocol, we recommend adding a redirect to https:// if you use an certificate.)
  • support_email: An email displayed to users in case of help, e.g. [email protected]
  • debug: (deprecated, but may still unlock certain functionality)
  • auto_update: (not yet implemented)
  • db_*: Set the connection details for your mysql instance
  • app: If set to true, users will be able to use the TimeTrack mobile application

SMTP section

  • host: FQDN of your mail server
  • username: Username for the mailbox you want to send emails from
  • password: Self explaining
  • port: Specify a custom port or change the port if you do not want to use encryption
  • usessl: Specify if you want to use STARTTLS (false) after initial communication or use SSL (true)

If you plan to use this system with a Gmail-Account, please be aware that you are not able to use your usual password. You would have to create a seperate App Password, you should note down. You can do this following this link: or by navigating from to Security > 2-Factor Authentication > App Passwords. If you do not see this option on screen, use the link.

Plugins (Read more at /api/v1/classes/plugins/docs)

  • plugins: Specify if you want to enable or disable plugins (default: true)
  • path: Plugins path (default: /api/v1/classes/plugins/plugins)
  • data: Data path for plugins, relative from the path variable (default: data)
  • testing: Specify if the testing mode is enabled or not. If enabled, plugins which are not bundled within an phar archive are working aswell (e.g. just the source code within the plugins folder).


LDAP authentication works with OpenLDAP and Active Directory.

  • ldap: Specify if you want to enable (true) or disable (false) LDAP functionality (default: false)
  • ldap_user: Serviceaccount to be used by timetrack (e.g. sa-timetrack)
  • ldap_password: Base64 encoded LDAP user password
  • ldap_host: FQDN of your LDAP server (e.g. dc.example.local)
  • ldap_ip: IP address of your LDAP server (e.g.
  • ldap_domain: The domain your LDAP server controls (e.g. example.local)
  • ldap_basedn: Base DN for your domain (e.g. dc=example,dc=local)
  • ldap_group: Group membership required by LDAP users to be able to authenticate (e.g. Domain Users, (new group) TimeTrack Users)
  • saf: Specify if you only have one LDAP server (true) or another one as fallback (false)
  • saf_*: If saf is set to false, please specify the corresponding values to the saf_* configuration
  • create_user: If set to true it creates an user account automatically if the desired account is authenticated and within specified group. If set to false login simply fails, even if authenticated.


  • css: Full path to the CSS file used for the PDF export (default: api/v1/class/exports/modules/PDFExportModule/css/index.css) - optional value

If done correctly, you should now be able to access the application via http://BASE_URL/ - redirects to http://BASE_URL/suite/

Please delete the whole /setup/ folder after installation

After configuring, please rename the app.json.sample to app.json (mv app.json.sample app.json)

Maintenance Mode

To enable the maintenance mode, simply rename the api/inc/.MAINTENANCE to MAINTENANCE (without the dot) to enable the functionality. No one will be able to access the application, aswell as administrators. Disabling is done by renaming the file again.


TimeTrack only differenciates between two user groups:

  • Admin: This group allows to change application settings, add notifications entries, manage users, manage worktime, sickness and vacation reports
  • User: If in this group, you only have access to the elemental functions, like viewing notifications entries, add worktime/vacation/sickness


Logs can be found inside the ./data/logs path, they are named in the following scheme: log-{YEAR}-{MONTH}-{DAY}.log. Log files created do not get deleted automatically. Another useful source, while expieriencing errors is the /var/log/apache2/errors.log file, containing the errors created by PHP.


TimeTrack supports German, English and Dutch. Users currently can't actively switch between any of them, instead TimeTrack uses the locale provided by the browser.


TimeTrack allows you to use your existing LDAP server to authenticate your users against or create users automatically. We use the users Username and the "Email" field from your LDAP to create the user within TimeTrack. A special setting create_user allows already existing users within the AD to register their account on their own. Also at any time you can login with locally created accounts. However, if the LDAP user but not the local user account exists, login will be denied. Already existing local accounts will get their authentication overwritten if an LDAP user is created with the same username afterwards.

In order to create accounts automatically if create_user is true make sure to set the user's email address! Otherwise login fails.

If above mentioned setting is set to false you have to create a user on your own locally and then let the user login with their LDAP credentials. The credentials you have entered will become usable if you disable LDAP or rename the account on your LDAP server.


The ExportModule allows you to export your data in any format as long as you have a ExportModule defined for it. TimeTrack ships the PDFExportModule and CSVExportModule which allows you to export your data in PDF/CSV format through your browser/file.

You can define your own ExporModules by creating a new class in api/v1/class/exports/modules/MyExportExportModule/ and implementing the ExportModuleInterface interface found in api/v1/class/exports/modules/

You can then use your new MyExportExportModule the following:

require_once 'path/to/';
use Arbeitszeit\Arbeitszeit;

$arbeit = new Arbeitszeit();

$data = $arbeit->get_all_user_worktime("username");

$arbeit->exportModule()->export(["module" => "MyExportExportModule", "data" => $data]);
// OR

As there is currently no Export Area in the UI you have to create the GUI elements on your own. You can specify your own CSS file within the app.json exports -> pdf -> css setting (full path) - the default is api/v1/class/exports/modules/PDFExportModule/css/index.css

QR codes

You can use the plugin QRClock to generate QR codes for yourself to either clock in or out. The QR code generated can be saved for later use, e.g. print it out. Currently you do have to login before you can use the QR code. This will be reworked to bypass current authentication flow as there is a token embedded in the QR code. Therefore you should be careful with the QR code.

To use this feature, please download and place the phpqrcode folder into the api/v1/class/plugins/plugins/qrclock/src folder. You can download the phpqrcode library from When you have done this, you just have to enable the plugin by setting enabled within the plugin.yml to true.

The link to phpqrcode also contains a wiki if you want to modify the plugin.

CodeClock Plugin

This plugin allows you to clock in or out using a PIN to authenticate. The plugin is disabled by default and must be enabled in the plugin.yml. You can access the plugin by navigating to Plugins -> [codeclock] View PIN. Admins can reset PINs through the Plugins -> [codeclock] Admin View page. You must have once accessed the plugin to let it generate the PINs.

To login with the PIN navigate to http://BASE_URL/api/v1/toil/code and enter your PIN.


TimeTrack has to be updated in two ways: database and application.


If downloaded from GitHub you can simply pull the latest release e.g. git pull If downloaded any other way, just make sure to copy and paste the new files into TimeTrack's root directory.


You can update the database by downloading the setup/upgrade.php file into your local setup directory. From here on just edit the $missingUpdate variable to the desired version as specified.

Please be aware that you are not able to skip an database update. You have to update one by one, e.g. from 1 -> 2, 2 -> 3, ...