diff --git a/docs/internal/deployments/data.tsx b/docs/internal/deployments/data.tsx
index f4a4583..e4f126b 100644
--- a/docs/internal/deployments/data.tsx
+++ b/docs/internal/deployments/data.tsx
@@ -79,23 +79,6 @@ const deployments: DeploymentInfo[] = [
isChris: false,
public: true
- {
- url: "https://ohif.chrisproject.org",
- src: {
- type: SrcType.GitHub,
- value: "https://github.com/FNNDSC/NERC/tree/master/cube1"
- },
- description: (
- {' '}
- viewer for the pfdcm filesystem cache of CUBE1.
- ),
- notes: "Keep in mind that this OHIF displays data stored by PFDCM (which is mostly the same as but is not guaranteed to be the same data as CUBE PACSfiles).",
- host: "NERC (OpenShift)",
- isChris: false,
- public: true
- },
url: "https://app.fetalmri.org",
description: "Fetal MRI dataset browser",
@@ -156,6 +139,22 @@ const deployments: DeploymentInfo[] = [
+ {
+ url: "https://ackee.chrisproject.org",
+ description: "Privacy-friendly web analytics",
+ host: "NERC (OpenShift)",
+ src: {
+ type: SrcType.GitHub,
+ value: "https://github.com/FNNDSC/NERC/tree/master/ackee"
+ },
+ isChris: false,
+ public: true,
+ notes: (
+ Ackee has its own documentation page here.
+ )
+ },
url: "http://chris-next.tch.harvard.edu",
description: "BCH internal ChRIS_ui",