The chat UI for OpenAssistant.
import { AiAssistant } from '@openassistant/ui';
import '@openassistant/ui/dist/styles.css';
function App() {
return (
welcomeMessage="Hello! How can I help you today?"
The following dependencies are required:
- @ai-sdk/core
- @ai-sdk/google
- @ai-sdk/openai
- @ai-sdk/xai
- ollama-ai-provider
- html2canvas
yarn add @openassistant/ui @ai-sdk/core @ai-sdk/google @ai-sdk/openai @ai-sdk/xai ollama-ai-provider html2canvas
If your project is using tailwindcss, you can install the source files of the chat component using @openassistant/cli. Yes, just like Shadcn UI, so you can customize the components to your needs.
npx add-ai-chat
The CLI will prompt you for:
- Target directory for the components
- Whether you're using TypeScript
- AiAssistant
- ScreenshotWrapper
You will need to install the following dependencies:
- @ai-sdk/core
- @ai-sdk/google
- @ai-sdk/openai
- @ai-sdk/xai
- ollama-ai-provider
- html2canvas
- react-audio-voice-recorder
- @nextui-org/react
- framer-motion
- next-themes
yarn add @ai-sdk/core @ai-sdk/google @ai-sdk/openai @ai-sdk/xai ollama-ai-provider html2canvas @nextui-org/react framer-motion next-themes react-audio-voice-recorder
You will need to add the following to your tailwind.config.js
const { nextui } = require("@nextui-org/react");
module.exports = {
darkMode: "class",
content: [
theme: {
extend: {},
plugins: [nextui()],
Then, you can use the components in your project.
import { AiAssistant } from './components/assistant';
function App() {
return (
welcomeMessage="Hello! How can I help you today?"