- 1.4 - 15.12.2015 sbidy - Update comments, add hash-set for lookup and safe to persistent
- 1.5 - 16.12.2015 sbidy - Add date-time to performance log
- 1.6 - 16.12.2015 sbidy - Change to TCP Socket, Socket an timeout to global, update name to "MacroMilter", set_exception_policy to ACCEPT, fix timer bug for performance data
- 1.7 - 05.01.2016 sbidy - Adding Extensionlogging
- 1.8 - 07.01.2016 sbidy - Commit at github, add the privacy statement
- 1.9 - 12.01.2016 sbidy - Clean up the code - deleted the virus total function. Hive off to a separate project/milter