This is the second version of our report about the Vot.Ar e-Voting system by MSA Group, used in the past elections of July 5 in Bs. As., as well as in other provinces for years like Salta.
Despite the many drawbacks and null advantages of this system, justice is deaf allowing its implementation.
For the sake of completeness, we recommend reading the following texts:
- El sistema de voto electrónico en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires: una “solución”en busca de problemas
- Auditoría de sistemas Elecciones 2015 - CABA - FCEN UBA
- Auditoría de Sistema de Votación Electrónica 2015 para la Defensoría del Pueblo de la CABA - ITBA
- Ataque a sistema de voto electrónico Vot.Ar (BUE) permite sumar multiples votos con una sola boleta
- El sistema oculto en las máquinas de Vot.Ar
- Sobre el chip RFID de la “boleta única electrónica”
We have presented the report at different conferences. The sources are in the appropriate directory of this repository.
- EKOparty #11 Octubre 2015
- SBSeg #15 Noviembre 2015: watch presentation
- Banco Frances Talks December 2015: watch presentation
- FLISoL #12 Abril 2016
In all instances we have come, some of us weeks before the elections, some for years, the national media chose not to talk much about it. The reasons unknown, despite having information on a platter scoop. However and gradually, some media begin to address this issue properly, with still a long way to go given that the whole process was treated in the dark for the voters.
- Todo lo que no te cuentan los medios del #VotoElectronico en Argentina
- Algunas reflexiones sobre el voto electrónico
- 06-07-2015 - Radio LED con Enrique Chaparro
- Con los chips de punta por la falta de control
- Clarín, Página y Perfil anticipan problemas con el voto electrónico
- Argentinien: Razzia nach Hinweis auf Sicherheitslücke in Wahlcomputern
- Argentine police raid programmer who discovered fatal e-voting flaws
- Researcher Who Reported E-voting Vulnerability Targeted By Police Raid in Argentina
- Argentina Rewards Programmer Who Exposed E-Voting Vulnerabilities With A Complimentary Home Police Raid
- Police raid programmer who reported flaw in Argentinian e-voting system
- Cómo votar múltiples veces con el sistema Vot.AR este domingo en Buenos Aires (Argentina)
- Es posible votar múltiples veces con el sistema Vot.AR este domingo en Buenos Aires (Argentina)
- Argentinian Programmer Rewarded With A Home Raid For Exposing E-Voting Vulnerabilities
- Buenos Aires Censors and Raids the Technologists Fixing Its Flawed E-Voting System
- At
- At Javier's blog
- At Iván's blog
As an example of E-voting in Buenos Aires, Joaquin Sorianello's and our experiences have been written in the book Real-world Electronic Voting Design, Analysis and Deployment, CRC Press, by Feng Hao & Peter Y. A. Ryan, at chapter 7, page 157, by J. Alex Halderman.
The authors mentioned herein are not responsible or respond by any opinion or information presented out of the report. Only for what's written therein.
- Francisco Amato
- Iván A. Barrera Oro
- Enrique Chaparro
- Sergio Demian Lerner
- Alfredo Ortega
- Juliano Rizzo
- Fernando Russ
- Javier Smaldone
- Nicolas Waisman
All of the content of this repository falls under the protection of the following license, unless otherwise indicated.
Vot.Ar: una mala elección by Francisco Amato, Iván A. Barrera Oro, Enrique Chaparro, Sergio Demian Lerner, Alfredo Ortega, Juliano Rizzo, Fernando Russ, Javier Smaldone, Nicolas Waisman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.