Install scarb: https://docs.swmansion.com/scarb/ (using asdf)
scarb build
Our output file is
To test locally:
scarb cairo-run --arguments-file input.cairo1.json
- You should see:
Run completed successfully, returning [485, 486]
- That means that output is at addresses
[485, 486)
- You can run
scarb cairo-run --arguments-file input.cairo1.json --print-full-memory
to see the memory and from there find the actual output
- You should see:
To get your API key, navigate to https://www.herodotus.cloud/, log in and go to API KEYS section.
When sending to Atlantic, you can choose where your proof should be verified. For more details check L1 Proof Verification and L2 Proof Verification.
You can track your queries in Atlantic > Console section.
To send query for L2 verification to Atlantic, run:
bash ./send_query.sh <your_api_key> PROOF_VERIFICATION_ON_L2
And check out how Starknet contract works.
To send query for L1 verification to Atlantic, run:
bash ./send_query.sh <your_api_key> PROOF_VERIFICATION_ON_L1
And check out how Ethereum contract works.