Welcome to NaturesNook, a web application built with React, Vite, and Tailwind CSS. This project is designed to provide an intuitive user experience while promoting eco-friendly products.
The Eco-Friendly Product Showcase is a web platform designed to highlight and promote sustainable products, aiming to connect eco-conscious consumers with environment friendly products. The project seeks to support green businesses by providing them with a dedicated space to showcase their products, while also educating consumers on the benefits of sustainable living. By leveraging modern web technologies, the Eco-Friendly Product Showcase provides a seamless and engaging user experience that encourages sustainable consumption and fosters environmental awareness.
- Home Page: Overview of eco-friendly products.
- About Page: Information about the mission and vision.
- Contact Page: Get in touch with the team.
- Product Page: Display of various product categories.
- Journal Page: Stories and blogs related to eco-friendly living.
- User Authentication: Sign in and Sign up functionality.