diff --git a/.netlify/functions-internal/chunks/BlogPost.ab157d51.mjs b/.netlify/functions-internal/chunks/BlogPost.ab157d51.mjs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b4394b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.netlify/functions-internal/chunks/BlogPost.ab157d51.mjs
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+import { c as createMetadata, $ as $$module1, a as $$module2, b as $$module3, d as $$module5, e as $$module6, f as createAstro, g as createComponent, r as renderTemplate, h as addAttribute, i as renderComponent, j as $$MetaTags, k as renderHead, l as $$Cursor, m as $$Navbar, n as renderSlot, o as $$Footer } from '../entry.mjs';
+/* empty css */import { $ as $$module4, a as $$Post } from './Post.54382534.mjs';
+import 'html-escaper';
+import '@astrojs/netlify/netlify-functions.js';
+import 'preact';
+import 'preact-render-to-string';
+import 'solid-js/web';
+import 'etag';
+import 'mrmime';
+import 'sharp';
+import 'node:fs/promises';
+/* empty css *//* empty css */import 'solid-js';
+import 'node:path';
+import 'node:url';
+import 'node:fs';
+import 'tiny-glob';
+import 'slash';
+import 'image-size';
+/* empty css */import 'mime';
+import 'kleur/colors';
+import 'string-width';
+import 'path-browserify';
+import 'path-to-regexp';
+const $$metadata = createMetadata("/@fs/C:/Users/panze/OneDrive/Documents/GitHub/HopelezzBlog/src/layouts/BlogPost.astro", { modules: [{ module: $$module1, specifier: "../components/MetaTags.astro", assert: {} }, { module: $$module2, specifier: "../components/Navbar.astro", assert: {} }, { module: $$module3, specifier: "../components/cursorEffect/Cursor.astro", assert: {} }, { module: $$module4, specifier: "../components/blog/Post.astro", assert: {} }, { module: $$module5, specifier: "../components/footer/Footer.astro", assert: {} }, { module: $$module6, specifier: "../utils/types", assert: {} }], hydratedComponents: [], clientOnlyComponents: [], hydrationDirectives: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([]), hoisted: [] });
+const $$Astro = createAstro("/@fs/C:/Users/panze/OneDrive/Documents/GitHub/HopelezzBlog/src/layouts/BlogPost.astro", "https://blackskies.vercel.app/", "file:///C:/Users/panze/OneDrive/Documents/GitHub/HopelezzBlog/");
+const $$BlogPost = createComponent(async ($$result, $$props, $$slots) => {
+ const Astro2 = $$result.createAstro($$Astro, $$props, $$slots);
+ Astro2.self = $$BlogPost;
+ const { content } = Astro2.props;
+ const { title, publishDate, writer, href, description, img, alt, permalink } = content;
+ const { minutesRead } = Astro2.props.content;
+ const STYLES = [];
+ for (const STYLE of STYLES)
+ $$result.styles.add(STYLE);
+ return renderTemplate`
+ ${renderComponent($$result, "Meta", $$MetaTags, { "title": title, "description": description, "permalink": permalink, "class": "astro-F4UQDMN3" })}
+ ${renderHead($$result)}
+ ${renderComponent($$result, "Cursor", $$Cursor, { "class": "astro-F4UQDMN3" })}
+ ${renderComponent($$result, "Navbar", $$Navbar, { "class": "astro-F4UQDMN3" })}
+ ${renderComponent($$result, "BlogPost", $$Post, { "title": title, "publishDate": publishDate, "writer": writer, "href": href, "img": img, "description": description, "alt": alt, "class": "astro-F4UQDMN3" }, { "default": () => renderTemplate`
${renderSlot($$result, $$slots["default"])}` })}
+ ${renderComponent($$result, "Footer", $$Footer, { "class": "astro-F4UQDMN3" })}
+const $$file = "C:/Users/panze/OneDrive/Documents/GitHub/HopelezzBlog/src/layouts/BlogPost.astro";
+const $$url = undefined;
+export { $$metadata, $$BlogPost as default, $$file as file, $$url as url };
diff --git a/.netlify/functions-internal/chunks/BookPost.0e160b4a.mjs b/.netlify/functions-internal/chunks/BookPost.0e160b4a.mjs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65a6e66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.netlify/functions-internal/chunks/BookPost.0e160b4a.mjs
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+import { c as createMetadata, $ as $$module1, a as $$module2, b as $$module3, d as $$module5, e as $$module6, f as createAstro, g as createComponent, r as renderTemplate, h as addAttribute, i as renderComponent, j as $$MetaTags, k as renderHead, l as $$Cursor, m as $$Navbar, n as renderSlot, o as $$Footer } from '../entry.mjs';
+/* empty css *//* empty css */import { $ as $$module4, a as $$Post } from './Post.54382534.mjs';
+import 'html-escaper';
+import '@astrojs/netlify/netlify-functions.js';
+import 'preact';
+import 'preact-render-to-string';
+import 'solid-js/web';
+import 'etag';
+import 'mrmime';
+import 'sharp';
+import 'node:fs/promises';
+/* empty css *//* empty css */import 'solid-js';
+import 'node:path';
+import 'node:url';
+import 'node:fs';
+import 'tiny-glob';
+import 'slash';
+import 'image-size';
+/* empty css */import 'mime';
+import 'kleur/colors';
+import 'string-width';
+import 'path-browserify';
+import 'path-to-regexp';
+const $$metadata = createMetadata("/@fs/C:/Users/panze/OneDrive/Documents/GitHub/HopelezzBlog/src/layouts/BookPost.astro", { modules: [{ module: $$module1, specifier: "../components/MetaTags.astro", assert: {} }, { module: $$module2, specifier: "../components/Navbar.astro", assert: {} }, { module: $$module3, specifier: "../components/cursorEffect/Cursor.astro", assert: {} }, { module: $$module4, specifier: "../components/blog/Post.astro", assert: {} }, { module: $$module5, specifier: "../components/footer/Footer.astro", assert: {} }, { module: $$module6, specifier: "../utils/types", assert: {} }], hydratedComponents: [], clientOnlyComponents: [], hydrationDirectives: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([]), hoisted: [] });
+const $$Astro = createAstro("/@fs/C:/Users/panze/OneDrive/Documents/GitHub/HopelezzBlog/src/layouts/BookPost.astro", "https://blackskies.vercel.app/", "file:///C:/Users/panze/OneDrive/Documents/GitHub/HopelezzBlog/");
+const $$BookPost = createComponent(async ($$result, $$props, $$slots) => {
+ const Astro2 = $$result.createAstro($$Astro, $$props, $$slots);
+ Astro2.self = $$BookPost;
+ const { content } = Astro2.props;
+ const { title, publishDate, writer, href, description, img, alt, permalink } = content;
+ const { minutesRead } = Astro2.props.content;
+ const STYLES = [];
+ for (const STYLE of STYLES)
+ $$result.styles.add(STYLE);
+ return renderTemplate`
+ ${renderComponent($$result, "Meta", $$MetaTags, { "title": title, "description": description, "permalink": permalink, "class": "astro-F4UQDMN3" })}
+ ${renderHead($$result)}
+ ${renderComponent($$result, "Cursor", $$Cursor, { "class": "astro-F4UQDMN3" })}
+ ${renderComponent($$result, "Navbar", $$Navbar, { "class": "astro-F4UQDMN3" })}
+ ${renderComponent($$result, "BlogPost", $$Post, { "title": title, "publishDate": publishDate, "writer": writer, "href": href, "img": img, "description": description, "alt": alt, "class": "astro-F4UQDMN3" }, { "default": () => renderTemplate`
${renderSlot($$result, $$slots["default"])}` })}
+ ${renderComponent($$result, "Footer", $$Footer, { "class": "astro-F4UQDMN3" })}
+const $$file = "C:/Users/panze/OneDrive/Documents/GitHub/HopelezzBlog/src/layouts/BookPost.astro";
+const $$url = undefined;
+export { $$metadata, $$BookPost as default, $$file as file, $$url as url };
diff --git a/.netlify/functions-internal/chunks/Post.54382534.mjs b/.netlify/functions-internal/chunks/Post.54382534.mjs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a49de2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.netlify/functions-internal/chunks/Post.54382534.mjs
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+import { c as createMetadata, p as $$module1, f as createAstro, g as createComponent, r as renderTemplate, q as maybeRenderHead, i as renderComponent, s as $$Aside, n as renderSlot } from '../entry.mjs';
+/* empty css */import 'html-escaper';
+const $$metadata = createMetadata("/@fs/C:/Users/panze/OneDrive/Documents/GitHub/HopelezzBlog/src/components/blog/Post.astro", { modules: [{ module: $$module1, specifier: "../Aside.astro", assert: {} }], hydratedComponents: [], clientOnlyComponents: [], hydrationDirectives: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([]), hoisted: [] });
+const $$Astro = createAstro("/@fs/C:/Users/panze/OneDrive/Documents/GitHub/HopelezzBlog/src/components/blog/Post.astro", "https://blackskies.vercel.app/", "file:///C:/Users/panze/OneDrive/Documents/GitHub/HopelezzBlog/");
+const $$Post = createComponent(async ($$result, $$props, $$slots) => {
+ const Astro2 = $$result.createAstro($$Astro, $$props, $$slots);
+ Astro2.self = $$Post;
+ const { title, writer, publishDate, alt, img, tags } = Astro2.props;
+ const { minutesRead } = Astro2.props;
+ console.log(minutesRead);
+ const STYLES = [];
+ for (const STYLE of STYLES)
+ $$result.styles.add(STYLE);
+ return renderTemplate`${maybeRenderHead($$result)}
+ ${renderComponent($$result, "Aside", $$Aside, { "writter": writer, "class": "astro-7OC53IYW" })}
${publishDate} | ${tags}
+ ${renderSlot($$result, $$slots["default"])}
+const $$file = "C:/Users/panze/OneDrive/Documents/GitHub/HopelezzBlog/src/components/blog/Post.astro";
+const $$url = undefined;
+const $$module4 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze(/*#__PURE__*/Object.defineProperty({
+ __proto__: null,
+ $$metadata,
+ default: $$Post,
+ file: $$file,
+ url: $$url
+}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' }));
+export { $$module4 as $, $$Post as a };
diff --git a/.netlify/functions-internal/entry.mjs b/.netlify/functions-internal/entry.mjs
index 05c703d..362b1c0 100644
--- a/.netlify/functions-internal/entry.mjs
+++ b/.netlify/functions-internal/entry.mjs
@@ -7,14 +7,14 @@ import etag from 'etag';
import { lookup } from 'mrmime';
import sharp$1 from 'sharp';
import fs from 'node:fs/promises';
-/* empty css *//* empty css */import { createSignal, Show, For } from 'solid-js';
+/* empty css *//* empty css *//* empty css */import { createSignal, Show, For } from 'solid-js';
import path, { extname } from 'node:path';
import { fileURLToPath, pathToFileURL } from 'node:url';
import fs$1 from 'node:fs';
import glob from 'tiny-glob';
import slash from 'slash';
import sizeOf from 'image-size';
-/* empty css */import 'mime';
+/* empty css */import 'mime';
import 'kleur/colors';
import 'string-width';
import 'path-browserify';
@@ -1528,7 +1528,7 @@ const sharp = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze(/*#__PURE__*/Object.defineProperty({
default: sharp_default
}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' }));
-const get = async ({ request }) => {
+const get$1 = async ({ request }) => {
try {
const url = new URL(request.url);
const transform = sharp_default.parseTransform(url.searchParams);
@@ -1563,20 +1563,20 @@ const get = async ({ request }) => {
const _page0 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze(/*#__PURE__*/Object.defineProperty({
__proto__: null,
- get
+ get: get$1
}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' }));
-var __freeze$2 = Object.freeze;
-var __defProp$2 = Object.defineProperty;
-var __template$2 = (cooked, raw) => __freeze$2(__defProp$2(cooked, "raw", { value: __freeze$2(raw || cooked.slice()) }));
-var _a$2;
+var __freeze$1 = Object.freeze;
+var __defProp$1 = Object.defineProperty;
+var __template$1 = (cooked, raw) => __freeze$1(__defProp$1(cooked, "raw", { value: __freeze$1(raw || cooked.slice()) }));
+var _a$1;
const $$metadata$d = createMetadata("/@fs/C:/Users/panze/OneDrive/Documents/GitHub/HopelezzBlog/src/components/MetaTags.astro", { modules: [], hydratedComponents: [], clientOnlyComponents: [], hydrationDirectives: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([]), hoisted: [] });
const $$Astro$f = createAstro("/@fs/C:/Users/panze/OneDrive/Documents/GitHub/HopelezzBlog/src/components/MetaTags.astro", "https://blackskies.vercel.app/", "file:///C:/Users/panze/OneDrive/Documents/GitHub/HopelezzBlog/");
const $$MetaTags = createComponent(async ($$result, $$props, $$slots) => {
const Astro2 = $$result.createAstro($$Astro$f, $$props, $$slots);
Astro2.self = $$MetaTags;
const { title, description, permalink } = Astro2.props;
- return renderTemplate(_a$2 || (_a$2 = __template$2(['\n\n\n\n\n', '\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n