Note: If the customer has multiple payer accounts, this will need to be done for each payer account individually.
Set up Hourly CUR with Athena compatibility and resource_ids and wait at least 24 hours.
Deploy crawler-cfn.yml CloudFormation template generated in the CUR S3 bucket
Setup Amazon Athena "Query result location" in the Athena "primary" Workgroup
Subscribe to Amazon QuickSight Enterprise Edition
Give Amazon QuickSight role access to CUR bucket
Purchase required amount of SPICE capacity for Amazon QuickSight
Launch AWS CloudShell and upgrade the AWS CLI on your AWS CloudShell
curl "" -o ""
sudo ./aws/install --update
- Run the ./shell-script/ script from the cudos directory (NOT from cudos/shell-script)
Note: Your user would require minimal permissions on the IAM Role described in minimal_permissions.json
Note: map
parameter requires AWS Organisations API ListAccounts
Important: Run each of these one at a time in the order they appear below
./shell-script/ config
./shell-script/ prepare
./shell-script/ deploy-datasets
./shell-script/ deploy-dashboard
./shell-script/ deploy-cid-dashboard
./shell-script/ map
./shell-script/ refresh-data-sets
Set up scheduled SPICE refresh for the SPICE datasets:
- summary_view
- ec2_running_cost
- compute_savings_plan_eligible_spend
- s3_view
To pull updates run
./shell-script/ update-dashboard
To delete CUDOS dashboard and datasets from Amazon QuickSight run
./shell-script/ delete ./shell-script/ cleanup
To delete CID dashboard from Amazon QuickSight run
./shell-script/ cid-delete