Example to configure MongoDB replica set using Ansible
- Update hosts inventory file with correct mongod virtual machine addresses. Make sure primary is the first one on list. One of the nodes is arbiter.
- Make sure you have ansible.cfg configured with correct host file path and
ssh key file. E.g. \
inventory = ./hosts
- Run
ansible-playbook site.yml
Current implementation enables authentication and uses keyfiles for internal authentication. The role security contains file named "secret". This is the content of the keyfile and is copied to each replica-set member.
In order to create a key file with a complex pseudo-random 1024 character string run openssl rand -base64 756 > <path-to-keyfile>
For an improved production ready security use x.509 certificates instead of keyfiles. More information about internal authentication see MongoDB docs for: Internal-authentication
Role mongo-users adds example users to database. Usernames and passwords are written just for example. Those should be replaced with real ones read from vault.