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The Cedarling is a performant local authorization service that runs the Rust Cedar Engine. Cedar policies and schema are loaded at startup from a locally cached "Policy Store". In simple terms, the Cedarling returns the answer: should the application allow this action on this resource given these JWT tokens. "Fit for purpose" policies help developers build a better user experience. For example, why display form fields that a user is not authorized to see? The Cedarling is a more productive and flexible way to handle authorization.

Rust Cedarling

Cedarling is written in the Rust programming language (folder cedarling). And you can import it into your project as a dependency.

You can install Rust toolchain by following the official rust installation guide.

Examples of rust Cedarling

Rust examples of using Cedarling contains in the folder cedarling/examples.

Example of initialization logger

File with example is We support 4 types of loggers according to the bootstrap properties.

To run example you need execute next command according to the logger:

  • off - This log type is do nothing. It means that all logs will be ignored.
cargo run -p cedarling --example log_init -- off
  • stdout- This log type writes all logs to stdout. Without storing or additional handling log messages. Standart streams.
cargo run -p cedarling --example log_init -- stdout
  • memory - This log type holds all logs in database (in memory) with eviction policy.
cargo run -p cedarling --example log_init -- memory 60

60 - ttl (time to live log entry) in seconds. But actually the example execute very fast, so we no need to wait.

  • lock - This log type will send logs to the server (corporate feature). (in development)
cargo run -p cedarling --example log_init -- lock

Authorization Evaluation Examples

Running Without JWT validation

To evaluate authorization without validating JWT tokens, use the following command:

cargo run -p cedarling --example authorize_without_jwt_validation

Running with JWT validation

To include JWT validation in the authorization evaluation, use this command:

cargo run -p cedarling --example authorize_with_jwt_validation

Unit tests

To run all unit tests in the project you need execute next commands:

cargo test --workspace

Code coverage

We use cargo-llvm-cov for code coverage.

To install run:

cargo install cargo-llvm-cov  

Get coverage report in console with:

cargo llvm-cov

Get coverage report in html format with:

cargo llvm-cov --html --open

Getting coverage report in

cargo llvm-cov --workspace --lcov --output-path

Using you can configure your IDE to display line-by-line code coverage.

Autogenerated docs

To generate autogenerated docs run:

cargo doc -p cedarling --no-deps --open

Python Cedarling

The python bindings for Cedarling is located in the bindings/cedarling_python folder.

Or you can find readme by clicking here.


Benchmarks have been written with the help of the criterion crate.

You can run the benchmarks using:

cargo bench -p cedarling


Profiling is done using the pprof crate. We have an example you can run with

cargo run --example profiling

that outputs an SVG named cedarling_profiling_flamegraph.