bump poko-compiler-plugin version
bump poko-compiler-plugin version
IJI-2360 pre-push git hook is disabled
IJI-2360 pre-push git hook is disabled
Fix component showcase setup, prevent deadlocks in IJ
Fix component showcase setup, prevent deadlocks in IJ
Force push
Fix component showcase setup, prevent deadlocks in IJ
Fix component showcase setup, prevent deadlocks in IJ
make linter happy
make linter happy
fine-tune TextFields
fine-tune TextFields
make linter happy
make linter happy
clean up MarkdownPreview
clean up MarkdownPreview
rework TextFieldStyle
rework TextFieldStyle
tune navigation rail padding
tune navigation rail padding
removing DI in Markdown* knowing that it only exists in Standalone
removing DI in Markdown* knowing that it only exists in Standalone
make linter happy
make linter happy
make linter happy
make linter happy
tune navigation rail padding
tune navigation rail padding
move ComponentShowcaseDialog button to ComponentShowcaseTab
move ComponentShowcaseDialog button to ComponentShowcaseTab
improve encapsulation in ComponentsViewModel
improve encapsulation in ComponentsViewModel
add ComponentsView to SwingComparisonTabPanel
add ComponentsView to SwingComparisonTabPanel
iterate on ComponentViews
iterate on ComponentViews
add Showcase dialog in IDE plugin
add Showcase dialog in IDE plugin
extract MainViewModel
extract MainViewModel