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File metadata and controls

455 lines (342 loc) · 16.5 KB

TLDR: Sophia is a DHT (distributed key-value store) based on kademlia. A wasm32 VM is provided and allows contracts to interact with the DHT, when reacting to pubsub events.


  • Kademlia prototype
  • Publish/subscribe prototype
  • Finish network impl (error codes, kademlia republish/pings, retries on timeout, security..)
  • Clean Node code, much room for code factorisation
  • More network unit tests
  • VM & API (based on
  • DApps samples
    • Torrent like swarm, based on topic pubsub of bitfields and rpc for data


I decided that instead of rolling yet another protocol based on some consensus algorithm that won't be state-of-the-art within some years, a "wiser" move might be to provide a framework that allows researchers to test consensus algorithms on a framework providing the basic building blocks needed.


This document will refer to several high-level API provided by the 1.0.14 version of libsodium, for reference:


  • Key exchange: X25519
  • Encryption: XSalsa20 stream cipher
  • Authentication: Poly1305 MAC


  • Authentication: Ed25519


  • Key derivation and password hashing: Argon 2 v1.3


  • Hashing: BLAKE2b



A DHT allows cooperating nodes to maintain a distributed key-value database.

Clients will contact a lot of nodes for not much exchanges during a Kademlia searches, UDP is preferred. I won't go down the path of implementing my own transport on top of UDP, so value size is limited by minimal MTU.

IPv4 minimal MTU is too small to have relevant value size, so we're going full IPv6 support requirement from node to node, and assume a maximum MTU of 1280.

msg_crypto_header (72B):
    u256 msg_src
    u192 msg_nonce
    u128 msg_signature

All exchanges between nodes are encrypted using crypto_box, the node-ids are cryptographic public-keys, avoiding the need to exchange keys between nodes before being able to send messages. msg_crypto_header is the only unencrypted portion of messages.

msg_header (4B):
    u8 msg_type
    u24 cmd_token

cmd_token is randomly generated by the source of commands, and is used to distinguish replies when sending multiple commands to the same node.

Maximum message size is:

+ 1280 (IPv6 MTU)
-   40 (IPv6 header)
-    8 (UDP header)
-   72 (msg_crypto_header)
-    4 (msg_header)
= 1156

With "values" of 1024B maximum, this leaves 132B for metadata.

Each nodes uses two sets of keypairs:

  • "event-keypair": a keypair generated through crypto_sign,
  • "msg-keypair": derived from the event-keypair using crypto_sign_ed25519_*_to_curve25519 that will be used for crypto_box.


    u256 id
    u256 parent
    u512 value_signature
    u8 value_type
        0x00 unspecified/blob
        0x01 contract
        0x02 library
        0x03 topic_bootstrap
    u24 value_revision          (total value_header is 132 bytes)
    value_data (up to 1024B)

Values are mutable and not encrypted, they are signed using crypto_sign (although contracts may use the cryptographic API to encrypt them). Each value has a crypto_sign keypair, the public-key is its ID, and the private-key is required to push new revisions (with a valid signature). The signature is on a concatenation of all fields except value_signature.

To create immutable signed values, just make value_revision = 0xFFFFFF.

value_type 0x00: unspecified/blob
    blob (up to 1024B)

Thus values are created by contracts.

value_type 0x01: contract
    bytecode (up to 1024B)
value_type 0x02: library
    bytecode (up to 1024B)

library are special bytecode module that may be imported by contract.

value_type 0x03: topic_bootstrap
    no data

topic_bootstrap are special values used to "claim" a value ID for a topic. Nodes hosting thus values are considered topic "hosts", they must maintain a list of nodes subscribed to the topic, so that nodes wanting to join gets a list to bootstrap onto.

Sophia isn't intended to store values >1KiB, although, some "swarming" protocol may be implemented through contracts on top of the publish/subscribe mechanism.


As defined per Kademlia, nodes maintain a list of "close" nodes, the distance being determined by a XOR of two keys (either between nodes or a node and value). Known nodes are assigned in 256 buckets, one for each bit of keys.

The bucket-index corresponds to the first "set" bit of the distance ( ffs/clz, FindFirstSet/CountLeadingZeros). So the first bit already divide the key-space in two, half of keys will be in bucket-0 (where the first bit of the keys don't match), the rest of the key space will fall into bucket-index = ffs(xor(curNode, otherNode)).

This way, the node maintain a "vague" list of distant nodes, but have more and more precise knowledge of nodes close to it in the key space. So when we do a request, we iteratively get closer to the key, until we reach the nodes that are the closest to the key on the network in O(log(n)) (where n is number of nodes on the network).

Note: this is an introduction/suggestion, the actual algorithm for routing is up to implementation, and might be something like the BitTorrent "splitting buckets" mechanism.

Buckets size is limited to k, when appending a node to a full bucket, the node should prioritize distant nodes by a score mainly defined by a small roundtrip-time and availability (uptime%) of the distant node.

Low level operations

Upon receiving a command, the recipient should update their table with the source id&ip&port. The same goes for the initiator node when receiving the reply. Either to improve it's table when buckets are not full, or to update the "score" of nodes with the roundtrip-time.

msg_type 0x10: ping
    1156 bytes of random data
msg_type 0x20: pong
    1156 bytes that were in the ping

ping/pong are used to assert that a node is still available, reachable, and has the required MTU.

msg_type 0x11: closest_nodes
    payload: u256 id
msg_type 0x12: find_value
    payload: u256 id

msg_type 0x21: nodes_result
        u8 count (max 20)
        list of ‘count’ elements of:
            u256 node-id
            u128 ipv6
            u16 port
msg_type 0x22: value_result
    payload: value

The recipient of a closest_nodes request should look into it's routing table to find the closest peer to the requested id and return them in a nodes_result reply. The returned element must be ordered from closest to farthest from the requested id.

The recipient of a find_value request should look into it's value local store to search for the specified id, if it does have the value it should return it with a value_result reply, otherwise it should behave as if the request was a closest_nodes and return a nodes_result reply.

msg_type 0x13: store

Asks the recipient node to cache the value in its local store for a specific time before expiration. To maintain the availability of values, nodes should send them again periodically.

The store command is also used to update mutable values, the recipient should accept the update only if value_revision is greater than the revision in its local store and if the value_signature is valid.

msg_type 0x00: result
        u32 code
            0x0: no error
            0x1: unspecified error
            0x2: illformed
            // Errors for `ping`
            0x1000: MTU too low

            // Errors for `store`
            0x1300: local store full
            0x1301: key already assigned
            0x1302: value crypto mismatch
            0x1303: not latest revision

            // Errors for `pubsub_ping`
            0x3000: not registered
            // Return codes for `rpc`
            0x4000: contract not subscribed
            0x4001: contract internal error
            0x4080-40ff: custom, reserved for contracts

As any reply, the result message will have a token matching the one in the command that generated the result.

Iterative algorithm

The get and put high-level operations, are iterative operations that uses low level operations to search the network for a node that will have the value or should store it.

The node will then send a round of find_value/closest_node (respectively for a get or put operation) in parallel to alpha nodes.

The client continues to send other rounds of low level commands until no nodes received is closer than any other in the nodes_list. If it's relevant, some nodes might be added to buckets at each round.

If the operation was a find_value, and one of the iterative lookup returned a value_result the search is abandoned.

If the operation was for a put, the initiator replicates the value on k closest nodes.



The publish-subscribe mechanism is used to dispatch events toward a subset of nodes, that are subscribed to a topic. Events are considered unreliable, and may take multiple seconds to reach all subscribed nodes.

There is no private topics, and events aren't encrypted, although contracts may use available cryptographic API to encrypt events' data somehow, if they can solve other problems like key-exchange.

Topics are organized just as the main kadmelia overlay, they are just sub-overlays. To create a topic, a store is performed of a special empty value topic_bootstrap with no data. Nodes having this value are considered "hosts" and must maintain a small list of nodes currently subscribed so that nodes wanting to subscribe may bootstrap.

msg_type 0x30: pubsub_join
        u256 topic_id

Upon receiving a pubsub_join, hosts reply with a pubsub_nodes_result of nodes currently in the topic specific routing-table closer to the node-id of the new subscriber. pubsub_join may also be used by hosts to subscribers, as a way to ping them.

Hosts receiving an unknown topic_bootstrap value to store, should initialize their routing table for that topic, and add the sender as the first node in the associated bootstrap list.

msg_type 0x31: pubsub_closest_nodes
        u256 topic_id
        u256 node_id
msg_type 0x38: pubsub_nodes_result
        u8 count (max 20)
        list of ‘count’ elements of:
            u256 node-id
            u128 ipv6
            u16 port

pubsub_closest_nodes behaves like closest_nodes it just have an extra topic_id to target a specific routing table.

msg_type 0x32: pubsub_event
        u256 topic_id
        u256 source_id
        u512 event_signature
        u8 height
        u8 event_type
        u16 event_extra     (total event_header is 132 bytes)
        event_data (up to 1024B)

event_type and event_extra may be used by contracts to store extra info, that will be passed as parameters to topics-listening callbacks but have no incidence in the routing.

height is used by the dispatching algorithm to spread events deeper and deeper in the tree, as described by the multicast algorithm. Upon receiving a pubsub_event, a node will iterate over it's topic specific routing-table buckets from height to 256, will select event_replication random nodes from each buckets and forward them the event with an height incremented.

Events can't be anonymous, nodes seeing an height of 0 would know that msg_src created it. So, as it may be useful to some contracts, we add the source and a signature so that other nodes may verify that the event wasn't tempered with. Fields event_signature and height shouldn't be used to compute the signature of the event.

Impl notes (TODO: Maybe put in a GitHub issue): I'm using a event_replication although I'm not satisfied with the reliability. Although implementing something more reliable might be possible through RPC in a library contract. So I won't increase the replication, that has a huge impact on traffic.

I take a different codepath if the publisher has less than 20 nodes in its table, he forwards it to all known nodes. This fixes reliability issues for topic with 20 or less users, altough the [20-100] range is painfully unreliable, above 100 we're at 80% reach.


The RPC command is used for direct reliable communication between nodes.

msg_type 0x40: rpc
        u256 contract_id
        u32 rpc_param32
        u256 rpc_param256
        u512 rpc_param512
        rpc_data (up to 1024B) (total rpc_header is 132 bytes)

An RPC command is sent by a contract, to another node and contract specified by contract_id. All rpc_ fields values are up to the contracts.

No need for signature of data because the emitter always is the source, and msg_header is used for integrity and identification checks.



Sophia allows trusted contracts to add nodes to a blacklist, so some new mitigation techniques may be added later.

  • Underlay network

Spoofing, Eavesdropping, Packet modifications... Sophia mitigates this with end-to-end encryption, with the node-id being a cryptographic public-key.

  • Eclipse

The eclipse attack consists of creating node-ids close to a specific other ID to either isolate a node, or don't return a value. Sophia mitigates this because node-id aren't arbitrary and require to generate a crypto keypair close to the target, which may require some computation (if we have an important number of other honest nodes).

  • Sybil

The Sybil attack consists of creating a huge number of nodes to disrupt the system. Sophia doesn't currently implement any counter-measures for it.

  • Storage

The storage attack consist of replying incorrect/modified values. Sophia avoids this by signing values. As each value has its own keypair, generating a valid signature for a specific value would require its private key.

  • Routing

Crazy shit I don't fully understand. Sophia probably doesn't provide any counter-measures.

  • Amplification

Flood nodes with a spoofed IP address so that the replies are sent to a DDoS target. Sophia mitigates this by refusing nodes with a port < 1024.



Sohpia clients are required to be able to validate and execute wasm32 binary format 1.0.

Note: the specification is still a working draft.

VM environment

TODO define imports provided by sophia clients to wasm modules, allowing them to:

  • blacklist an ID
  • get and put to DHT
  • join, leave, listen and push events to pubsub topics
  • rpc on other nodes (for unicast)
  • sodium crypto
  • zlib compression


Thus charts where generated using stats dumped by tst/network.cpp (details).

store delay vs node count store traffic vs node count

find delay vs node count find hops vs node count find traffic vs node count

event coverage vs node count event propagation delay vs node count event traffic vs node count