Releases: JohnSnowLabs/johnsnowlabs
John Snow Labs 5.1.6 Library Release
- bump visual NLP to 5.0.2
John Snow Labs 5.1.5 Library Release
- bump NLU to 5.0.3
John Snow Labs 5.1.4 Library Release
- upgrade NLU to 5.0.2
- remove pandas >=2 downgrade for databricks clusters
John Snow Labs 5.1.3 Library Release
Fix update Databricks cluster
nlp.install(med_license=) should work without aws keys for floating licenses
add nlp.install_to_databricks and add deprecation warning for nlp.install() when creating new databricks cluster. Will be dropped next release
Fixed pandas to 1.5.3 for newly created Databricks clusters until NLU supports pandas>=2
parameter in nlp.run_in_databricks for parameterizing submitted databricks jobs and new documentation -
new parameter
which can be used to install additional pypi dependencies when creating a Databricks cluster or installing to an existing cluster.
example of extra_pip_installs
extra_pip_installs=["farm-haystack==1.21.2", "langchain"],
John Snow Labs 5.1.2 Library Release
- bump Healthcare NLP to 5.1.1
John Snow Labs 5.1.1 Library Release
bump Enterprise NLP to 5.1.1
support for submitting jupyter notebooks in nlp.run_in_databricks and new docs for notebook submission
John Snow Labs 5.1.0 Library Release
- bump Enterprise NLP to 5.1.0
- bump Healthcare NLP to 5.1.0
- bump Visual NLP to 5.0.1
- AWS EMR auto install & utilities see EMR cluster creation notebook and EMR Workshop and John Snow Labs EMR Docs
- AWS GLUE auto install & utilities see GLUE custer creation notebook and GLUE Workshop and John Snow Labs GLUE Docs
John Snow Labs 5.0.8 Library Release
nlp.query_and_deploy_if_missing() has been upgraded with new powerful features!
support for
jar injection into endpoint containers -
support for all parameters of model.predict()
Parameter | Description |
output_level |
One of token , chunk , sentence , relation , document to shape outputs |
positions |
Set True /False to include or exclude character index position of predictions |
metadata |
Set True /False to include additional metadata |
drop_irrelevant_cols |
Set True /False to drop irrelevant columns |
get_embeddings |
Set True /False to include embedding or not |
keep_stranger_features |
Set True /False to return columns not named "text", 'image" or "file_type" from your input data |
multithread |
Set True /False to use multi-Threading for inference. Auto-inferred if not set |
John Snow Labs 5.0.7 Library Release
Hotfix for bad package
John Snow Labs 5.0.6 Library Release
in nlp.install() to clean databricks cluster before installing johnsnowlabs software. Default Truewrite_db_credentials
in nlp.install() to write databricks host and access token into env variables which will be used for endpoint creation. Default True- fixed bug which caused visual library to be installed to databricks cl usters, even if visual=False
- updated documentation
- New powerful 1-liner
which deploys a john snow labs model as databricks serve endpoint and queries it. If model is already deployed, it will not be deployed again. For more details see