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File metadata and controls

57 lines (47 loc) · 3.13 KB

Title This python module provides a simple to use function to download and extract the MNIST database of handwritten digits that is provided by


load_MNIST(path=None, normalise=True, flatten=True, onehot=True)


path - str: MNIST datasets directory. Default to current directory/MNIST.
            Create if nonexistant. Download any missing MNIST files.
normalise - boolean: yes -> pixel RGB values [0,255] divided by 255.
                     no  -> pixel RGB values [0,255].
flatten   - boolean: yes -> pixels of all images stored as 2D numpy array.
                     no  -> pixels of all images stored as 3D numpy array.
onehot    - boolean: yes -> labels stored as one-hot encoded numpy array.
                     no  -> labels values used.

Returns a nested dictionary:

 {'train': {'images': train_images, 'labels': train_labels},
  'test': {'images': test_images, 'labels': test_labels}}
  train_images = MNISTimages(magic_number=2051, nimages=60000, nrows=28,
                             ncols=28, pixels=np.array())
                 if normalise, pixels dtype='float32'
                 else,         pixels dtype='uint8'
                 if flatten,   pixels.shape = (60000, 784)
                 else,         pixels.shape = (60000, 28, 28)
  train_labels = MNISTlabels(magic_number=2049, nlabels=60000,
                             labels=np.array() dtype='uint8')
                 if onehot,   labels.shape = (60000, 10)
                 else,        labels.shape = (60000,)
  test_images = MNISTimages(magic_number=2051, nimages=10000, nrows=28,
                            ncols=28, pixels=np.array())
                if normalise, pixelsdtype='float32'
                else,         pixels dtype='uint8'
                if flatten,   pixels.shape = (10000, 784)
                else,         pixels.shape = (10000, 28, 28)
  test_labels = MNISTlabels(magic_number=2049, nlabels=10000,
                            labels=np.array() dtype='uint8')
                if onehot,   labels.shape = (10000, 10)
                else,        labels.shape = (10000,)


MNISTimages() and MNISTlabels() are dataklass objects. On my system, they performed ~25x faster than python3 built-in dataclass objects and 5x faster than namedtuple.

How to use?

from mnist import load_MNIST           # Import function from module
mdb = load_MNIST()                     # Get MNIST database using default settings
train_images = mdb['train']['pixels']  # A 60000x784 numpy array with float32 values    
train_labels = mdb['train']['labels']  # A 60000x10 numpy array with uint8 values
test_images = mdb['test']['pixels']   # A 10000x784 numpy array with float32 values    
test_labels = mdb['test']['labels']   # A 10000x10 numpy array with uint8 values