Hello there! a passionate backend server developer, aged 23. 👻 One aims to become a full stack engineer. He has two years of development experience and loves the anime back-end dead house. At present, he is also learning the front-end, Android and reverse. I also use Java to develop some crawler projects or mobile scripts in my daily life.
My GitHub repository is a reflection of my passion for programming and continuous learning. I am currently focusing on mastering Android app development and honing my Frontend skills. You will find a variety of repositories that showcase my progress, including personal projects, coding challenges, and experiments with cutting-edge technologies.
Feel free to reach out to me through any of the following channels:
- Email: [email protected] (You can replace this email with your preferred email)
- WeiXin: xiekuncc
- Personal Blog: xhtlove.cn (Feel free to customize this domain with your personal blog)
I'm always open to exciting collaboration opportunities, whether it's working on a project, participating in hackathons, or contributing to open source initiatives. Don't hesitate to reach out if you think we can create something remarkable together!
Feel free to explore my repositories, and don't forget to leave a star ⭐ if you find something interesting. Happy coding! 🚀
⚙️ Things I use to get stuff done
- Languages: Java, Kotlin, JavaScript
- Backend: Spring Boot,My Batis, RESTful APIs, Spring Cloud
- Databases: MySQL, MongoDB, SQLite
- Version Control: Git
- Code Editor: VSCode or IDEA - The best editor out there.
- Tools & Others: Docker, RESTful APIs,Linux...