All you need to know about acquiring NUUM token on Tokensoft ahead of the Bit.Country & Metaverse.Network launch on Polkadot. The sale is already oversubscribed, so follow the instructions closely. More
You cannot buy less than $500 and more than $2500 Technically, this can be done, but all funds that will be lower or more than these values will be completely lost to you and you will not receive tokens for them and will not return them back !!!!
You are given 30 minutes to pay NUUM
To complete the process use one email, one device, one browser window, and one payment and do not use a mobile phone or mobile broadband connection (because IP addresses can change)
Before entering the platform, first open the wallet (MetaMask or extension PolkaDot) and it is desirable that the address has the required amount
After entering the portal... We indicate the amount of the desired purchase in dollars For example $2500
Specify the address for receiving NUUM - receining DOT address (started with 1xxxx)
Select payment metod: ETH, USDC, USDT, DOT For example USDT
Click - Next
Checking the correctness of the data:
- the number of tokens (5555.55 with an amount of $2500)
- receiving address
We agree to the terms by clicking the checkmark
We signature the agreement, indicating our name, as with KYC, we manually register the same as the name indicated above, without errors
Click - Next
Make a payment
Previously, we had to enable MetaMask (or extension PolkaDot)
Click - Connect to MetaMask
Click next or agree to log in your wallet on this page, click connect - we agree to use our wallet with page
Previously, we had to enable MetaMask (or extension PolkaDot)
Click - Connect to MetaMask
Click next or agree to log in your wallet on this page, click connect - we agree to use our wallet with page
In the Sendin form, we see our address from which we make a purchase
In the wallet window, an up-to-date information appears about the amount of gas write-off (commission) and the total amount of spent tokens
In this example, we see that when the gas price is less than 148 gwei, the wallet automatically offered to opt for a commission of $28
To check the gas price, we use the service -
And we see that at a price of 118 gwei, for a transaction using ERC-20 tokens, we will have to pay about $35
After a few seconds (10-30 seconds), a window opens with our transaction and we see the actually spent ETH in the form of a commission (in our example, with a gas price of 130 gwei, we paid only $25.44)
We also see in the platform - the payment was successfully completed and all our data, information about the payment will be sent to our email address
You cannot buy less than $500 and more than $2500 Technically, this can be done, but all funds that will be lower or more than these values will be completely lost to you and you will not receive tokens for them and will not return them back !!!!
You are given 30 minutes to pay NUUM
To complete the process use one email, one device, one browser window, and one payment and do not use a mobile phone or mobile broadband connection (because IP addresses can change)
Successful purchase and that everyone gets at least one round😉