ATM-TCR demonstrates how a multi-head self-attention based model can be utilized to learn structural information from protein sequences to make binding affinity predictions.
ATM-TCR: TCR-Epitope Binding Affinity Prediction Using a Multi-Head Self-Attention Model
Michael Cai1,2, Seojin Bang2, Pengfei Zhang1,2, Heewook Lee1,2
1 School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence, Arizona State University, 2 Biodesign Institute, Arizona State University
Published in: Frontiers in Immunology, 2022.
The model takes a pair epitope and TCR sequences as input and returns the binding affinity between the two. The sequences are processing through an embedding layer before reaching the mutli-head self-attention layer. The outputs of these layers are then concatenated and fed through a linear decoder layer to receive the final binding affinity score.
Written using Python 3.8.10
The pip package dependencies are detailed in requirements.txt
To install directly from the requirements list
pip install -r requirements.txt
It is recommended you utilize a virtual environment.
The input file should be a CSV with the following format:
Epitope,TCR,Binding Affinity
Where epitope and TCR are the linear protein sequences and binding affinity is either 0 or 1.
# Example
If your data is unlabeled and you are only interested in the predictions, simply put either all 0's or all 1's as the label. The performance statistics can be ignored in this case and the predicted binding affinity scores can be collected from the output file.
To train the model on our dataset using the default settings and on the first GPU
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --infile data/combined_dataset.csv
To change the device to be utilized for training change the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES
to the device number as indicated by nvidia-smi
The default model name utilized by the program is original.ckpt
. To change the outputted/read model name utilize the following optional argument:
--model_name my_custom_model_name
After training has finished the model will appear under the models
folder under model_name.ckpt
and two csv files will appear in the result
folder. These files will be called perf_model_name.csv
and pred_model_name.csv
contains the a description of performance metrics throughout training. Each line of the csv is the performance of the training model on the validation set in that particular epoch. The last line of the file contains the final performance statistics.
# Example
Loss Accuracy Precision1 Precision0 Recall1 Recall0 F1Macro F1Micro AUC
37814.6235 0.6101 0.6241 0.5988 0.5542 0.666 0.6089 0.6101 0.6749
contains the predictions of the model on the validation set of data. Each line is a pair from the validation set along with the label and prediction made by the model. The calculated score from the model is also included.
# Example
Epitope TCR Actual Prediction Binding Affinity
GLCTLVAML CASCWNYEQYF 1 1 0.9996516704559326
To make a prediction using a pre-trained model
python --infile data/combined_dataset.csv --indepfile data/covid19_data.txt --model_name my_custom_model_name --mode test
The predictions will be saved into the result
folder under the name pred_model_name_indep_test_data.csv
. These will be displayed similarly to the validation set predictions made during training.
For more information on optional hyperparameter and training arguments
python --help
See the README inside of the data folder for additional information.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.