Example Error Response
"errorCode": "errors.com.epicgames.unauthorized",
"errorMessage": "The request is missing authentication, or the authentication is no longer valid.",
"numericErrorCode": 1002,
"messageVars": ["could not parse access token"],
"originatingService": "com.epicgames.security.moderation.skelly",
"intent": "prod"
This List does currently not include String Dumps.
Numeric Error Code | Error Code | Example Error Message |
-1 | errors.com.epicgames.common.missing_param | One or more required parameters is null |
-1 | errors.com.epicgames.waitingroom.invalid_ticket | Invalid encoded ticket supplied. |
-1 | errors.com.epicgames.cloudstorage.invalid_credentials | You must be authenticated with account credentials to access CloudStorageV2 config data |
-1 | errors.com.epicgames.developerprivacy.parameter_missing | A required parameter is missing. |
-1 | errors.com.epicgames.developerprivacy.settings_not_found | Privacy settings for account 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47 and product github not found |
-1 | errors.com.epicgames.modules.cloudstorage.file_restricted | This client does not have permission to read that system file. |
-1 | errors.com.epicgames.modules.cloudstorage. | Login required to download system files from this backend. Hotfixes will be applied after login completes. |
-1 | errors.com.epicgames.links.creator_name_required | Link creation requires a creator name. |
-1 | errors.com.epicgames.links.invalid_namespace | Link: 7387-6177-4493 belongs to namespace: fg |
-1 | errors.com.epicgames.links.link_disabled | Link: playlist_trios has been disabled. |
-1 | errors.com.epicgames.links.metadata.link_type_cannot_be_empty | Metadata cannot be null or empty. |
-1 | errors.com.epicgames.links.metadata.metadata_cannot_be_empty | Link type cannot be null or empty. |
-1 | errors.com.epicgames.links.not_found | Could not find link with mnemonic: playlist_trainingground_solox and version 1 |
-1 | errors.com.epicgames.links.no_active_version | No active links available for mnemonic: 2601-0606-9080 |
-1 | errors.com.epicgames.links.wrong_link_type | Link: 4985-5921-4107 has type Creative:Island, but request specified valkyrie:application. |
-1 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.invalid_encryption_account_id | This token does not have permissions to read encryption keys for the account provided. |
-1 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.invalid_featurekey_request | Account access tier does not include any client feature keys |
-1 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.gamesession.account_not_found | Account is not in game session |
-1 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.gamesession.not_found | Game session not found |
-1 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.privacysettings.invalid_param | accountId must match |
-1 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.privacysettings.missing_param | settings are missing or empty. |
-1 | errors.com.epicgames.stats.badTimeRange | Invalid time range. |
-1 | errors.com.epicgames.toxicity.no_ban_status | Can't set bans viewed when no ban status exists. |
-1 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.payment.payment_method_not_supported | Payment method [CREDITCARD] not supported by gateway [CHASE] with currency [EUR] in country [PL] of merchant group [UE]. |
-1 | errors.com.epicgames.modules.matchmaking.session_service_communication_error | Error communicating with session service |
-1 | com.epicgames.events.event_not_found | Event 'Fortnite:aaa' not found |
-1 | com.epicgames.events.event_window_ended | HTTP 400 Bad Request |
-1 | com.epicgames.events.event_window_not_started | HTTP 400 Bad Request |
-1 | com.epicgames.events.invalid_event_platform | HTTP 400 Bad Request |
-1 | com.epicgames.events.invalid_event_region | HTTP 400 Bad Request |
-1 | com.epicgames.events.live_spectating_not_allowed | HTTP 403 Forbidden |
-1 | com.epicgames.events.mfa_not_enabled | HTTP 403 Forbidden |
-1 | com.epicgames.events.match_cap_exceeded | HTTP 400 Bad Request |
-1 | com.epicgames.events.missing_eula_acceptance | HTTP 403 Forbidden |
-1 | com.epicgames.events.missing_required_tokens | HTTP 403 Forbidden |
-1 | com.epicgames.events.rank_too_high | HTTP 403 Forbidden |
-1 | com.epicgames.events.rank_too_low | HTTP 403 Forbidden |
-1 | errors.com.epicgames.common.internal_server_error | HTTP 500 Internal Server Error |
-1, 0 | errors.com.epicgames.unknown_error | HTTP 400 Bad Request |
0 | errors.com.epicgames.unknown_error.v2 | An unknown server error has occured, please report to admin. |
0 | com.epicgames.error.neowiz.disabled | Neowiz API currently disabled. |
errors.com.epicgames.common.policy_check_failed | Client xyza7891ov4bjltiTDG4lfbFq7aPJjm1 targetUserId requires 00028c67a0b64e7b98a56ce5ddac6a4e but had 00028c67a0b64e7b98a56ce5ddac6a4d for datastorage:access | |
errors.com.epicgames.common.policy_denied | Policy denied : Does not have access to the queried deploymentId | |
errors.com.epicgames.common.policy_requires_user | Client xyza7891buv7hes6zVnhJdQUclKjqKEg requires signed in user for anticheat:authenticateForAnyUser,anticheat:authenticateForLocalUse | |
300, 1003 | errors.com.epicgames.common.policy_missing_action | Client ec684b8c687f479fadea3cb2ad83f5c6 missing kws:getUserPermissions |
1000 | errors.com.epicgames.common.server_error | Sorry an error occurred and we were unable to resolve it (tracking id: [00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000]) |
1000, 1012 | errors.com.epicgames.server_error | Error listing oauth scopes |
1001 | errors.com.epicgames.bad_request | The request as sent cannot be handled by the server. |
1001 | errors.com.epicgames.account.account_creation_date_of_birth_required | Date of birth is required to create an account |
1001 | errors.com.epicgames.datarouter.missingAppIdQueryParameter | The AppID query parameter is a required parameter |
1001 | errors.com.epicgames.datarouter.missingAppVersionQueryParameter | The AppVersion query parameter is a required parameter |
1001 | errors.com.epicgames.datarouter.missingContentTypeHeader | The Content-Type header must be sent |
1001 | errors.com.epicgames.datarouter.missingEnvironmentQueryParameter | The AppEnvironment query parameter is a required parameter |
1001 | errors.com.epicgames.datarouter.missingUploadType | The UploadType query parameter is a required parameter |
1001 | errors.com.epicgames.datarouter.unknownUploadType | Sorry the value of the UploadType query parameter 'json' is not a known UploadType |
1001 | errors.com.epicgames.dbs.wasp.restriction_failed | Input 'a' did not pass restrictions |
1001 | errors.com.epicgames.usersearch.api.invalidplatform.error | invalid platform |
1001 | errors.com.epicgames.usersearch.api.invalidquery.error | query is too short |
1001 | errors.com.epicgames.artifactdelivery.bad_request | Invalid signedTicket. |
1002 | errors.com.epicgames.artifactdelivery.unauthorized | Invalid chunkId found. |
1002 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.fulfillment.code_not_redeemable.coupon_code | Coupon codes can only be redeemed during a purchase checkout. |
1002 | errors.com.epicgames.unauthorized | Sorry it appears that you are not authenticated. |
1002 | errors.com.epicgames.unauthorized.v2 | The request is missing authentication, or the authentication is no longer valid. |
1002, 1031, 1032 | com.epicgames.common.token_verify_failed | Sorry it appears that you are not authenticated. |
1003 | errors.com.epicgames.forbidden | Only epic_id tokens allowed |
1003 | errors.com.epicgames.forbidden.v2 | The request is authenticated, but not authorized to access the resource. |
1003 | errors.com.epicgames.artifactdelivery.forbidden | Authorization failed. Ticket has expired. Please request a new one. |
1003 | errors.com.epicgames.social.missing_or_inactive_entitlement | The user is missing or has an inactive entitlement |
1003 | errors.com.epicgames.dbs.wasp.account_mismatch | caller is '812573c5c68d4d419848994dd3c37c3b', but tried to perform an operation reserved for accountId '01317c938918464489e53f55d8ce46ee' |
1003 | errors.com.epicgames.dbs.wasp.permission_not_allowed | account '94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47' does not have permission 'world:keyholder' in namespace 'fn' for world '824a1511dd11447b9e5bee7e511f7e84' |
1003 | errors.com.epicgames.dbs.wasp.role_grant_limit_exceeded | too many grants already exist for world '9f5f4fe52d594e0abe3bca3edf62899f', namespace 'fn', role 'juno_keyholder' |
1003 | errors.com.epicgames.dbs.wasp.world_owner_required | caller must be the world owner of '824a1511dd11447b9e5bee7e511f7e84':'fn' |
1003 | errors.com.epicgames.product.sandbox.forbidden | Sorry, you are not allowed to access sandbox p-sq4ufm5yxl4tfg6p6bytw65pdm7al6. |
1003 | errors.com.epicgames.common.client_auth_required | Calling this api requires a client credentials token |
1003 | errors.com.epicgames.common.missing_feature | Feature is not enabled for this client |
1003 | errors.com.epicgames.common.sandbox.access.control.invalid_client_access | The client [34a02cf8f4414e29b15921876da36f9a] cannot access the private namespaces [p-u7k4uzbyy3xdxgd9rhwv7743x75kt8] |
1003 | errors.com.epicgames.common.sandbox.access.control.missing_permission | Sorry you are not assigned the appropriate permissions to access namespaces [p-jbevlmd3zzfcz7zf5ty8f8j4l3q9wn]. |
1003 | errors.com.epicgames.common.user_required | Calling this api requires a user access token |
1004 | errors.com.epicgames.common.not_found | Sorry the resource you were trying to find could not be found |
1004 | errors.com.epicgames.dbs.wasp.role_definition_not_found | could not find role ID 'test' in namespace 'fn' |
1004 | errors.com.epicgames.dbs.wasp.world_custom_name_cooldown | The custom name of this world (17abf5d94fd74b9383f4cf3a05bf2472) was changed recently and may be changed again at 2024-08-31T10:10:15.706528910Z |
1004 | errors.com.epicgames.dbs.wasp.world_not_found | could not find world ID 'lele' in namespace 'fn' |
1004 | errors.com.epicgames.dbs.wasp.world_limit_reached | This account has already created the maximum number of worlds (8) in namespace 'fn' |
1004 | errors.com.epicgames.dbs.wasp.world_session_not_found | could not find a session record for world ID '111f8d89e6c34dbdba04a520e9b4e371' in namespace 'fn' |
1004 | errors.com.epicgames.dbs.rankingservice.track_definition_not_found | TrackDefinition fortnite:huchala doesn't exist |
1004, 1012 | errors.com.epicgames.not_found | PIN grant data not found. |
1005 | errors.com.epicgames.dbs.wasp.metadata_constraint_violation | metadata does not conform to schema for 'juno_default': $.seed: is missing but it is required |
1005 | errors.com.epicgames.dbs.wasp.role_grant_already_exists | role grant 'juno_keyholder' for account '9d58d46c633f475e8f329d203b7a4198' in world '9f5f4fe52d594e0abe3bca3edf62899f', namespace 'fn' already exists |
1006 | errors.com.epicgames.datarouter.badContentTypeForUploadType | The Content-Type header value application/ecmascript is not valid for the UploadType of eteventstream |
1006 | errors.com.epicgames.common.unsupported_media_type | Sorry your request could not be processed as you are supplying a media type we do not support. |
1007 | errors.com.epicgames.service_unavailable | There was an issue verifying token. Please try again soon. |
1008 | errors.com.epicgames.common.request_not_acceptable | Sorry your request could not be processed as you do not accept theresponse type generated by this resource. Please check your Accept header. |
1009, 250002 | errors.com.epicgames.common.method_not_allowed | Sorry the resource you were trying to access cannot be accessed with the HTTP method you used. |
1011 | errors.com.epicgames.common.oauth.invalid_client | Client 3446cd72694c4a4485d81b77adbb2141 is not allowed to login with continuation token 24f96cc4862544278b71febe022926b5 |
1012 | errors.com.epicgames.oauth.account_forbidden | Account cannot access deployment '98cc357b079248148d60fe3fad5c8d30' |
1012 | errors.com.epicgames.oauth.invalid_deployment | Deployment 'lele' is invalid or not accessible by this client |
1012 | errors.com.epicgames.account.identity_provider.api_error | Unable to fulfill Identity Provider API request. |
1012 | errors.com.epicgames.account.oauth.single_use_code_verifier_invalid | The code_verified provided is invalid for this single_use_code. |
1012 | errors.com.epicgames.account.oauth.single_use_code_verifier_required | The code_verified is required for this single_use_code. |
1012 | errors.com.epicgames.account.oauth.authorization_pending | The authorization server request is still pending as the end user has yet to visit and enter the verification code. |
1012 | errors.com.epicgames.account.xbl.invalid_token_date | Token cannot be used before Tue Jan 31 20:27:26 UTC 2023 or after Wed Feb 01 12:27:26 UTC 2023. |
1012 | errors.com.epicgames.account.ext_auth.sanitized_login_not_allowed | Sorry the external authentication type 'google' cant be used for login for account 25ef13c7f99d47c69c5c2f7139813907 |
1012 | errors.com.epicgames.common.slow_down | Request frequency should not exceed one call per 10 seconds |
1012 | errors.com.epicgames.common.nintendo.api_error | Unable to fulfill Nintendo API request. |
1013 | errors.com.epicgames.common.oauth.invalid_request | The Google authorization code you are using is invalidfound. |
1014 | errors.com.epicgames.common.oauth.invalid_token | There was an issue verifying token eg1~xxx. Token contains invalid data. |
1014 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.paymentweb.unauthorized | unauthorized |
1015 | errors.com.epicgames.common.oauth.unauthorized_client | Sorry your client is not allowed to use the grant type password |
1016 | errors.com.epicgames.common.oauth.unsupported_grant_type | Sorry, your client does not have the proper grant_type for access. |
1017 | errors.com.epicgames.unhandled_exception | unhandled exception |
1019 | errors.com.epicgames.common.json_mapping_error | Json mapping failed. |
1020 | errors.com.epicgames.common.json_parse_error | Json parse failed. |
1021 | errors.com.epicgames.common.concurrent_modification_error | Sorry, the item you were trying to edit was changed before your edit could be completed. Please retry your edit. |
1023 | errors.com.epicgames.common.missing_permission | Sorry your login does not posses the permissions 'fortnite:cloudstorage:system:DedicatedServerEngine.ini READ' needed to perform the requested operation |
1023 | errors.com.epicgames.common.missing_action | LLogin is banned or does not posses the action 'PLAY' needed to perform the requested operation for platform '' |
1024 | errors.com.epicgames.common.oauth_account_authentication_required | You must be using oauth authentication representing an Account to access this API. |
1024 | errors.com.epicgames.common.oauth_authentication_required | You must be using oauth authentication to access this API. |
1031 | errors.com.epicgames.common.authentication.token_verification_failed | Sorry we couldn't validate your token. Please try with a new token. |
1032 | errors.com.epicgames.common.authentication.authentication_failed | Authentication failed for /api/storefront/v2/catalog |
1034, 1042 | errors.com.epicgames.common.two_factor_authentication.required | Two-Factor authentication required to process request. |
1037 | errors.com.epicgames.common.processing_exception | Sorry a processing exception occurred while we were waiting for you to send us request data. (tracking id: [00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000]) |
1040 | errors.com.epicgames.validation.validation_failed | Validation Failed. Invalid fields were [surveyId] |
1041 | errors.com.epicgames.common.throttled | Operation access is limited by throttling policy, please try again in 5 second(s). |
1041 | errors.com.epicgames.common.throttled.orderprocessor.freeorder | Operation access is limited by throttling policy, please try again in 14429 second(s). |
1041 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.subscription.cancel-subscription.throttled | Cancel subscription is limited by throttling policy, please try again in 295 second(s). |
1041 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.subscription.resend_receipt.throttled | Resend receipt for this order is limited by throttling policy, please try again in 159 second(s). |
1042 | errors.com.epicgames.resubmission | There was an issue processing your request, please clear your browser cache and try again |
1043 | errors.com.epicgames.common.two_factor_authentication.verification_failed | Sorry, we were unable to verify the Two-Factor Authentication request because the token is invalid or expired. |
1045 | errors.com.epicgames.common.mongo_execution_timeout_error | Sorry, there was a timeout utilizing the database. |
1047 | errors.com.epicgames.common.mongo_socket_open_error | Sorry, there was a socket open error. |
1053 | errors.com.epicgames.common.argus.invalid_account | Account has non-test external auths linked. |
1056 | errors.com.epicgames.common.insufficient_scopes | Insufficient access scopes. Expected: [friends_management] |
1060 | errors.com.epicgames.common.mongo_write_error | Sorry, there was an error writing to the database. |
1061, 1022023 | errors.com.epicgames.common.mongo_write_concern_error | Sorry, there was an error writing to the database |
1063 | errors.com.epicgames.common.mongo_wait_queue_full_error | Sorry, there was database timeout. |
1115 | errors.com.epicgames.dbs.discovery.service.opensearch.documents_query | OpenSearch query failed |
errors.com.epicgames.orderprocessor.resend_receipt.throttled | ||
2001 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.orderprocessor.can_not_create_order | Sorry, the order must contain at least one offer, epic account 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47. |
2001 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.orderprocessor.country_mismatch | Sorry, create order failed for the identityId [94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47] country [DE] is mismatch with the purchase request country [US]. |
2003 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.orderprocessor.offer_not_belong_to_order | Can't do refund for epic account [94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47] as the namespace:offer [null:07ce78560aa34180936b199202274462] is not belong the order [F2309152158115091]. |
2007 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.orderprocessor.invalid_offer_from_catalog_service | Sorry, the namespace:offer fn:94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5123 is not found from Catalog. |
2008 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.orderprocessor.invalid_order | Sorry, epic account 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47 can not checkout order F2307201540546306 whose type is NOT PURCHASE and status is NOT CREATED. |
2012 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.orderprocessor.not_found | Sorry, cannot find salesChannel web-purchase-client. |
2013 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.orderprocessor.invalid_start_parameter | Sorry, parameter start -2 may not be negative. |
2014 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.orderprocessor.invalid_count_parameter | Sorry, parameter count -2 should be greater than 0 and not greater than 1000. |
2017 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.orderprocessor.can_not_get_zipcode | Sorry, can not get zip code to calculate tax from pass zip code, pass billing account for epic account fce3b1103efa407c98caa4ea986cf3a9, price engine will not return tax. |
2019, 19026 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.common.bad_gateway | Fraud service remote invocation error: path /api/..., accountId 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47, error details: java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out |
2023 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.orderprocessor.invalid_date | Sorry, parameter startDate and endDate can not be null. |
2024 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.orderprocessor.invalid_offers_code_redemption_only | Sorry, the offer f9daa3f1cd024908a2d8ef404a6b305d can only be fulfilled by Code Redemption Service |
2025 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.orderprocessor.invalid_sort_dir | ASCs |
2033 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.orderprocessor.forbidden_operate_order | Sorry, forbidden operation because epic account 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47 dose not contain order A1910052308012206. |
2038 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.orderprocessor.order_paid_will_fulfill_later | Order is paid successfully, but fulfillment system is busy, complete your order as soon as the system is back to normal, identityId-orderId:94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47-F1910052308012206 |
2051 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.orderprocessor.purchase_limit_error | Sorry, The offer [f9daa3f1cd024908a2d8ef404a6b305d] is already owned by epic account [94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47], it can not be purchased anymore. |
2052 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.orderprocessor.prerequisites_not_satisfied | Sorry, epic account [94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47] don't have a prerequisite to purchase this pack. |
2054 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.orderprocessor.free_order_not_refundable | Sorry, can't do refund for epic account 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47's order F2309152158115091 as it is free. |
2054 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.orderprocessor.merchant_group_not_refundable | Sorry, can't do refund for epic account 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47's order F2309152158115091 as merchant group EGS_MKT isn not EGS_MKT. |
2057 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.orderprocessor.region_blocked | Sorry, create order failed for epic account 1dba41978d8642eea7a75c24b23b3aaa as product is currently unavailable in region RU. |
2060 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.orderprocessor.offers_ownership_unsatisfied | Sorry, the ownership checking info is unsatisfied by epic account [94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47]. |
2061 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.orderprocessor.missing_mor_id | Sorry, create order fail for identity: [94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47] as mor id is blank. |
2067 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.orderprocessor.account_data_policy_not_applicable | Sorry, the identity [d1d7a59146f14b4b9f76a5cb00a38f41] is blocked from purchasing because some purchase conditions are not satisfied even the data policy [g-01ffc173dcc1] is applicable. |
3400 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.billingaccount.not_found | Can't find out a default active standard billing account for epic account [94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47] with merchant group [FN_MKT] |
3015 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.payment.country_mismatch_account_country | Payment country [US] mismatches epic account country [DE]. |
3020 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.payment.card_number_invalid | Not supported credit card. |
3190 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.payment.chase.conflict_data | Error validating amount. Must be numerical and greater than 0 [00] |
3500 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.payment.transaction.not_found | Transaction [lele] not found |
3629 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.payment.invalid_start | Sorry the start parameter '-1' may not be negative. |
3630 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.payment.invalid_count | Sorry the count parameter '-1' should be greater than 0 and not greater than 1000. |
3674 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.payment.three_ds_token_missing | 3D Secure token is missing |
3821 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.payment.live_payment_method_not_found | Live payment method [gatewayId: 1202(PAYPAL), paymentMethodId: 1502(PAYPAL), paymentMethodSubtype: PAYPAL, currency: EUR, country: DE, merchantGroup: EGS] is not found. |
3830 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.payment.live_payment_method_not_enabled | The live payment method [gatewayType: PAYPAL, paymentMethodType: PAYPAL, paymentMethodSubtype: PAYPAL, currency: EUR, country: DE, merchantGroup: EGS_MKT] is not found. |
4004 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.fulfillment.code_not_redeemable | Sorry, the code 'VXGPH8C7B9GGSDZGSLDB' is not redeemable. |
4007 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.fulfillment.invalid_end_date | The entitlementEndDate [2019-05-17T00:00:00.000Z] defined in offer item [280f3051129145bfb0c1828290a8d84c] is before now. |
4036 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.fulfillment.prerequisites_not_satisfied | Sorry, epic identity [FUNNY] don't have a prerequisite to fulfill the redemption code. |
4061 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.fulfillment.subscription_entitlement_count_invalid | Sorry, the identity [94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47] should only have one active subscription entitlement in the namespace [fn], but there are [28] now which is unexpected. |
XXXX | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.fulfillment.code.criteria.reject | Your code redemption has been rejected as you already own the product. |
errors.com.epicgames.catalog.capital_letters_required | Sorry the code field should be capital letters. | |
5101 | errors.com.epicgames.catalog.category_unknown | Sorry, the category for the store 'EGS' and the path 'lele/docs' is unknown. |
5102 | errors.com.epicgames.catalog.country_not_found | Sorry, we couldn't find a country for the code 'OF'. |
5103 | errors.com.epicgames.catalog.currency_not_found | Sorry, we couldn't find a currency for the code 'OMG'. |
5104 | errors.com.epicgames.catalog.namespace_not_found | Sorry, we couldn't find a namespace for the id 'huchala'. |
5105 | errors.com.epicgames.catalog.region_not_found | Sorry, we couldn't find a region for the store 'EGS' and name 'EUROS'. |
5106 | errors.com.epicgames.catalog.item_not_found | Sorry, we couldn't find an item for the namespace 'wex' and the item sku id '4fe75bbc5a674f4f9b356b5c90567da5'. |
5107 | errors.com.epicgames.catalog.offer_not_found | Sorry, we couldn't find an offer for namespace 'wex' and id 'bfa82be4e0f446e6a0276a5ac5caf321'. |
5201 | errors.com.epicgames.catalog.invalid_count | Sorry, the count '10000' should be greater than 0 and less than 1000. |
5206 | errors.com.epicgames.catalog.invalid_price_range | Sorry, the price range '_' is invalid. e.g. The valid format should like (0,50), (0,50], [0,50) or [0,50] |
5208 | errors.com.epicgames.catalog.invalid_start | Sorry, the start '-1' should be positive. |
5222 | errors.com.epicgames.catalog.invalid_country_code | Sorry the value you entered: _, does not appear to be a valid ISO country code. |
5300 | errors.com.epicgames.catalog.elastic_search_error | Error encountered while searching offers on ES |
5312 | errors.com.epicgames.catalog.invalid_sort_by | Sorry, the sortBy field '_' is not valid! |
5320 | errors.com.epicgames.catalog.store_not_found | Sorry, we couldn't find a store for the store id 'EOS'. |
7001 | errors.com.epicgames.lightswitch.service_instance.not_found | No service instance found with id=huchala |
9001 | errors.com.epicgames.entitlement.entitlement_not_found | Sorry, we couldn't find an entitlement for the accountId 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47 and entitlementId _ |
9006 | errors.com.epicgames.entitlement.invalid_start_parameter | Sorry, the start query -1 may not be negative. |
9007 | errors.com.epicgames.entitlement.invalid_count_parameter | Sorry, the count -1 should be greater than 0 and not greater than 1000. |
9022 | errors.com.epicgames.entitlement.invalid_store_name | Sorry, the store name is invalid. (The valid store name: [ue, egs].) |
9023 | errors.com.epicgames.entitlement.invalid_namespace_itemid | Sorry, [_] is not a valid namespace-catalog item id. |
9026 | errors.com.epicgames.entitlement.invalid_parameter | Sorry,the parameter [nsItemIds should not be empty!] Invalid. |
9510 | errors.com.epicgames.nintendo.consumable.service_error | An unexpected error has occurred |
errors.com.epicgames.voicechat.credentials_invalid | EOS_EResult=EOS_InvalidAuth | |
errors.com.epicgames.voicechat.client_timeout | ||
errors.com.epicgames.voicechat.eos.EOS_NetworkDisconnected | ||
errors.com.epicgames.voicechat.eos.EOS_NoConnection | ||
errors.com.epicgames.voicechat.eos.EOS_RTC_UserKicked | ||
errors.com.epicgames.voicechat.eos.EOS_RTC_ReconnectionTimegateExpired | ||
errors.com.epicgames.voicechat.manager.join_timeout | ||
errors.com.epicgames.voicechat.manager.request_join_token_timeout | ||
10028 | errors.com.epicgames.voicechat.server_timeout | |
errors.com.epicgames.voicechat.voicechatservice.service_not_running | ||
12004 | errors.com.epicgames.cloudstorage.file_not_found | Sorry, we couldn't find a system file for 0c0d0d2c2f9b4cc7bfaf7b065b490279s |
12007 | errors.com.epicgames.cloudstorage.file_not_found | Sorry, we couldn't find a file ClientSettingsGFNMobile.sav for account 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47 |
12011 | errors.com.epicgames.cloudstorage.user_file_move_failed | migrations are not enabled and given hash '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000', length 0 does not match stored hash '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000', length 0 for file 'ClientSettingsPS4.sav' |
12016 | errors.com.epicgames.cloudstorage.invalid_user_storage_data | external pointer updates are not supported for the given provider |
12020 | errors.com.epicgames.cloudstorage.file_storage_data_load_exception | no enabled DAOs were able to provide links for file 'ClientSettings.Sav' |
12032 | errors.com.epicgames.mediaservice.media_not_found | Media reference not found: a |
12101 | errors.com.epicgames.modules.matchmaking.unknown_session | unknown session id 617f4cd1a1bf41bc843a54efe71e92beSav |
12102 | errors.com.epicgames.modules.matchmaking.session_id_set | Session already contains an id. Use update if this is a valid session. |
12105 | errors.com.epicgames.modules.matchmaking.player_already_registered | "Player a is already registered. |
12106 | errors.com.epicgames.modules.matchmaking.too_few_players | Not enough open total players |
12107 | errors.com.epicgames.modules.matchmaking.player_not_registered | Player 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47 is not already registered. |
12109 | errors.com.epicgames.modules.matchmaking.user_creds_required | Sorry, you must be using account credentials for this method |
12109 | errors.com.epicgames.modules.matchmaking.client_creds_not_allowed | Sorry you must be using account credentials for this method |
12111 | errors.com.epicgames.modules.matchmaking.invite_not_found | Invite for account 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47 to session 91bf56d3d5f5466f9b3775ec36a6ce26 not found |
12114 | errors.com.epicgames.modules.matchmaking.session_not_started | Session 314aabfbf1994b5caae691557e1f8725 not started |
12304 | errors.com.epicgames.modules.iap.psn_entitlement_error | Failed to retrieve the specified entitlement on PSN Api |
12307 | com.epicgames.common.thirdpartyapis.psn.token_unauthorized | Unauthorized |
12312 | errors.com.epicgames.modules.iap.account_mismatch | Provided platformId lp1_b038899c5d31c190 is associated with accountId 8b0a23cb43af46cb972806f4025a9cba and not accountId 519327ca38ff4586b77fa29b6b5eca4b |
12316 | errors.com.epicgames.modules.iap.authtoken_needs_refresh | Client tokens must not be empty for this platform |
12701 | errors.com.epicgames.modules.quests.quest_not_found | Quest template not found for Schematic:sid_sniper_vindertech_bow_sr_ore_t01 |
12703 | errors.com.epicgames.modules.quests.quest_state_error | Quest Quest:pickaxequest_stw001_tier_1 not yet completed |
12704 | errors.com.epicgames.modules.quests.quest_reroll_error | Re-rolls exhausted for current interval |
12708 | errors.com.epicgames.modules.quests.claim_not_allowed | Cannot claim rewards while deferral key '9398a1f602584c14995ca6eead0425f5' active |
12720 | errors.com.epicgames.modules.gameplayutils.not_enough_mtx | Purchase: [VIRTUAL]1 x Shadow Play: Max Elephant for 200 MtxCurrency: Required 200 MTX but account balance is only 55. |
12801 | errors.com.epicgames.modules.profiles.invalid_command | QueryPublicProfile is not valid on player:profile_common_core profiles (common_core) |
12804 | errors.com.epicgames.modules.profiles.profile_not_found | Read-only (true) or non-allow-create (! true) operation could not be applied to account 838bccab348b4cc8a52effa3aa818b4c profile campaign because it was not found. |
12806 | errors.com.epicgames.modules.profiles.invalid_payload | Unable to parse command com.epicgames.fortnite.core.game.commands.athena.RequestRestedStateIncrease. |
12808 | errors.com.epicgames.modules.profiles.invalid_account_id | '2' is not a valid accountId |
12813 | errors.com.epicgames.modules.profiles.operation_forbidden | Operation UnlockProfileForWrite not allowed via this route |
12821 | errors.com.epicgames.modules.profiles.profile_write_locked | Attempting to write while profile is locked. MISSINGLOCK(fa7a71713d52465e829f376194e140fc:theater0) |
errors.com.epicgames.modules.profiles.profile_write_lock_expired | ||
12824 | errors.com.epicgames.modules.profiles.invalid_header | Profile-lock may not be specified to greater than 3600 via header (requested 3601) |
12831 | errors.com.epicgames.modules.profiles.invalid_client_revisions_header | Parsing client revisions header failed |
13002 | errors.com.epicgames.social.groups.bad_request.invalid_metadata_key | Metadata key [joinability] is invalid in namespace [kairos]. |
13903 | errors.com.epicgames.social.groups.conflict.concurrent_member_info_modification | Concurrent attemp to modify membership data for user [a] in group [b] |
13906 | errors.com.epicgames.social.groups.conflict.pending_application | Application from user [a] to the group [b] is already sent and pending |
14001 | errors.com.epicgames.friends.invalid_friendship | Users cannot have social relations with themselves |
14004 | errors.com.epicgames.friends.friendship_not_found | Friendship between 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47 and 68ac7938a0c142dd9f1a05d0a22778e9 does not exist |
14009 | errors.com.epicgames.friends.duplicate_friendship | Friendship between 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47 and 68ac7938a0c142dd9f1a05d0a22778e9 already exists |
14011 | errors.com.epicgames.friends.account_not_found | Account 68ac7938a0c142dd9f1a05d0a22778e9 does not exist |
14012 | errors.com.epicgames.friends.cannot_friend_blocked_account | Account 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47 cannot friend aa69b4fda8064d31a33af9e33d819f07, as one party has the other blocked. |
14013 | errors.com.epicgames.friends.invalid_block_request | Account 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47 cannot block itself. |
14014 | errors.com.epicgames.friends.friend_request_already_sent | Friendship request has already been sent to 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47 |
14104 | errors.com.epicgames.friends.user_list_not_found | Could not find list ut/recentPlayers for user 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47 |
14120 | errors.com.epicgames.friends.cannot_friend_due_to_target_settings | Account 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47 cannot friend 9398a1f602584c14995ca6eead0425f5 because of invitee's privacy settings |
14123 | errors.com.epicgames.friends.cannot_friend_due_to_invalid_pin | Account 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47 cannot friend d7f53eedbb1742bf8ffdea7492b10e7b because the provided parental PIN is not valid |
14124 | errors.com.epicgames.friends.cannot_friend_due_to_missing_pin | Account 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47 cannot friend 68ac7938a0c142dd9f1a05d0a22778e9 because the parental PIN is not provided |
14125 | errors.com.epicgames.friends.cannot_friend_due_to_pin_attempts_exceeded | Account 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47 temporarily cannot add friends because they exceeded their incorrect PIN attempts limit |
14129 | errors.com.epicgames.friends.invalid_set_friend_settings_request | Unable to parse set friend settings request |
14131 | errors.com.epicgames.friends.incoming_friendships_limit_exceeded | Limit of incoming requests has been exceeded for 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47 |
14440 | errors.com.epicgames.friends.suggestion_does_not_exist | A non-dismissed friendship suggestion between 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47 and 68ac7938a0c142dd9f1a05d0a22778e9 does not exist |
14501 | errors.com.epicgames.friends.forbidden_target_yourself | Account 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47 cannot target itself. |
16006 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.item_not_found | Expedition with id ITEM_GUID does not exist |
16008 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.hero_not_found | Unable to find quest item b5bd0c8c-281d-40e8-8399-8eb2722ab7da |
16009 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.wrong_item_type | huchala is not a valid CodeToken |
16026 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.out_of_bounds | Invalid loadout index 2 (number of loadouts: 2) |
16027 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.id_invalid | Item AthenaCharacter:CID_315_Athena_Commando_M_TeriyakiFish not found to slot in cosmetic locker |
16030 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.town_name_validation | Name contains illegal character. |
16035 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.operation_not_found | Operation abctest not valid |
16036 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.operation_forbidden | you are not allowed to obtain an access token for branch '++Fortnite+Release-23.40' |
16040 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.invalid_parameter | At least one profile token is required for verification. |
16041 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.bad_data | The offer 00000000000000000000000000000000 requires the purchased battle pass |
16043 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.invalid_feature | feature not enabled |
16044 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.item_consumption_failed | Unable to pay cost for technology |
16048 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.unrecognised_quest_objective | Encountered unknown objective stat: quest_s24_rebootrally_quest2_03_obj1 |
16049 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.collection_book_reward_error | Insufficient xp |
16061 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.failed_catalyst_requirement | Recipe is missing catalyst evolution.workers.tier2a; |
16067 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.squad_in_use | Expedition f6991581-e72f-4ac3-9e74-7d2face2e0bb is already started using squad squad_expedition_expeditionsquadfour |
16068 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.expired_item | Expedition 1b88be0f-6a45-4027-98d9-e4a8f204af1b has expired. |
16069 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.not_ready | This profile does not yet have a player loadout. You cannot set it yet. |
16070 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.invalid_item | Preroll data is missing, need to populate first! |
16071 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.collection_book_invalid_state | Page CollectionBookPage:pagespecial_steampunk_weapons in state Active when trying to claim rewards |
16079 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.cannot_start_expedition | Expedition f6991581-e72f-4ac3-9e74-7d2face2e0bb failed to start because it has no chance to succeed |
16088 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.check_access_failed | Daily rewards require game access |
16094 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.issue_friend_code_failed | Could not find an item of type CodeToken:mobileinvite to consume |
16098 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.not_enough_inventory_space | Backpack overflow is not allowed for this action |
16101 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.island_file_locked | Received HTTP Status 409 errors.com.epicgames.datastorage.file_locked from DSS /copy |
16102 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.invalid_bucket_id | blank bucketId |
16103 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.invalid_party_player_ids | blank partyPlayerIds |
16104 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.invalid_platform | Invalid platform: 'null' |
16106 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.invalid_playlist | Invalid playlist: 'playlist_radish' |
16107 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.invalid_region | Invalid matchmaking region: 'OK' |
16108 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.invalid_creative_match_options | link data does not specify mmsType! |
16111 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.misconfigured_link_metadata | link data does not specify matchmaking options |
16113 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.playlist_unavailable | Network version '14675445' is not currently allowed to matchmake |
16114 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.opt_out_restricted | Player has opted out of cross play and cannot play this mode |
16115 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.playlist_unavailable | Playlist 'Playlist_Test' is not currently allowed to matchmake. |
16115 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.intro_game_already_played | Account already participated in the intro game 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47 |
16115 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.invalid_player_groups | Party player IDs don't match player groups |
16117 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.playlist_unavailable | Matchmaking is currently disabled. |
16120 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.moderator_mode_not_allowed | Account m does not have moderator permissions |
16122 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.game_activity_locked | Game activity locked for 61745749dedc4d44aeb21f7ac4da8c5b |
16123 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.cannot_join_world | The provided player.option.worldIdToken claims do not allow this player to join this world |
16123 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.invalid_custom_match_key | Invalid custom match key: 'm' |
16124 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.spectating_not_allowed | Player does not have MFA enabled, and MFA is required to live spectate |
16125 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.unlock_query_failed | Failed to query for k3s setting namespace stats and name show-in-leaderboard |
16126 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.invalid_product_mode_selection | Product mode selection is required |
16131, 16133 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.player_banned_from_sub_game | Banned from matchmaking |
16136, 16140 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.profile_required | A valid profile is required to request a MMS ticket for account d1621a7c9eae45d99e7d203f18a4e48e |
16138, 16140 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.invalid_island_code | Link code does not exist: null Playlist_VK_Edit?v=null |
16139 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.invalid_tournament_id | Missing tournament ID |
16140 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.invalid_event_window_id | Missing event window ID |
16141 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.player_banned_from_link_code | Account 915362056ba3493a8f45f02bc5dbf114 is banned from link code: 7777-1121-9572 |
16143 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.invalid_island_code | Island '6990-4594-4017' is currently not playable |
16143 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.grant_access_request_while_disabled | Client requesting access grant while disabled. |
16150 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.account_profile_not_found | Account profile not found for .94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47 |
16151, 16156 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.requires_full_party | Required party size: 2 but party was of size: 1 |
16152 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.vivox_token_invalid_param | Invalid channel type |
16153 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.ranked_mode_locked | Ranked mode locked for 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47 |
16155 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.vivox_token_invalid_param | Invalid channel type |
16156 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.banned_access_found_when_granting | Client requested access grant but has banned access entitlement. |
16173, 16174, 16175, 16176, 16178 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.cosmetics_invalid_locker_slot_index | Invalid loadout index 0, slot is empty |
16182, 16185 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.invalid_affiliate | Affiliate is not active. |
16183, 16186, 16189 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.invalid_user_agent | UserAgent value: 'PostmanRuntime/7.32.2' does not match regex: '(.)/(.)-CL-(\d+) (\w+)/.*' |
16185 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.fork_not_allowed | Island 2129-1097-9031 forking. |
16193 | errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.inventory_service_request_failed | Fetching inventory failed () |
errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.local.card_pack_load_failure | There was a problem reading your results from the server (unable to view items). | |
errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.purchase_is_bad_deal | ||
errors.com.epicgames.fortnite.invalid_permissions | ||
17042 | errors.com.epicgames.persona.api_shutdown | Sorry, this API is unavailable since 2020-02-19 and no longer will operate. Please contact your Epic Games representative on more details. |
18001 | errors.com.epicgames.account.oauth.single_use_code_not_found | Sorry, the OAuth exchange or authorization code you are using is not valid. Please try again with a new code. |
18004 | errors.com.epicgames.account.account_locked | Sorry, your account is temporarily locked. Please try again later. |
18006 | errors.com.epicgames.account.account_not_active | Sorry the account you are using is not active. |
18007 | errors.com.epicgames.account.account_not_found | Sorry, we couldn't find an account for d1d7a59146f14b4b9f76a5cb00a38f41 |
18007 | errors.com.epicgames.modules.stats.invalid_account_id | ID needs to be 32 characters long. |
18008 | errors.com.epicgames.account.no_account_found_for_external_auth | Sorry the external auth token you provided does not map to an account |
18011 | errors.com.epicgames.account.address.address_not_found | Sorry, we couldn't find an address for account id 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47 and address id main |
18014 | errors.com.epicgames.account.client_disabled | Sorry the client you are using has been disabled |
18019 | errors.com.epicgames.account.duplicate_display_name | Sorry, the display name lele is already in use |
18020 | errors.com.epicgames.account.duplicate_email | Sorry, the email address [email protected] is already registered |
18022 | errors.com.epicgames.account.duplicate_external_auth_type | duplicate external auth type github |
18025 | errors.com.epicgames.account.duplicate_username | Sorry, the username lele is already in use |
18028 | errors.com.epicgames.account.email_code.code_not_found | Sorry, the code you are using couldn't be found. |
18029 | errors.com.epicgames.account.external_auth_not_found | Sorry, we couldn't find an external auth for account id 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47 and auth type ubisoft |
18030 | errors.com.epicgames.account.ext_auth.login_not_allowed | Sorry the external authentication type 'github' does not allow login. |
18031 | errors.com.epicgames.account.invalid_account_credentials | Sorry the account credentials you are using are invalid |
18031 | errors.com.epicgames.accountportal.mfa_code_invalid | The security code is invalid or expired. |
18033 | errors.com.epicgames.account.auth_token.invalid_refresh_token | Sorry the refresh token 'aaaaaaaaaa' is invalid |
18035 | errors.com.epicgames.account.ext_auth.invalid_external_auth_token | Sorry, the external token you provided for the the auth system xbl_token could not be validated |
18036 | errors.com.epicgames.account.invalid_client_credentials | Sorry the client credentials you are using are invalid |
18040 | errors.com.epicgames.account.auth_token.not_own_session_removal | Sorry you cannot remove the auth session 50069c2029d54b009660f6fce782da5d. It was not issued to you. |
18041 | errors.com.epicgames.account.oauth.code_not_valid_for_login_type | Sorry the code you are using cannot be used for the login method you are using |
18048 | errors.com.epicgames.account.oauth.too_many_sessions | Sorry too many sessions have been issued for your account. Please try again later |
18049 | errors.com.epicgames.account.client.unknown_client | Sorry we do not have a record of the client 98f7e42c2e3a4f86a74eb43fbb41ed38 |
18050 | errors.com.epicgames.account.ext_auth.unknown_external_auth_type | Sorry the auth type huchala for token grant flow INTERNAL is not known to this system |
18051 | errors.com.epicgames.account.auth_token.unknown_oauth_session | Sorry we could not find the auth session 'eg1~aaaaaa' |
18055 | errors.com.epicgames.account.token_account_id_does_not_match_url_accountId | The accountId supplied in the url does not match the accountId for the OAuth token. |
18057 | errors.com.epicgames.account.oauth.exchange_code_not_found | Sorry the exchange code you supplied was not found. It is possible that it was no longer valid |
18058 | errors.com.epicgames.account.oauth.authorization_code_not_for_your_client | Sorry the authorization code you supplied was not issued for your client. |
18059 | errors.com.epicgames.account.oauth.authorization_code_not_found | Sorry the authorization code you supplied was not found. It is possible that it was no longer valid |
18062 | errors.com.epicgames.account.metadata_key_not_found | Sorry the metadata key fun for the account 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47 was not found |
18063, 18603 | errors.com.epicgames.account.external_auth_validate_failed | Failed to verify token for authType: steam_encrypted_appticket and sandboxId: XXX, error: Sandbox credentials not found for sandboxId: xxxxxxxxxxx identityProvider: steam |
18066 | errors.com.epicgames.account.invalid_account_id_count | Sorry, the number of account id should be at least one and not more than 100. |
18071 | errors.com.epicgames.account.auth_token.invalid_access_token | Sorry the access token 'huchala' is invalid |
18072 | errors.com.epicgames.account.auth_token.login_not_allowed_with_client_only_auth | Sorry the access token 'dc277800d2a2481db9a2c67a0005dde2' you are using may not be used for this operation as it is a client only token |
18072, 1012 | errors.com.epicgames.account.xbl.invalid_token | Provided token is in violation of the xToken auth header format. |
18075 | errors.com.epicgames.account.sdn.challenge_not_allowed | Challenge not allowed: only accounts with CHALLENGE status are allowed. Current sdnStatus=CLEAN |
18080 | errors.com.epicgames.account.ext_auth.invalid_token | Invalid OAuth access token |
18082 | errors.com.epicgames.account.keys.key_not_found | Sorry, we couldn't find an public/private key for thumbprint WMS7EnkIGpcH9DGZsv2WcY9xsuFnZCtxZjj4Ahb-DDD |
18085 | errors.com.epicgames.account.ext_auth.invalid_cert | Certificate required for google auth type and google_id_token auth method is missing or invalidtoken |
18096 | errors.com.epicgames.account.ext_auth.not_trusted | Sorry the external authentication method 'lego_id_token' is not allowed for passwordless accounts. |
18096 | errors.com.epicgames.account.external_auth.remove.forbid.last_trusted_ext_auth_google | Sorry, we cannot remove 'google' external auth for '9fc4ec4857804d55867cf61888696600' accountId, since this is the last way to login. Please set password and try again |
18099 | errors.com.epicgames.account.external_auth.remove.forbid.last_trusted_ext_auth_facebook | Sorry, we cannot remove 'facebook' external auth for '590747b631294cfda9fda096ee336f5c' accountId, since this is the last way to login. Please set password and try again |
18100 | errors.com.epicgames.account.external_auth.remove.forbid.last_login_way | Sorry, we cannot remove 'internal' external auth, since this is the last way to login. Please consider promoting 'ecbd2baf44694f76b04e6a503b8aa11b' account to full first, or removing it at once in order to be able to remove the auth. |
18100 | errors.com.epicgames.account.oauth.password_reset_required | Please reset your password to proceed with login. |
18109 | errors.com.epicgames.account.oauth.missing_real_id_association | Real ID association is required to proceed |
18110 | errors.com.epicgames.account.oauth.parental_control.playing_forbidden | Forbidden to play between 2024-06-21T15:00 and 2024-06-21T21:00 |
18113 | errors.com.epicgames.account.external_auth.remove.forbid.last_trusted_ext_auth_github | Sorry, we cannot remove 'github' external auth for 'e43dcf1e6a444402b904b7961b8f9449' accountId, since this is the last way to login. Please set password and try again |
18113 | errors.com.epicgames.account.external_auth.remove.forbid.last_trusted_ext_auth_vk | Sorry, we cannot remove 'vk' external auth for 'e43dcf1e6a444402b904b7961b8f9449' accountId, since this is the last way to login. Please set password and try again |
18116 | errors.com.epicgames.account.ext_auth.linking_restricted | External auth linking restricted for account 8b0a23cb43af46cb972806f4025a9cba and auth type psn to external account with name The1Jaren. Hence external id 7136032847522542450 is not allowed |
18124 | errors.com.epicgames.account.email_confirmation_not_found | Sorry, we couldn't find an email associated with the provided identifier. |
18128 | errors.com.epicgames.account.oauth.expired_exchange_code_session | Sorry the originating session for the exchange_code has expired. |
18129 | errors.com.epicgames.account.external_auth_account_id_mismatch | The exchangeCode for this external auth is not associated with this Epic account. The google account associated to this Epic account has the display name lele |
18130 | errors.com.epicgames.account.device_auth.invalid_device_info | Invalid device info JSON value |
18130 | errors.com.epicgames.account.device_auth.not_found | Sorry, we couldn't find the specified device 435b52ece6d347479531c5132e209e53 auth for account 605e561d56f8496a974fe6f11d7db3f5 |
18142 | errors.com.epicgames.account.guardian_challenge_not_found | Sorry, we couldn't find guardian challenge with id: 1a2b6286a30ed0ca8ca688563ce4d8a4 |
18143 | errors.com.epicgames.account.guardian_email_not_valid | Guardian email: [email protected] is not valid. |
18152 | errors.com.epicgames.account.minor_status_forbidden | Sorry, you can only change minorStatus to NOT_MINOR and from SUSPECTED or UNKNOWN status. |
18155 | errors.com.epicgames.account.duplicate_external_auth | Attempt to link externalAuth github to account 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47, but it's already linked to another account |
18163 | errors.com.epicgames.account.apple.invalid_auth_code | Apple authorization code is not valid. |
18169, 1012 | errors.com.epicgames.account.continuation_token_not_found | Sorry, we couldn't find a continuation token with id aaaaaaaaaa |
18171 | errors.com.epicgames.account.client_feature_not_allowed | Client has no ExchangeCodeCreation feature. |
18173 | errors.com.epicgames.account.invalid_parameters | Accounts lookup by external account ids and Epic account ids is not allowed. |
18174 | errors.com.epicgames.account.continuation_token_already_linked | Continuation token with id 9779aac11b4d4f6181e77d0c43ff372f is already linked to an account. |
18175 | errors.com.epicgames.account.external_auth.remove.forbid.last_trusted_ext_auth_apple | Sorry, we cannot remove 'apple' external auth for 'fbd28827bc0545abbcb778b4fec6a522' accountId, since this is the last way to login. Please set password and try again |
18180 | errors.com.epicgames.account.oauth.exchange_code_client_mismatch | Sorry the exchange_code code you supplied is not consumable for the current client: 3446cd72694c4a4485d81b77adbb2141 |
18181 | errors.com.epicgames.account.email_not_valid | Email: [email protected] is not valid. Reasons: [No MX records found for domain 'example.com'] |
18191 | errors.com.epicgames.account.id_token_not_allowed | Account 6c5f78c40a31482f81ae5df98b950889 is not allowed to get ID token for account 24ad0dec99aa4655990184aa97e2979b |
18206 | errors.com.epicgames.oauth.corrective_action_required | Corrective action is required to continue. |
18210 | errors.com.epicgames.account.oauth.failure_state_not_found | Failure state with id ba50914f6f9149ea9edcace5d30b825c not found |
18214 | errors.com.epicgames.account.account_is_not_minor | Account 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47 is not minor. |
18216 | errors.com.epicgames.account.date_of_birth_already_set | Sorry, the date of birth for account c28fc8cee3794bff9aa452288b6785d8 is already set and cannot be updated. |
18217 | errors.com.epicgames.account.update_denied_due_to_cabined_mode | Sorry, you cannot update the display name field while under current account restrictions. |
18222 | errors.com.epicgames.account.date_of_birth_not_set | Sorry, the date of birth for account 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47 is not set. |
18240 | errors.com.epicgames.common.authn.insufficient_user_authentication | Insufficient User Authentication |
18243 | errors.com.epicgames.account.forbidden_by_account_policy | The operation requested is forbidden by the account policy. |
19005 | errors.com.epicgames.coderedemption.code_expired | Code expired; code:9C3GTKN5HEYBCRD6FQAS |
19006 | errors.com.epicgames.coderedemption.code_not_active | Code not active; code:9C3GTKN5HEYBCRD6FQAS |
19007 | errors.com.epicgames.coderedemption.code_not_found | code not found: 4BAMTZ9KBLWT52J5 |
19009 | errors.com.epicgames.coderedemption.codeUse_already_used | CodeUse already used; code:9C3GTKN5HEYBCRD6FQAS, codeUse:2ed867e08f814313a72512d8a1f7ce86. |
19010 | errors.com.epicgames.coderedemption.code_used | Code used; code:9C3GTKN5HEYBCRD6FQAS |
19011 | errors.com.epicgames.coderedemption.code_use_expired | CodeUse expired. code: 9C3GTKN5HEYBCRD6FQAS, codeUse: 2ed867e08f814313a72512d8a1f7ce86 |
19019 | errors.com.epicgames.coderedemption.invalid_code_status | Invalid code status |
19020 | errors.com.epicgames.coderedemption.invalid_count | Sorry the count '-10000' should be greater than 0 and not greater than 50000. |
19021 | errors.com.epicgames.coderedemption.invalid_start | Sorry the start query parameter may not be negative. |
19025 | errors.com.epicgames.coderedemption.multiple_redemptions_not_allowed | Multiple redemptions are not allowed for the same user; code:9C3GTKN5HEYBCRD6FQAS, userId: 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47 |
19041 | errors.com.epicgames.coderedemption.account_not_allowed_redeem | Sorry, the account [aa69b4fda8064d31a33af9e33d819f07] was not allowed to redeem the code [9C3GTKN5HEYBCRD6FQAS]. |
19042 | errors.com.epicgames.coderedemption.region_not_allowed_redeem | Sorry, account[94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47] in the country[DE] was not allowed to redeem the code [9C3GTKN5HEYBCRD6FQAS]. |
19049 | errors.com.epicgames.coderedemption.invalid_code_use_id | Sorry, the codeUseId [s] is of invalid pattern or is already used. The codeUseId should be 32 characters of 1-9 or a-z. Better to use a random lowercase GUID. |
19051 | errors.com.epicgames.coderedemption.criteria.content_already_owned | Sorry, the content of the code [9C3GTKN5HEYBCRD6FQAS] is already owned by the account [94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47]. |
19056 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.fraud.request_declined | Action was declined for potential fraud issue. Account id [FUNNY], the fraud log id is [2e37d4507fa74bcdb1059664732582a4] |
19069 | errors.com.epicgames.coderedemption.coupon_already_granted | Sorry, the free coupon has granted for the identity [94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47] or the sales event may don't issue any free coupon. |
19071 | errors.com.epicgames.coderedemption.sales_event_not_effective | Sorry, the epic sales event [84cc31ea5d564c13b59ec63876c42b6c] is not effective. |
errors.com.epicgames.coderedemption.unsupported_namespace | ||
21070 | errors.com.epicgames.publishing.seller_profile_not_found | Seller Profile for 36da373d61f147c8983d039e9ca19880 is not found. |
21080 | errors.com.epicgames.publishing.seller_profile_inactive | Seller Profile for o-pkjlht3h78fztlky67jyqwcaestkyx is not active, current status is INIT |
errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.priceengine.country_not_present | You must specify country to calculate price if has anonymous identityId or do not have identityId in request. | |
22016 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.priceengine.rest_invocation_error | Entitlement service remote invocation error: path /..., identityId 00000000000000000000000000000000, error details: java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out |
22018 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.priceengine.invalid_offers | Sorry, offers 8e9937437c044c7e9628ae088af4a295s can't be found in namespace fn for country DE |
22029 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.priceengine.epic_account_against | Sorry, for account-based token, accountId 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47 cracked from the token doesn't match the accountId 009fde9c567c4867a1331ebaa3e4b4f1 passed in the request |
22030 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.priceengine.sales.event.not_found | Sales event for eventId 'lele' could not be found. |
22031 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.priceengine.conflict_namespace | At least two different namespaces[fn, 84c76746bce94effb8e1047fabfd7eb7] to calculate price. |
errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.priceengine.account_id_not_present | You must specify identity id to calculate price if has coupons, voucherCode or redeemRewardAmount. | |
errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.priceengine.voucher.not_found | ||
errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.priceengine.reward_not_support_redeem_exception | ||
errors.com.epicgames.social.presence.invalid_parameter | Type mismatch. | |
24101 | errors.com.epicgames.social.presence.broadcast_disabled | Broadcast is disabled. |
24002 | errors.com.epicgames.social.presence.not_found | Sorry the resource you were trying to find could not be found. |
24004 | errors.com.epicgames.social.presence.method_not_allowed | Sorry the resource you were trying to access cannot be accessed with the HTTP method you used. |
24006 | errors.com.epicgames.social.presence.unsupported_media_type | The mediatype send to the request endpoint is not allowed. |
24015 | errors.com.epicgames.social.presence.server_error | Sorry an exception occurred while we were processing your request. |
24115 | errors.com.epicgames.social.presence.user_is_not_effectively_connected | Connection of 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47 user not found |
28000 | errors.com.epicgames.modules.gamesubcatalog.invalid_parameter | PurchaseCatalogEntry cannot be used for RealMoney prices. Use VerifyRealMoneyPurchase flow instead. |
28001 | errors.com.epicgames.modules.gamesubcatalog.catalog_out_of_date | Offer bbbbbbbbb is not valid or not for sale currently. |
28002 | errors.com.epicgames.modules.gamesubcatalog.cannot_afford_purchase | Cannot afford purchase 722DD1CF407A49449734D9B9A8033295 |
28004 | errors.com.epicgames.modules.gamesubcatalog.purchase_not_allowed | All items in this bundle are already owned |
28005 | errors.com.epicgames.modules.gamesubcatalog.receiver_will_not_accept_gifts | User has opted out of receiving gifts |
28007 | errors.com.epicgames.modules.gamesubcatalog.no_history | Unable to find purchase ID 37b23ffa-b770-42aa-bbf7-0d28185c391a or the refund window has expired. |
28010 | errors.com.epicgames.modules.gamesubcatalog.fulfillment_maximum_use_count_reached | Account 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47 has already reached the maximum fulfillment count of 1 for fulfillment 00000000000000000000000000000000 |
28014 | errors.com.epicgames.modules.gamesubcatalog.gift_recipient_not_eligible | Accounts [4e6325bbe92c4654afe0ab61de66c1b2] were not eligible to receive gift: [errors.com.epicgames.modules.gamesubcatalog.gift_recipient_is_not_eligible_friend] |
28015 | errors.com.epicgames.modules.gamesubcatalog.gift_limit_reached | Gift limit (5/5) has been reached for this 24hr period. |
28016 | errors.com.epicgames.modules.gamesubcatalog.refund_not_permitted | Undo window has expired. Please use a refund token instead. |
28018 | errors.com.epicgames.modules.gamesubcatalog.already_rolled_back | Purchase 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 is already undone |
28023 | errors.com.epicgames.modules.gamesubcatalog.gift_recipient_is_not_eligible_friend | Sender is not friends with aaaaaaaaaa. |
28032 | errors.com.epicgames.modules.gamesubcatalog.cannot_find_subscription | Can't cancel or rejoin. No active subscription on EpicPurchasingService with ID m |
28051 | errors.com.epicgames.modules.gamesubcatalog.receiver_owns_item_from_bundle | User already owns items from this bundle. |
errors.com.epicgames.modules.gamesubcatalog.receipt_validation_failed | ||
errors.com.epicgames.modules.gamesubcatalog.cannot_find_fulfillment | Could not find fulfillment for MicrosoftStore:XXXXX | |
errors.com.epicgames.modules.gamesubcatalog.failed_to_confirm_subscription | ||
errors.com.epicgames.modules.gamesubcatalog.refund_failed | Unable to roll back. Missing: 1 x AthenaBackpack:bid_003_redknight | |
28151 | errors.com.epicgames.modules.stats.unknown_owner_type | Owner type id 0 not recognized. |
29021 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.receipt.company_not_found | Sorry, the epic account [94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47] does not have any valid company. |
29021 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.receipt.invalid_vat_number | The VAT number provided is invalid. |
errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.receipt.can_not_update_valid_company | ||
30000 | errors.com.epicgames.launcher.not_entitled | missing entitlement. |
30003 | errors.com.epicgames.launcher.app_direct_url_not_found | app direct Fortnite.msi not found or url is empty. |
30009 | errors.com.epicgames.launcher.invalid_catalog_item | the catalog item is invalid. |
30010 | errors.com.epicgames.launcher.invalid_app_name | AppName is invalid or not associated with catalog item. |
30016 | errors.com.epicgames.launcher.bad_argument | Please check the buildVersion, [++Fortnite+Release-24.40-CL-25595478-Windows] expected, [++Fortnite+Release-24.30-CL-25347382-Windows] received. |
30017 | errors.com.epicgames.launcher.compatible_build_not_found | Could not find compatible build |
30024 | errors.com.epicgames.launcher.no_download_access | Download access to this application is currently disallowed. App: Pewee |
30025 | errors.com.epicgames.launcher.validation_failed | One or more offers must be specified. |
30025 | errors.com.epicgames.entitlement.validation_failed | One or more offers must be specified. |
30026 | errors.com.epicgames.launcher.no_account_information | This operation requires account-level authentication. |
30027 | errors.com.epicgames.launcher.invalid_catalog_offer | The specified catalog offer(s) were invalid: [fn:554f1353544248d8af51cc42df4f0a4d]. |
31003 | errors.com.epicgames.eulatracking.agreement_not_found | The agreement with key s23_thekidlaroi_rules and version 5 could not be found. |
31007 | errors.com.epicgames.eulatracking.invalid_count | Sorry, the count '10000' should be greater than 0 and less than 1000. |
34001 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.payout.invalid_count | Sorry the count '-1' should be greater than 0 and not greater than 1000. |
34002 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.payout.invalid_start | Sorry the start query parameter may not be negative. |
36001 | errors.com.epicgames.replay.replay_not_found | Replay with session id abed5b2b36a845bab8e9199e78b8965c not found |
40054 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.fraud.identity_invalid_status | The identity[acfe2f3787fd46eab3ce3614efcdb70e] status[DELETED] is invalid. |
40102 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.fraud.organization_not_found | Organization info [o-aaa] cannot be found. |
43000 | errors.com.epicgames.identity.realid.result_verification.invalid_response | Response is blank or invalid format |
43001 | errors.com.epicgames.identity.realid.result_verification.decrypt_error | Unable to decrypt RealId verification result: [undefined] by reason of : [com.google.common.io.BaseEncoding$DecodingException: Invalid input length 9] |
43001 | errors.com.epicgames.decrypt_error | Unable to decrypt verification result: [{}] by reason of : [com.google.common.io.BaseEncoding$DecodingException: Unrecognized character: {] |
43001 | errors.com.epicgames.common.dad.illegal_argument | FortniteDataAssetDirectoryManager is intended for use by clients with UE formatted UserAgent headers but it was null or empty |
43003 | error.com.epicgames.identity.realid.result_verification.server_error | Payletter server error response for authMethod=[null] errorCode=[null] errorMessage=[null] tid=[null] |
44004 | errors.com.epicgames.realid_error | You skipped verifying yourself |
44006 | errors.com.epicgames.realid_error | DI was missing while retrieving your Real ID |
43008 | errors.com.epicgames.identity.realid.account_not_found | No RealId account was found for [m] id |
44013 | errors.com.epicgames.realid_error | Invalid month format. (YYYYMM) |
44014 | errors.com.epicgames.realid_error | No permission to access the minor's information |
45007 | errors.com.epicgames.artifact.remote_api_error | Organization [huchala] can not be found. |
45007 | errors.com.epicgames.organization.organization_not_found | Organization [huchala] can not be found. |
46004 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.integration.salesforce.not_found | The Contact with email: , identityId: null is not found in Salesforce. |
46009 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.integration.invalid_parameter | The email and identityId cannot be null |
46019 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.integration.entitlement.jwt.key_not_found | Sorry, There is no public key found for kid FUNNY |
46022 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.integration.client_restricted | You’re not allowed to access this resource, please contact the identity support team. |
47010 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.affiliate.not_found | Sorry, the affiliate cannot be found by slug [FUNNY]. |
49006 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.product.product_not_found | Sorry, the product [lele] cannot be found. |
49011 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.product.sandbox.sandbox_not_found | Sorry, we couldn't find a sandbox for the id [lele]. |
50001 | errors.com.epicgames.artifact.bad_argument | Please check ticket request parameters. Tickets for dependencies should provide no binary version and all label parameters |
50010 | errors.com.epicgames.artifact.artifact_not_found | Could not locate artifact with provided id: [huchala] and sandbox: [302e5ede476149b1bc3e4fe6ae45e50e] |
50014 | errors.com.epicgames.artifact.forbidden_organization | The user is not a member of the organization [o-] |
50015 | errors.com.epicgames.artifact.forbidden_sandbox | The sandbox should be owned by the organization specified; sandboxId: [fn], organization: [huchala] |
50016 | errors.com.epicgames.artifact.forbidden_artifact | The provided organization does not own the artifact specified; organizationId: [huchala], artifactId: [bb] |
51002 | errors.com.epicgames.social.party.party_not_found | Party [c497b016fc664b50a3cd1de19fc6a0d3] does not exist. |
51004 | errors.com.epicgames.social.party.member_not_found | Party member [94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47a] does not exist. |
51006 | errors.com.epicgames.social.party.party_join_forbidden | The user 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47 has no right to join party 14ff3b36b814408381b62cded745d700. |
51007 | errors.com.epicgames.social.party.invite_forbidden | User [abc] is not authorized to invite to party [def]. |
51009 | errors.com.epicgames.social.party.invite_already_exists | Invite for user 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47 into party 9c76a6c9ebcc41bc9fe990337646c94e already exists. |
51011 | errors.com.epicgames.social.party.invite_not_found | Invite for user [081825b3693b43579cdcd10c1ef1c2d3] to party [b9dea30e729a47ee9d4c9c1804c6ae82] does not exist. |
51012 | errors.com.epicgames.social.party.user_has_party | User [94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47] is already in a party with deployment id [Fortnite]. |
51013 | errors.com.epicgames.social.party.account_not_found | Account [m] does not exist. |
51013 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.wallet.not_found | Wallet not found, id: [lele] . |
51015 | errors.com.epicgames.social.party.party_change_forbidden | User [94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47] is not authorized to perform the action in party [38ad87a8416f428682d6ed17054b2a7d]. |
51018 | errors.com.epicgames.social.party.stale_revision | Provided revision [17] does not match the current one [1]. |
51019 | errors.com.epicgames.social.party.user_has_no_party | User [94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47] has no party to join. |
51020 | errors.com.epicgames.social.party.ping_forbidden | User [94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47] is not authorized to send pings to [FUNNY]. |
51021 | errors.com.epicgames.social.party.ping_not_found | Ping from [94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47] to [FUNNY] does not exist. |
51022 | errors.com.epicgames.social.party.party_query_forbidden | The user [94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47] has no right to query the party [29eafb670b3d4b93b78f9c31d64aabc8]. |
51023 | errors.com.epicgames.social.party.user_operation_forbidden | The target accountId FUNNY doesn't match the authenticated user 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47. |
51024 | errors.com.epicgames.social.party.user_is_offline | User [94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47] is offline. |
51026 | errors.com.epicgames.social.party.intention_forbidden | A user [020b5d9042174a7692f20db8e23b84d1] is not allowed to ask [bec13864ce1d44148e04cb82401c4257] for an invite. |
51027 | errors.com.epicgames.social.party.connection_not_found | Connection [m] does not exist. |
51028 | errors.com.epicgames.social.party.self_ping | Self pings are not allowed. |
51029 | errors.com.epicgames.social.party.invalid_max_size | Desired maximum party size [1] is less than the current number of party members [3]. |
51031 | errors.com.epicgames.social.party.leadership_transfer_forbidden | Attempt to transfer leadership to user [m] without active connections. |
51040 | errors.com.epicgames.social.party.self_invite | Self invites are not allowed. |
51044 | errors.com.epicgames.social.party.self_intention | Self intentions are not allowed. |
510124 | errors.com.epicgames.social.party.member_state_change_forbidden | The user 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47 has no permission to change member state of 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47 |
52036 | errors.com.epicgames.review.target_is_not_mod | Target: [de] is not a Mod, it doesn't allow empty title or content |
52037 | errors.com.epicgames.review.invalid_market_place | Sorry, the storeName [A] is invalid. |
errors.com.epicgames.review.invalid_count | ||
errors.com.epicgames.review.invalid_start | ||
errors.com.epicgames.review.none_ownership | ||
errors.com.epicgames.review.review_not_found | ||
53001 | errors.com.epicgames.library.missing_argument | collectionDefinition must be supplied with the request. |
53002 | errors.com.epicgames.library.invalid_argument | StartTime supplied with the request is invalid. |
53007 | errors.com.epicgames.library.invalid_cursor | The cursor could not be decoded. |
53013 | errors.com.epicgames.library.bad_argument | Invalid state token format |
53018 | errors.com.epicgames.library.item_collection_not_found | Unable to find specified library collection. |
53020 | errors.com.epicgames.library.collection_item_not_found | Unable to find specified library collection item. |
53021 | errors.com.epicgames.library.catalogItem.not_found | Catalog item with ID aaa, sandbox bbb, and artifact ccc was not found. |
54002 | errors.com.epicgames.social.ban.ban_not_found | Ban for account 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47 does not exist |
54004 | errors.com.epicgames.social.ban.warning_not_found | Warning for account 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47 does not exist |
54004 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.subscription.invalid_count | Sorry the count parameter '-1' should be greater than 0 and not greater than 1000. |
54006 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.subscription.invalid_start | Sorry the start parameter '-1' can not be negative. |
54008 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.subscription.subscription_def_not_found | Sorry, the subscription definition [id] can not be found. |
54011 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.subscription.relation_mismatch | Sorry,the account id [fbd28827bc0545abbcb778b4fec6a522] mismatch with the subscription order [S2406241037347984] |
54019 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.subscription.subscription_not_found | Sorry, we couldn't find subscription [lele] for the identity [94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47]. |
54026 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.subscription.invalid_offer_from_catalog_service | Sorry, the offer type is [BASE_GAME], the offer [07111b13a33c4b46ad3a52f7dd5faa9c] is not subscription offer. |
54035 | errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.subscription.subscription_order_not_found | Sorry, we couldn't find the subscription order by the id [lele]. |
55022 | errors.com.epicgames.list.invalid_offer | Sorry, offer is subscription by given namespace [fn] and offerId [9ec21a8d4f744f8b938fbf79d02d40b9]. |
56001 | errors.com.epicgames.storediscovery.internal_service_error | An internal service error has occurred. Please try again later. Context: Failed to get topic with id 'TopSellers' |
56005 | errors.com.epicgames.storediscovery.topic_not_found | The requested topic, TopSellersa, was not found |
58005 | errors.com.epicgames.oauth.scope_consent_required | The user has not consented to required scopes. |
58006 | errors.com.epicgames.oauth.account_feature_restricted | Your account cannot use this feature. |
59001 | errors.com.epicgames.identity.client.client_not_found | Sorry, we couldn't find a client with ID: 34a02cf8f4414e29b15921876da36f9a |
59002 | errors.com.epicgames.identity.client.application_not_found | Sorry, we couldn't find a draft application with ID: undefined (Application Draft 1) |
60005 | errors.com.epicgames.communications.constraint_violation | getAccount.arg0: invalid Account specified |
60009 | errors.com.epicgames.communications.message.create | |
60010 | errors.com.epicgames.communications.message.channel | |
60025 | errors.com.epicgames.communications.setting.invalid_setting_value | |
62000 | errors.com.epicgames.mod.mod_not_found | Sorry, Mod with slug [a] not found for product [prod-fn]. |
270005 | errors.com.epicgames.artifactdelivery.missing_argument | signedTicket cannot be empty. |
92002 | errors.com.epicgames.world_explorers.level_in_progress | Unable to checkout a new level because one is already pending (possibly on another device). |
92006 | errors.com.epicgames.world_explorers.service_not_required | Already joined matchmaking. |
92012, 92014 | errors.com.epicgames.world_explorers.bad_request | Invalid DoubleCommander configuration f=0, d=0, l=1 |
92030 | errors.com.epicgames.world_explorers.login_reward_not_available | 2 day login reward not available until 2022-12-31T00:00:00.000Z |
errors.com.epicgames.world_explorers.over_hero_limit | UNKNOWN |
errors.com.epicgames.world_explorers.not_enough_energy | UNKNOWN |
errors.com.epicgames.world_explorers.level_not_found | UNKNOWN |
errors.com.epicgames.world_explorers.level_requirements_not_met | UNKNOWN |
errors.com.epicgames.world_explorers.invalid_friend | UNKNOWN |
errors.com.epicgames.world_explorers.manifest_out_of_date | UNKNOWN |
errors.com.epicgames.world_explorers.not_found | UNKNOWN |
errors.com.epicgames.world_explorers.no_matchmaking_id | UNKNOWN |
errors.com.epicgames.world_explorers.friend_limit_exceeded | UNKNOWN |
errors.com.epicgames.world_explorers.purchase_limit_exceeded | UNKNOWN |
errors.com.epicgames.modules.gameplayutils.recipe_failed | UNKNOWN |
100002 | errors.com.epicgames.dbs.sessionenforcement.session_key_missing | Session header key missing. |
100001 | errors.com.epicgames.dbs.locker.auth.deployment_id_not_found | Deployment id [8b6b9677d35045e191326a9404433504] is not found. |
100005 | errors.com.epicgames.dbs.locker.mcp_template.not_found | Cannot find MCP template: AthenaCharacter:CID_028_athena_commando_f with template class: CosmeticItemTemplate for deployment id: 62a9473a2dca46b29ccf17577fcf42d7. |
100006 | errors.com.epicgames.dbs.locker.cosmetic_loadout_validation_failure | Ownership validation failed. Unowned items: [AthenaCharacter:cid_028_athena_commando_f]. Unowned variants: [] |
100008 | errors.com.epicgames.dbs.locker.auth.bad_account_id | Account ID 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47a does not match header. |
101000 | errors.com.epicgames.partnerintegration.game_already_claimed | A code has already been claimed for game 91808802f644410d8b5b58b2e0ca36cf and account 497bb0117b41499cb50b833efdff7055 |
100101 | errors.com.epicgames.partnerintegration.entitlement_not_found | Entitlement for game id 91808802f644410d8b5b58b2e0ca36cf not found for account id 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47 |
101001 | errors.com.epicgames.partnerintegration.game_not_found | A game with id null is not found. |
102008 | errors.com.epicgames.partnerintegration.failed_to_redeem_code.invalid_country | Failed to redeem code - code is for a different region |
-1 | errors.com.epicgames.eos.auth.token_missing | Token missing: Decryption error |
110001 | errors.com.epicgames.eos.auth.internal_service_dependency_failure | Service name: service-identity, provider Message: Server error |
110002, 401 | errors.com.epicgames.eos.auth.client_not_found | Client not found: ec684b8c687f479fadea3cb2ad83f5c6s |
110003 | errors.com.epicgames.fn.auth.malformed_token | Jwt is not in the form of Header.Payload.Signature with two dots and 3 sections |
110003 | errors.com.epicgames.eos.auth.malformed_token | Jwt is not in the form of Header.Payload.Signature with two dots and 3 sections |
110004 | errors.com.epicgames.eos.auth.unsupported_token_type | Unsupported token type: clientToken |
110005 | errors.com.epicgames.fn.auth.token_expired | Jwt is expired |
110005 | errors.com.epicgames.eos.auth.token_expired | Jwt is expired |
110007 | errors.com.epicgames.eos.auth.deployment_not_found | DeploymentId: b57108bbd2094d8ccfe363b052697a44 |
110008 | errors.com.epicgames.eos.auth.deployment_product_access_forbidden | Deployment not accessible for product, clientId: xyza7891bINoNCL2bcsMW0yo2OYTnR5W productId: 17aacea3625d4c3f8e7834db1140abbc deploymentId: 62a9473a2dca46b29ccf17577fcf42d7 |
110010 | errors.com.epicgames.eos.auth.deployment_user_access_forbidden | DeploymentId: 5722fcdd13304a18b7e196ec2a1e73d7 |
110011 | errors.com.epicgames.eos.auth.external.invalid_configuration | google configuration not found for sandboxId: fn |
110012 | errors.com.epicgames.eos.auth.external.service_unavailable | IdentityProvider: OpenID HttpStatus: 200. |
110013 | errors.com.epicgames.eos.auth.external.invalid_token | Unauthorized Epic eg1~xxx token |
110016 | errors.com.epicgames.eos.auth.user_not_found | EOS User Identity not found |
110017 | errors.com.epicgames.eos.auth.user_already_exists | organizationId: o-vkkwrsp4ymmn9y7c5p4rus4wakgxtb identityProviderId: epicgames accountId: 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47 |
errors.com.epicgames.identity.kws.integration | size must be between 1 and 2147483647 | |
200004 | error.com.epicgames.aov-service.invalid_token | Invalid token |
210001 | errors.com.epicgames.kws.integration.internal_error | Error on user registering. |
210002 | error.com.epicgames.identity.kws.integration.user_not_found | User with id 00012606a6424b879ad5ef5978bfe879 does not exist. |
210003 | errors.com.epicgames.kws.integration.user_id_mismatch | User id in url {userId} doesn't match with Eos-Product-User-Id header 0002e2257ef14f2889c6cb3d079d3141 |
210005 | errors.com.epicgames.kws.integration.invalid_parameters | Invalid parameters: {dateOfBirth=null} |
210010 | errors.com.epicgames.kws.integration.invalid_kws_configuration | Invalid KWS configuration |
250000 | errors.com.epicgames.statsvinfinity.proxy.required_parameter_missing | Required query parameter is missing: from |
250003 | errors.com.epicgames.statsvinfinity.proxy.malformed_url | Malformed URL. |
250004 | errors.com.epicgames.statsvinfinity.proxy.request_body_missing | Request body is missing |
250010 | errors.com.epicgames.statsvinfinity.proxy.web_input_exception | Request body is missing: public reactor.core.publisher.Mono<org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity<java.util.List<com.epicgames.statsvinfinity.proxy.model.response.UserStatsResponse>>> com.epicgames.statsvinfinity.proxy.controller.StatsvinfinityProxyV1Controller.getAnalyticsDataByAccountIds(com.epicgames.statsvinfinity.proxy.model.request.UserStatsRequest) |
250011 | errors.com.epicgames.statsvinfinity.proxy.invalid_character | Invalid character has been detected in request |
250017 | errors.com.epicgames.statsvinfinity.proxy.response_status_error | Response status error. |
290003 | errors.com.epicgames.social.postparty.devices.invalid_device_version | Invalid client version s |
300003 | errors.com.epicgames.tag.management.account_access_forbidden | Account access forbidden for provided OAuth token. |
300004 | errors.com.epicgames.tag.management.invalid_cursor | Provided cursor value is not valid. |
300007 | errors.com.epicgames.tag.management.too_many_tags | Account should not have more than 3 tags. |
errors.com.epicgames.common.mongo_query_error | Sorry, there was an error querying the database. |
errors.com.epicgames.accountportal.account_headless | Please update your account with display name and email specified. | |
errors.com.epicgames.accountportal.account_select_required | Please confirm you want to proceed with the currently logged in account. | |
errors.com.epicgames.accountportal.account_type_not_supported | This account type is not allowed to sign in. | |
errors.com.epicgames.accountportal.captcha_invalid | Incorrect response. Please refresh the page. | |
errors.com.epicgames.accountportal.country_restrictionerror | Due to United States trade restrictions, we are unable to permit account creation or sign in with individuals in Cuba, Iran, North K | |
errors.com.epicgames.accountportal.csrf_token_invalid | Something went wrong. Please refresh the page and check that you allow cookies on your device. If the error persists, please contact Player Support. | |
errors.com.epicgames.accountportal.client_access_denied | Unfortunately, you dont have access to use this application. | |
errors.com.epicgames.accountportal.client_has_no_application | Client has no application associated. | |
errors.com.epicgames.accountportal.client_has_no_scopes | Client scopes are not configured. | |
errors.com.epicgames.accountportal.client_no_redirect_uri | There is no redirect URL configured for this client. | |
errors.com.epicgames.accountportal.client_no_response_type_code | The "response_type=code" parameter must be specified. | |
errors.com.epicgames.accountportal.client_not_authorized | Client not authorized. | |
errors.com.epicgames.accountportal.client_redirect_domain_mismatch | Redirect URL is not known to the client. | |
errors.com.epicgames.accountportal.code_invalid | Sorry, the code is expired or invalid. | |
errors.com.epicgames.accountportal.date_of_birth_verification_required | Please verify your age. | |
errors.com.epicgames.accountportal.email_not_specified | Email verification failed. Please try again. | |
errors.com.epicgames.accountportal.email_verification_required | Please verify your email address. | |
errors.com.epicgames.accountportal.ext_auth_required | You must be externally authenticated. | |
errors.com.epicgames.accountportal.guardian_code_invalid | It's been too long since parental consent was requested, it timed out... | |
errors.com.epicgames.accountportal.guardian_consent_required | The consent of a parent or legal guardian is required. | |
errors.com.epicgames.accountportal.mfa_backup_code_invalid | The backup code is invalid or expired. | |
errors.com.epicgames.accountportal.mfa_code_invalid | The security code is invalid or expired. | |
errors.com.epicgames.accountportal.oauth_state_invalid | There was an error logging you in, please try again. | |
errors.com.epicgames.accountportal.parameter_required | Parameter "country" is required | |
errors.com.epicgames.accountportal.pin_grant_client_mismatch | Security Code was requested for a different client | |
errors.com.epicgames.accountportal.pin_grant_login_required | Please sign in. | |
errors.com.epicgames.accountportal.playtime_request_already_granted | Value is invalid | |
errors.com.epicgames.accountportal.registration_blocked | Unable to register with the provided information. | |
errors.com.epicgames.accountportal.reputation_session_invalidated | Session missing reputation | |
errors.com.epicgames.accountportal.session_id_invalid | Session ID is invalid or expired. | |
errors.com.epicgames.accountportal.session_invalidated | Signed out. Please try again. | |
errors.com.epicgames.accountportal.supplemental_consent_not_required | Supplemental guardian consent is not required. | |
errors.com.epicgames.accountportal.validation | exchangeCode is invalid. | |
errors.com.epicgames.accountportal.validation.allowed | responseType must be one of code,eula_token | |
errors.com.epicgames.accountportal.validation.boolean | name_or_logo_inappropriate must be one of [true, false] | |
errors.com.epicgames.accountportal.validation.max | displayName length must be less than or equal to 16 characters long | |
errors.com.epicgames.accountportal.validation.min | displayName length must be at least 3 characters long | |
errors.com.epicgames.accountportal.validation.unknown | query is not allowed | |
errors.com.epicgames.accountportal.validation.required | query is required | |
errors.com.epicgames.accountportal.unauthorized_scope | Client is not authorized to request the following scope: friends_management. | |
errors.com.epicgames.accountportal.unauthorized_eula | Client is not authorized to request the following EULA: s23_thekidlaroi_rules. | |
errors.com.epicgames.accountportal.user_code_not_confirmed | Code was not confirmed. | |
errors.com.epicgames.datastorage.backend_error | ||
errors.com.epicgames.datastorage.bucket_not_found_or_not_allowed | Rejecting access for request from [C:'-',U:'-',S:'None',SB:'-]. | |
errors.com.epicgames.datastorage.duration_too_long | ||
errors.com.epicgames.datastorage.file_locked | ||
errors.com.epicgames.datastorage.folder_not_found_or_not_allowed | Folder doesnt exist | |
errors.com.epicgames.datastorage.invalid_request | ||
errors.com.epicgames.datastorage.invalid_path | ||
errors.com.epicgames.datastorage.list_disabled | ||
errors.com.epicgames.datastorage.locking_not_allowed | ||
errors.com.epicgames.events.unauthorized_privateevents | Unknown server error | |
com.epicgames.events.event_window_not_found | Event window 'Fortnite:aaa:bbb' not found | |
com.epicgames.events.floating_leaderboard_not_found | Floating leaderboard 'Fortnite:Hype_S24s' was not found | |
com.epicgames.events.invalid_payout_configuration | The window score location uses LeaderboardDef S29_PerformanceEvaluation_Round2_DefaultLeaderboardDef which specifies its own payout table, but the template for this epicgames_S29_PerformanceEvaluation_EU:S29_PerformanceEvaluation_Event10Round2_EU also specifies a payout table. | |
com.epicgames.events.invalid_leaderboard | Leaderboard FNFestival:season002_d1ada213-50df-4a62-b1a2-5dc6f38953d5:d1ada213-50df-4a62-b1a2-5dc6f38953d5_Solo_PeripheralDrums is defined in the old format, or it hasn't been instantiated yet | |
com.epicgames.events.leaderboard_def_not_found | LeaderboardDef 'Fortnite' not found | |
com.epicgames.events.leaderboard_not_found | Leaderboard 'not-found' linked to event window 'Fortnite:epicgames_Arena_Duos:Arena_Division1_Duos' not found | |
com.epicgames.events.maximum_team_size_exceeded | Maximum team size exceeded, requested team in game 'Fortnite' contains 17 members; a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q | |
com.epicgames.events.no_score_found | Requested range [0, 25) contains no requested account or team with score on this leaderboard. | |
com.epicgames.events.persistent_leaderboard_not_found | Persistent score leaderboard 'Fortnite:aaa' was not found | |
com.epicgames.events.event_template_not_found | Event template 'epicgames_S31_SoloVictoryCashCup_EU' not found | |
com.epicgames.events.unprocessed_payout | Player '3736de3c0eb043649fac15ec1025ff08' has not processed payouts for event window 'Fortnite:a:b' | |
com.epicgames.api.malformed_data | property 'teamAccountIds' cannot be null | |
errors.com.epicgames.content_controls.ageGate_should_be_number | age gate should be a number | |
errors.com.epicgames.content_controls.ageGateSystem_not_found | age gate system not found, use ESRB, PEGI, GRAC_GRB | |
errors.com.epicgames.content_controls.forbidden | Unsupported auth method | |
errors.com.epicgames.content_controls.invalid_epic_profile_privacy | maxEpicProfilePrivacy must be 'none', 'friends', 'friends_of_friends' or 'all' | |
errors.com.epicgames.content_controls.invalid_pin | could not authorize | |
errors.com.epicgames.content_controls.invalid_pins | incorrect pin | |
errors.com.epicgames.content_controls.invalid_token | ||
errors.com.epicgames.content_controls.too_many_pin_attempts | Too many pin attempts | |
errors.com.epicgames.content_controls.unauthorized_use | must be principal to make changes on account | |
errors.com.epicgames.content_controls.namespace_not_found | Could not find namespace FUNNY | |
errors.com.epicgames.content_controls.no_user_config_found | No user found with provided principal id | |
errors.com.epicgames.content_controls.missing_param | principalId missing | |
errors.com.epicgames.content_controls.user_exists | cannot create an account level setting for an existing user. | |
errors.com.epicgames.content_controls.pin_can_only_contain_numbers | pin should be a numeric string | |
errors.com.epicgames.content_controls.pin_length_incorrect | pin should be 6 digits | |
errors.com.epicgames.content_controls.pin_should_be_string | pin should be a string | |
errors.com.epicgames.content_controls.pinConfirm_pin_mismatch | pinConfirm does not match pin | |
errors.com.epicgames.content_controls.validation_errors | error validating | |
errors.com.epicgames.k3s.forbidden | You must provide authentication credentials that have access rights to this endpoint | |
errors.com.epicgames.k3s.internal_server_error | An unexpected error has occurred, please try again | |
errors.com.epicgames.k3s.invalid_input | Cannot update preferred values. Setting definition for fn:require-pin-to-add-friend does not exist or is configured to not store any user data. | |
errors.com.epicgames.k3s.invalid_pin | Parent PIN is not valid. | |
errors.com.epicgames.k3s.invalid_token | Not a valid token | |
errors.com.epicgames.k3s.invalid_request | settings.2.preferredValue should not be null or undefined | |
errors.com.epicgames.k3s.not_found | The requested endpoint/resource was not found | |
errors.com.epicgames.playtime.conflict | A request id that was not granted already exists. | |
errors.com.epicgames.playtime.forbidden | You must provide authentication credentials that have access rights to this endpoint | |
errors.com.epicgames.playtime.invalid_pin | Parent PIN is not valid. | |
errors.com.epicgames.playtime.invalid_request | activity must be a valid enum value | |
errors.com.epicgames.playtime.not_found | The requested endpoint/resource was not found | |
errors.com.epicgames.invalid_json | [DEP] account-admin-service-prod03.ol.epicgames.net returned unparsable JSON response | |
invalid_dependency.module_not_found | Module ID 'ce11eb62-49a3-7bcc-88d8-cebeb59f745a' is not valid. | |
invalid_dependency.module_version_not_found | Module ce11eb62-49a3-7bcc-88d8-cebeb59f7451 (ce11eb62-49a3-7bcc-88d8-cebeb59f7451) does not have a version 2 | |
invalid_dependency.unsafe_content | Module db2a1324-4211-ca05-cb14-259c64ee8e34 v2 referenced by this project has safety_status failed_soft and cannot be loaded. | |
invalid_dependency.root_dependency | May not depend on ba92523c-4564-b646-9328-17892a27674b at 21 because that is the ROOT being published. | |
errors.com.epicgames.pre-processing.failed | MODULE VALIDATION FAILED (job 73dc1ea9-bf0d-434f-baeb-6be3f3dc4d81):\nFailed downloading the source assets for job | |
errors.com.epicgames.valkyrie-cook-api.544.invalid_url | url for file 'test.uplugin' is not set | |
errors.com.epicgames.valkyrie-cook-api.544.missing_required_file | '' requires 1 matching file(es) but got 0 | |
errors.com.epicgames.valkyrie-cook-api.608.missing_required_file | '' requires 1 matching file(es) but got 0 | |
errors.com.epicgames.valkyrie-cook-api.624.missing_required_file | '' requires 1 matching file(es) but got 0 | |
errors.com.epicgames.valkyrie-cook-api.624.validation_error | ENV param values must be less than 512 chars (input.environment.VERSE_PROJECT_ROOT) | |
errors.com.epicgames.cook.nooutput | ||
errors.com.epicgames.cook.unknown_error | connect ETIMEOUT | |
errors.com.epicgames.cook.timeout | ||
errors.com.epicgames.cookplugin.cookfailure | ||
errors.com.epicgames.cookplugin.cookfailureoutofmemory | ||
errors.com.epicgames.cookplugin.genericerror | ||
errors.com.epicgames.cookplugin.materialerror | ||
errors.com.epicgames.cookplugin.unknownerror | ||
errors.com.epicgames.contentsentry.badinput | MODULE VALIDATION FAILED (job 523e9316-79b3-4d7b-9b3c-3eb429db1fca):\nNo uplugin found at the root of the input folder | |
errors.com.epicgames.contentsentry.validationfailure | MODULE VALIDATION FAILED (job 343e30c4-adcd-4410-a7e9-57834edc8439):\n[] LogValkyrieArchiveReader: Error: Mixed Zip and Zip64 fields in central directory header. Archive: C:/input/Content.zipɥ | |
errors.com.epicgames.contentsentry.contentsentryunknownerror | MODULE VALIDATION FAILED (job 127922f7-a933-49be-a7fe-ad7119054f37):\nUnknown error while running the content sentry | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.access_denied | Module ba92523c-4564-b646-9328-17892a27674b may not reference 0900f784-4f38-4606-4092-95a613f6c5fb @ 2 across projects because it has not yet been published. | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.account_not_found | Account m does not exist. | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.adult_verification_required | Adult verification is required before inviting users to this team. | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.already_member | [DEP] Backend dependency returned unexpected error errors.com.epicgames.content-service.already_member | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.auth_required | No authorization header. | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.cook-failure | Content (re)cook error errors.com.epicgames.cookplugin.cookfailure.\nJOB_ID=1729b5c7-1061-4fcc-bd49-892fec36f2ad | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.cook_failure | failed to cook 6ae5b10e-c96f-49fc-8f48-29e6e2f26db2:pc-server with error code errors.com.epicgames.cookplugin.cookfailure | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.code_not_found | Unable to find code 7990-6907-8565 | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.db_decoder_error | TeamDoc failed to decode | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.email_required | Account must have a registered email address before attempting adult verification. | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.ECONNRESET | aborted | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.entitlement_not_owned | User 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47 does not own entitlement 'VKCreateUGCEpicDeveloper' | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.entitlement_not_recognized | 'FUNNY' is not an allow-listed entitlement | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.entitlement_required | You must be entitled to access '/[email protected]/HQ3DMOD_GDC_Classic_mailbox2' via Emporium | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.forbidden | Missing required permission 'content-service:admin:search:projects READ' | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.gamefeatureset_forbidden | Missing required entitlements 'fn:13bed52c90d4405abb84bb59f1e9c3ad' | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.generic_http_0 | [DEP] localhost returned unexpected [HTTP 0] | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.generic_http_302 | [DEP] iplogger.com returned unexpected [HTTP 302] | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.generic_http_401 | [DEP] account-admin-service-prod03.ol.epicgames.net returned unexpected [HTTP 401] | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.generic_http_403 | [DEP] account-public-service-prod.ol.epicgames.com returned unexpected [HTTP 403] | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.generic_http_404 | GET /api/content/v2/aaaa/bbbb/cccc Not Found | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.id_conflict | Module with ID 'ba92523c-4564-b646-9328-17892a27674b' already exists. | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.inactive_build | '24.10.24770548' is not an active client build. Unable to find an appropriate content-worker. | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.inappropriate_vpath | [DEP] content-service.bfda.live.use1a.on.epicgames.com 2 returned unexpected error errors.com.epicgames.content-service.inappropriate_vpath | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.invalid_artifact | ArtifactKey 243ad254-bb43-4b9b-9794-347c321789a8 is invalid | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.invalid_auth | Supplied EAS authentication token is not active. | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.invalid_base_link | Base code 1111-1111-1111 is not for project 00000000-00000000-00000000-00000000 | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.invalid_build | 'User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.32.3' could not be parsed. | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.invalid_content_type | Content type 's' is not configured. | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.invalid_date | Invalid date 'now | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.invalid_entitlement | You must be entitled to access '/[email protected]/wolfdigitl_delux2_SM_PirateShip_1' (invalid) via Emporium | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.invalid_file_spec | rawFiles should be empty when a manifest is specified. | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.invalid_json | [DEP] valkyrie-source-content-live.s3.amazonaws.com 1 returned unparsable JSON response | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.invalid_link_code | Could not load link code 5581-7487-7222 | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.invalid_link_type | 1611-0113-8283 is not of type valkyrie:application. | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.invalid_link | Unable to find 5581-7487-7222 | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.invalid_manifest | Failed to parse raw files from manifest | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.invalid_mode | [DEP] Backend dependency returned unexpected error errors.com.epicgames.content-service.invalid_mode | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.invalid_url | fortnite.com is not a valid url. | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.invalid_param | Invalid bool param 'force' value="hi" | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.invalid_playtest_group | PTG 780a2368-c665-4db6-baf0-67e7b4bc06ae is not owned by the team that owns project 4fcc9ed0-5023-432c-89bd-aecd2f107258. | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.invalid_published_link | [DEP] Backend dependency returned unexpected error errors.com.epicgames.content-service.invalid_published_link | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.invalid_raw_file | 'public/...' files may not be specified directly | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.invalid_redirect_url | '' is not a supported kws redirect domain (see INTERNAL_DOMAINS) so we cannot use it to generate a verification token. | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.invalid_relevance | Either client or server relevance is required. | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.invalid_source_version | Module da0417f9-4a2b-e5e8-57ea-f3af9df12ae5 v6 was created using editor 28.0.29677842. This is too new for the client 27.11.29836234 (cooker range 27.11.29836234+). | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.invalid_team_name | Your team name contains words which might break the Fortnite Island Creator Rules | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.invalid_vk_link_meta | input: the key 'public_modules' is required but was not present SentryEventId=2b72e58a8b3448ec97db09d390165d78 | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.inventory_delete_forbidden | Only admins can delete system profiles | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.inventory_edit_forbidden | Only admins can change system profiles | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.irreversible_operation | Project e3c4da8f-4cfd-4b79-20ab-4d89cb49528f would not be able to be re-starred. Check with the user and pass force=true if this is desired. | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.missing_param | Missing required parameter 'role' | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.missing_platform | Missing platform parameter | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.module_not_found | Could not find module 3f940043-8ffa-4204-941a-2c1c203af863 | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.module_preprocessing_failed | An error occured while resolving published module version from project live link: 5263-9915-6480v5. 5263-9915-6480v5 is not of type valkyrie:application. SentryEventId=07c795c82657419f9fb404f2dab0dec0 | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.no_content | Modules must contain at least one source file or one dependency. | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.no_mapping_authority | Verse custom domain querying not yet enabled: https://google.com/abc | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.no_vroot_association | No project is currently associated with '/projects.epicgames.com/_e6c2354d26dd44288df229d5c4c2f02d/' | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.no_redirect_found | Failed to load redirect doc for target version 33.11.38773623 | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.not_found | resource not found: | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.operation_forbidden | [DEP] content-service.bfda.live.use1a.on.epicgames.com returned unexpected error errors.com.epicgames.content-service.operation_forbidden | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.overloaded_module_name | Module 7abb04cd-c60e-4edb-9035-b6a6415de172 already has name ':7' | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.permission_denied | you do not have permission to access this inventory. | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.project_archived | This project has been archived. Unarchive the project before modifying it. | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.project_locked | This project has been locked by an administrator. Please contact Epic Player Support and reference project e6dbc823-4588-9988-bdeb-368c92358bf6. | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.project_not_found | Could not find project 0c092c77-41ab-4c7f-86d3-1dbcce1bf41a | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.publishing_not_allowed | Project is not associated with a SAC code (via owner or team owner) | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.rate_limit_exceeded | rate limit exceeded, please try again later. | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.reserved_domain_not_authorized | 'projects.epicgames.com' is a reserved domain. | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.status_unknown | kws verification status unknown. | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.team_not_found | Team b542fe0f-8643-4688-804d-49cfc92dfbca does not exist. | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.ticket_not_found | Ticket ID 3c7c5369-b1a8-4442-a58f-c27f45665e3f was either invalid or expired | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.token_not_found | Request does not contain a valid authorization token. User is not logged in. | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.too_many_teams | [DEP] Backend dependency returned unexpected error errors.com.epicgames.content-service.too_many_teams | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.unknown_http_500 | Artifact 5b7ff891-540a-4e2a-9b1b-4cfce2bebade:lele has unrecognised name 'lele' within content type 'valkyrie-plugin | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.user_auth_required | [DEP] Backend dependency returned unexpected error errors.com.epicgames.content-service.user_auth_required | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.unsupported_protocol | Supplied manifestUrl protocol (http:) is not supported | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.validation_error | Invalid Link Code (input) | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.verse_primary_path_cannot_be_changed | Cannot change primary verse path for a published project. | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.version_not_found | Version 99 of module 'b44fa23f-4d46-d7c2-6fa6-dd9923b40391' not found. | |
errors.com.epicgames.content-service.wrong_auth | Invalid signature | |
errors.com.epicgames.creator-portal-backend.account_not_found | Could not find any accounts matching: "testingkrowelele" | |
errors.com.epicgames.creator-portal-backend.auth_required | Unable to authenticate this request. | |
errors.com.epicgames.creator-portal-backend.bad_request | Media upload requires an image, trailer or both (nothing was set). | |
errors.com.epicgames.creator-portal-backend.draft_profile_not_found | Draft profile not found for account: 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47 | |
errors.com.epicgames.creator-portal-backend.est_size_not_found | Build must be played once first | |
errors.com.epicgames.creator-portal-backend.forbidden | Missing required permission 'creator-portal:media READ' | |
errors.com.epicgames.creator-portal-backend.generic_http_400 | [DEP] account-admin-service-prod03.ol.epicgames.net returned unexpected [HTTP 400] | |
errors.com.epicgames.creator-portal-backend.generic_http_404 | [DEP] fortnite.marketing.on.epicgames.com returned unexpected [HTTP 404] | |
errors.com.epicgames.creator-portal-backend.http_not_found | GET /api/version Not Found | |
errors.com.epicgames.creator-portal-backend.invalid_autoactivate_value | First published release must be activated. | |
errors.com.epicgames.creator-portal-backend.invalid_content_type | Unsupported lobby background contentType: image. Valid options: image/jpg | image/jpeg | image/png | |
errors.com.epicgames.creator-portal-backend.invalid_csrf_token | Invalid or missing CSRF token | |
errors.com.epicgames.creator-portal-backend.invalid_json | [DEP] iarc-integration-service-prod.fcac.live.use1a.on.epicgames.com returned unparsable JSON response | |
errors.com.epicgames.creator-portal-backend.invalid_link | Link code 1111-1111-1111v1 is not a build or playtest code. | |
errors.com.epicgames.creator-portal-backend.invalid_oauth_state | Invalid state query param value. | |
errors.com.epicgames.creator-portal-backend.invalid_param | Invalid integer param 'version' value="m" | |
errors.com.epicgames.creator-portal-backend.invalid_query_range | Daily time range cannot be greater than 6 months | |
errors.com.epicgames.creator-portal-backend.invalid_redirect_url | 'google.com' is not a supported kws redirect domain (see INTERNAL_DOMAINS) so we cannot use it to generate a verification token. | |
errors.com.epicgames.creator-portal-backend.link_disabled | Link 7990-6907-8565v0 is disabled | |
errors.com.epicgames.creator-portal-backend.link_not_found | Link code 4215-4736-4924v22 could not be found. | |
errors.com.epicgames.creator-portal-backend.malformed_link | Failed to resolve projectId from link 4215-4736-4924 v1 | |
errors.com.epicgames.creator-portal-backend.missing_project_title | Failed to resolve title of FNC project e6dbc823-4588-9988-bdeb-368c92358bf6 | |
errors.com.epicgames.creator-portal-backend.moderation_denied | Link code 0000-0000-0000v1 has already failed moderation. | |
errors.com.epicgames.creator-portal-backend.moderation_pending | Link code 0000-0000-0000v1 is already pending moderation. | |
errors.com.epicgames.creator-portal-backend.name_required | Name is a required property | |
errors.com.epicgames.creator-portal-backend.operation_forbidden | You do not have permission to access link: 4215-4736-4924 | |
errors.com.epicgames.creator-portal-backend.publish_not_allowed | Failed to identify affiliate privileges for project: xxx, id: yyy | |
errors.com.epicgames.creator-portal-backend.project | Project 0c092c77-41ab-4c7f-86d3-1dbcce1bf41a does not exist. | |
errors.com.epicgames.creator-portal-backend.release_not_found | Could not find release 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 | |
errors.com.epicgames.creator-portal-backend.unknown_http_500 | Invalid URL | |
errors.com.epicgames.creator-portal-backend.unsuitable_linkcode | LinkCode 1111-1111-1111 could not be confirmed to be accessible to account 8b0a23cb43af46cb972806f4025a9cba. | |
errors.com.epicgames.creator-portal-backend.unsupported_content_type | Content type is not supported for this method | |
errors.com.epicgames.creator-portal-backend.validation_error | projectid is not a valid lowercase UUID (input) | |
errors.com.epicgames.creator-portal-backend.vpath_collision | Verse path ‘/[email protected]/myproject/’ is already associated with another project | |
errors.com.epicgames.creator-portal-backend.wrong_link_type | Expected link type valkyrie:application but 1111-1111-1111v1 is type Creative:Island. | |
errors.com.epicgames.ecom.iarcint.cert_not_matched | [DEP] Backend dependency returned unexpected error errors.com.epicgames.ecom.iarcint.cert_not_matched | |
errors.com.epicgames.common.ask_timed_out | ||
errors.com.epicgames.common.web.grails.plugins.sso.exchangeController.codeRequired | ||
errors.com.epicgames.common.invalid_deployment | E:v1,A:Some() | |
errors.com.epicgames.common.invalid_product | E:fghi4567WVmSm0yD36WOPZsn2gkXHrra,A:Some(ce29c2ecda084567abdee769c6c28010) | |
errors.com.epicgames.common.missing_role | E:,A:Epic | |
errors.com.epicgames.common.rejection.ExpectedWebSocketRequestRejection$ | ||
errors.com.epicgames.common.rejection.MalformedQueryParamRejection | Invalid query: showPrivateEvents | |
errors.com.epicgames.common.rejection.MalformedRequestContentRejection | No content to map due to end-of-input\n at [Source: (byte[])""; line: 1, column: 0] | |
errors.com.epicgames.common.rejection.MethodRejection | ||
errors.com.epicgames.common.rejection.MissingHeaderRejection | Missing header: User-Agent | |
errors.com.epicgames.common.rejection.MissingQueryParamRejection | Missing query: playerId | |
errors.com.epicgames.common.rejection.UnsupportedRequestContentTypeRejection | ||
errors.com.epicgames.common.rejection.ValidationRejection | ||
errors.com.epicgames.common.validation.country.validation_failed | Sorry the value you entered does not appear to be a valid ISO country code. | |
errors.com.epicgames.common.validation.invalid_email | Sorry the email you entered does not appear to be a valid email address. | |
errors.com.epicgames.common.validation.password.length_violation | Password must be between 7 and 256 characters | |
errors.com.epicgames.common.validation.password.complexity_requirements_not_met | Password must contain at least one letter, and one digit | |
errors.com.epicgames.common.validation.password.non_printable_characters_not_allowed | Password cannot contain non printable characters | |
errors.com.epicgames.common.validation.password.whitespace_not_allowed | Password cannot contain whitespace characters | |
errors.com.epicgames.common.validation.phone_number.validation_failed | Sorry the value you entered does not appear to be a valid phone number | |
errors.com.epicgames.account.authorization_code.invalid_client_redirect_url | Sorry, the redirect url you are using is not allowed for this client. | |
errors.com.epicgames.account.date_of_birth_change_failed | Sorry, you can not change your date of birth. | |
errors.com.epicgames.account.display_name_change_failed | Sorry, you can only change your display name once every 14 days. | |
errors.com.epicgames.account.display_name_change_timeframe | Sorry, you can only change your display name once every 2 weeks | |
errors.com.epicgames.account.display_name_required | You must specify a displayName | |
errors.com.epicgames.account.email_code.code_not_for_your_account | "The code provided is associated with another account. Please login with the email associated with this code. | |
errors.com.epicgames.account.external_auth_already_registered | That GitHub account is already associated with another account | |
errors.com.epicgames.account.invalid_current_password | Sorry, the current password value you entered is invalid. | |
errors.com.epicgames.account.invalid_date_of_birth | Sorry, the specified dateOfBirth is not valid. Please, try entering a correct dateOfBirth. | |
errors.com.epicgames.account.invalidLanguagePreference | Sorry the language you chose is not supported | |
errors.com.epicgames.account.first_name_required | ||
errors.com.epicgames.account.first_name_required | ||
errors.com.epicgames.account.last_name_invalid_characters | Name may not contain the following characters: '.'. | |
errors.com.epicgames.account.last_name_required | ||
errors.com.epicgames.account.name_invalid_characters | Name may not contain the following characters: '.'. | |
errors.com.epicgames.account.merge.account_feature_restricted | Sorry, your account are not allowed for merge. | |
errors.com.epicgames.account.old_password_reuse | ||
errors.com.epicgames.account.password_required | You must provide a password when an email or username is specified | |
errors.com.epicgames.account.username_or_email_required | You must specify an email or username when a password is specified | |
errors.com.epicgames.account.validation.displayName.invalid_display_name.too_short | Your display name must have a minimum of 3 characters. | |
errors.com.epicgames.account.validation.displayName.invalid_display_name.too_long | Your display name must have fewer than 16 characters. | |
errors.com.epicgames.account.validation.displayName.invalid_character_repeat | Your display name may not repeat the '.'character. | |
errors.com.epicgames.account.validation.displayName.invalid_character | Your display name may not contain the following characters: '[]'. | |
errors.com.epicgames.account.validation.displayName.invalid_start_character | Your display name may not start with the '.' character. | |
errors.com.epicgames.common.argus.bad_password | ||
errors.com.epicgames.toxicity.validation.toxic_name | Sorry, the value you entered is not allowed. | |
errors.com.epicgames.stats.definition_not_found | The stat definition doesnt exist. | |
com.epicgames.stats.achievement_not_found | Achievement definition not found | |
com.epicgames.stats.appdefinition_not_found | App definition not found | |
com.epicgames.stats.exceeded_statname_limit | StatName limit exceeded in request | |
com.epicgames.stats.no_appid | Unknown server error | |
com.epicgames.stats.no_stats | Unknown server error | |
com.epicgames.stats.query_missing_stats | Query missing stats | |
com.epicgames.stats.stat_not_found | Stat definition not found | |
com.epicgames.friends.validation.constraints.alias | Incorrect alias input. Should be from 3 to 16 letters, digits, spaces, -, _, . or emoji. | |
errors.com.epicgames.failed_surface_token_validation | Missing security token. | |
errors.com.epicgames.missing_player_ratings_body_setting | Missing player ratings authority setting for player id 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47 | |
errors.com.epicgames.discovery.app_and_stream_required | AppId and Stream are required together. | |
errors.com.epicgames.discovery.appid_not_allowed | App ID m not allowed. | |
errors.com.epicgames.discovery.invalid_content_discovery_content_panel | Panel ByEpics does not exist in test cohort: DevelopmentDefault | |
errors.com.epicgames.discovery.invalid_discovery_surface | No content panel found for surface: CreativeDiscoverySurface_Browse. Content Panel: epicspicks6col* | |
errors.com.epicgames.discovery.invalid_game_build_header | Value PostmanRuntime/7.30.1 is not a valid user agent for this request | |
errors.com.epicgames.discovery.invalid_link_code | Link code of value huchala not found when trying to set a favorite link for player Id: 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47 | |
errors.com.epicgames.discovery.no_cohort_selected | Failed to select a test cohort in surface: CreativeDiscoverySurface_Frontend for cohort names: huchala | |
errors.com.epicgames.discovery.too_many_link_codes | Link code size of 145 was larger than 100 for player id: 94b1569506b04f9f8557af611e8c5e47 | |
errors.com.epicgames.validation.address.city_required | ||
errors.com.epicgames.validation.address.country_required | ||
errors.com.epicgames.validation.address.length_violation | ||
errors.com.epicgames.validation.address.province_required | ||
errors.com.epicgames.validation.address.required | ||
errors.com.epicgames.validation.address.subregion_required | ||
errors.com.epicgames.validation.address.state_required | ||
errors.com.epicgames.validation.address.zipcode_required | ||
errors.com.epicgames.validation.country_change.disabled | ||
errors.com.epicgames.validation.email.babel_detection | ||
errors.com.epicgames.validation.first.name.required | ||
errors.com.epicgames.validation.full.name.required | ||
errors.com.epicgames.validation.invalid_display_name | ||
errors.com.epicgames.validation.invalid_github_username | ||
errors.com.epicgames.validation.invalid_mobile_number | ||
errors.com.epicgames.validation.invalid_zipcode | ||
errors.com.epicgames.validation.ip_address_not_allowed | Sorry this field cannot be an ip address. | |
errors.com.epicgames.validation.last.name.required | ||
errors.com.epicgames.validation.language_required | ||
errors.com.epicgames.validation.not_blank_or_null | Sorry this field may not be blank or null | |
errors.com.epicgames.validation.only_alphanumeric_underscores_and_dashes | Sorry this field may only contain alphanumeric characters, underscores and dashes. | |
errors.com.epicgames.validation.password.complexity_requirements_not_met | ||
errors.gg.wls.api.authorization.scoped_authentication_required | This resource requires a scoped access token. | |
errors.gg.wls.api.connections.connect_session_not_found | The connect session was not found | |
errors.gg.wls.api.malformed_json.content_type | Content type error | |
errors.gg.wls.api.malformed_json.deserialization_error | Json deserialize error: missing field `provider` at line 3 column 1 | |
errors.gg.wls.api.malformed_query | Query deserialize error: missing field `state` | |
errors.com.epicgames.xmpp.connection | Sorry, we were unable to connect to the XMPP server. | |
errors.com.epicgames.xmpp.server_error | Sorry, there was an error communicating with the XMPP server. | |
errors.com.epicgames.xmpp.timeout | Sorry, we encountered a timeout while connecting to the XMPP sever. Please try again later. | |
errors.com.epicgames.dad.asset_not_found | Cannot find exported CL given the build CL: 25784668 | |
errors.com.epicgames.timeout | Sorry, server connection timeout, please try again later. | |
errors.com.epicgames.general | There was an error processing your request, Please refresh the page and try again. | |
errors.com.epicgames.login | Please login to continue | |
errors.com.epicgames.invalid_email | Sorry, the email address you provided is invalid. | |
errors.com.epicgames.no_invites | You currently don’t have any more invites. Check back at a later time and you may be able to invite more friends. | |
errors.com.epicgames.invite_send_failed | Sorry, we could not deliver the invite. | |
errors.com.epicgames.friend_already_entitled | Your friend is already part of the alpha, invite them to be your friend in Fortnite. | |
errors.com.epicgames.already_entitled | You are already part of the beta, download the launcher to begin playing Fortnite. | |
errors.com.epicgames.not_logged_in | Sorry, you must be logged in for this functionality. | |
errors.com.epicgames.not_permitted | Sorry, you do not have access to this functionality. | |
errors.com.epicgames.mail_send_failed | Sorry, we could not deliver the help message as requested. | |
errors.com.epicgames.invalid_help | Sorry, the help request you provided is invalid. | |
errors.com.epicgames.no_entitled | Sorry, you are not currently part of the fortnite early access program... yet! Check back at a later time. | |
com.epicgames.purchase.geo_restricted | ||
errors.com.epicgames.purchase.no_new_entitlements_found | ||
errors.com.epicgames.purchase.purchase.captcha.challenge | ||
errors.com.epicgames.purchase.purchase.captcha.decline | Your account is unable to download any more free games at this time, please wait 24 hours before trying to redeem a free game again. | |
errors.com.epicgames.purchase.redemption_failed | Unable to verify Receipt MicrosoftStore:XXXXX for package MirosoftStore:YYYYY | |
errors.com.epicgames.purchase.invalid.account.token | Sorry, the account token is invalid. | |
errors.com.epicgames.code_invalid | Sorry, the code you entered is invalid. | |
errors.com.epicgames.code.redemption.error | Error | |
errors.com.epicgames.code.redemption.code_length | Your code length is incorrect. Please check your code and try again. | |
errors.com.epicgames.code.redemption.redemption_error | An error occurred during activation. Please try again later. | |
errors.com.epicgames.code.redemption.already_redeemed | Sorry, that code has already been redeemed. | |
errors.com.epicgames.code.redemption.invalid_code | Your code is incorrect. Please check your code and try again. | |
errors.com.epicgames.code.redemption.required_code | This code is invalid | |
errors.com.epicgames.code.redemption.expired_code | This code is expired | |
errors.com.epicgames.code.redemption.code_used.mobile.fortnite.mobile | Sorry, that code has already been redeemed. Sign up to join the waitlist for the Invite Event on iOS! | |
errors.com.epicgames.code.redemption.code_used.mobile.fortnite.android | Sorry, that code has already been redeemed. <a href="/mobile/android">Sign up to join the waitlist for the Android Beta! | |
errors.com.epicgames.code.redemption.no_code.mobile.fortnite.android | Sorry, you don't have a code to redeem. <a href="/mobile/android">Sign up to join the waitlist for the Android Beta! | |
errors.com.epicgames.posa.cardAlreadyRedeemedByYou | ||
110000 | errors.com.epicgames.posa.cardNotFound | Card with pin XXXXX not found |
110003 | errors.com.epicgames.posa.cardAlreadyRedeemed | Card with pin XXXXX already redeemed |
110004 | errors.com.epicgames.posa.invalidPlatform | [null] is not a valid platform |
110006 | errors.com.epicgames.posa.vbucksBalanceExceeded | Current vbucks balance:[241580]) will exceed limit:[200000] |
errors.com.epicgames.posa.throttled | ||
errors.com.epicgames.posa.regionLocked | ||
errors.com.epicgames.rtcp.manager.roomservice.participant_not_found_in_room | Participant not found in room by parameters [conferenceId, clientId] with corresponding values: [ActualRoomId, a] | |
errors.com.epicgames.rtcp.manager.roomservice.room_not_found_by_number_of_params | Room not found by parameters [namespace, conferenceId] with corresponding values: [Voice_25dcc6c741b34b5b942eff747e3aa845, myRoomId]. | |
errors.com.epicgames.sessiontracker.too_many_sessions | ||
errors.com.epicgames.sessiontracker.session_not_found | ||
errors.com.epicgames.receiptvalidator.invalid_request_body | entitlementName must be defined | |
errors.com.epicgames.leaderboard.leaderboard_definition_not_found | No leaderboard definitions found | |
errors.com.epicgames.inventoryservice.inventories.invalid_update_provided | One or more inventory updates are malformed. | |
errors.com.epicgames.inventoryservice.inventories.no_updates_provided | One or more inventory updates are required. | |
auth.missing_header.101 | ||
com.epicgames.mesh.invalid_request | Invalid node ID: 'm' - For input string: "m" | |
com.epicgames.mesh.not_assigned | Listener cannot be registered because node m is not assigned to a session. | |
com.epicgames.common.404 | ||
http_error_400:api.qstv.on.epicgames.com | [DEP] Backend dependency returned unexpected error http_error_400:api.qstv.on.epicgames.com | |
0 | epic.ecp.shared.ccss.reqs.error | epic.ecp.shared.ccss.reqs.error |
0 | epic.ecp.social.channels.errors.programReqs | epic.ecp.social.channels.errors.programReqs |
epic.account.management.common.error.general.internal_service.description | ||
epic.ecp.shared.social.channels.errors.unfortunatelySubscriberCount | ||
errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.payment.chase.possible_fraud | Your payment was not processed. Please contact customer service. | |
errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.payment.cor_mismatch | ||
errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.payment.geo_locked_purchasing | ||
errors.com.epicgames.ecommerce.fraud.purchase_blocked_24h | ||
errors.com.epicgames.sidecar.com.epicgames.datastorage.file_locked | ||
errors.com.epicgames.sidecar.already_checked_out | ||
errors.com.epicgames.ogf.sidecar.dss.invalid_sidecar_file_state | operation was canceled | |
errors.com.epicgames.dbs.vkasmr.controller.validation | [DEP] Backend dependency returned unexpected error errors.com.epicgames.dbs.vkasmr.controller.validation | |
error.com.epicgames.xbl_api.service_unavailable | Failed to get XToken |