URL: https://www.epicgames.com/id/api/client/:clientId/authorize
Method: POST
Auth Required: Yes
"scope": [],
"continuation": "",
"userCode": ""
: The Id of the Client
: Required, list of scopes to authorize for next login
: Optional, Continuation token used for corrective actions (supplied on login)
: Optional, userCode used for login with the unauthorized scope
Example Response (Successful): Status 200 (No Content)
Example Response (Client not allowed to use scope)
"message":"Client is not authorized to request the following scope: relevant_cosmetics.",
Example Response (Scope is invalid)
"errorCode": "errors.com.epicgames.accountportal.validation.allowed",
"message": "scope must be one of [openid, offline_access, basic_profile, friends_list, friends_management, presence, library, country, relevant_cosmetics]",
"correlationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"