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232 lines (129 loc) · 9.3 KB

File metadata and controls

232 lines (129 loc) · 9.3 KB

DoomTools Logo Banner
Copyright (c) 2019-2025 Matt Tropiano

Required Libraries

Doom Struct 2.15.1+
Black Rook JSON 1.3.0+
RookScript 1.15.0+

FlatLaF 2.0.2+
RSyntaxTextArea 3.3.0+
AutoComplete 3.3.0+
CommonMark 0.19.0+
Jsoup 1.15.3+

Required Modules



The master branch contains stable code (hopefully). Until a release is cut, the master branch will be shifting.


A bunch of command-line utilities for Doom stuff. This time, they're useful.


Because they are all super useful, and can run anywhere (that runs Java). This also enables authors to create a Continuous Integration path for building ongoing WAD projects. How cool would it be to always have a demo copy buildable at all times?

Other Places to Download

Package Repositories

Compiling with Ant

First, to download dependencies for this project, type ( will also be altered/created):

ant dependencies

To compile this program with Apache Ant, type:

ant compile

To make Maven-compatible JARs of this program (placed in the build/jar directory), type:

ant jar

To make Javadocs (placed in the build/docs directory):

ant javadoc

To compile main and test code and run tests (if any):

ant test

To make Zip archives of everything (main src/resources, bin, javadocs, placed in the build/zip directory):

ant zip

To create a Windows Installer in the dist folder:

ant dist.installer -Dinno.setup.dir=[Path-To-Inno-Setup] -Dembedded.jre.source.dir=[Path-To-Embedded-JRE]

To create all distributions (Bash, CMD, Installer):

ant dist[PathTo-DoomTools-GUI-Native-Project] -Dinno.setup.dir=[Path-To-Inno-Setup] -Dembedded.jre.source.dir=[Path-To-Embedded-JRE]


ant deploy.cmd -Ddeploy.dir=[TARGETPATH]
ant deploy.bash -Ddeploy.dir=[TARGETPATH]

To create the distributable JAR and deploy it to the target directory's /jar directory.

ant deploy.jar -Ddeploy.dir=[TARGETPATH]

To clean up everything:

ant clean

Note that the deploy.dir,, inno.setup.dir, and embedded.jre.source.dir properties are supplied above - it may be better to add local paths to your file for those.

Installer Building and Native Code

Creating a bootstrap EXE for Windows GUIs requires another project, DoomTools-GUI-Native. It is not necessary for building or local deploying, but a package distributable will not be complete without it.

The EXE build and copy to src/main/resources/shell/exe will be skipped if the property is not set. You are better off NOT setting it for every build as the EXE will more than likely be built differently every time.

Building a Windows Installer requires Inno Setup 6.2.0 or better, and requires that the property inno.setup.dir is set to Inno Setup's directory to make use of iscc.

The installer target will be skipped if the inno.setup.dir property is not set, and the embedded JRE version of the installer will not be built if embedded.jre.source.dir is not set.

Recommended Minified JRE Setup

The JRE added to the installer (or even just for running DoomTools) should be one made with the following command line:

jlink --add-modules java.desktop,,jdk.charsets --compress=2 --output [jredir]

That's java.desktop for the required packages and to ensure it can hit secure sites for updating itself and perhaps future tools that pull resources from secure TLS Internet addresses, and jdk.charsets for the extended charsets.

Manually Updating Your Own Installed Version via Source

If you have your own installed version of DoomTools but want to keep that install intact AND also develop for it, you do not need to go the route of direct-deploying to your install via ant deploy.cmd or ant deploy.bash and risk obliterating everything in its target directory. For a safer approach, you can try the following (assuming that you can already successfully build DoomTools from source; see "Compiling with Ant" above).

DoomTools is contained in one complete JAR. To build just this JAR file, type the following in the project directory:


...and that will create a JAR file of the build in the build/jar directory (assuming project path defaults) called doomtools-YYYY.MM.DD.HHmmssSSS.jar, where YYYY.MM.DD.HHmmssSSS is the current formatted UTC date.

Then, you can copy or move that JAR file into the jar directory under the DoomTools install directory, and if that JAR is the latest date, then all of the DoomTools CMD/Bash/EXEs will use that JAR automatically instead of the others that are also in that directory.

The deploy.jar target will copy the JAR to the /jar directory off of the deployment, if you set the deploy.dir deployment root.

This is similar to how DoomTools updates itself - it just downloads the latest stand-alone JAR from its main releases.

Other Notes

Even though this project can technically be used as a library, use caution when integrating this package with your own programs - contents and APIs that are not part of other third-party libraries will be in flux as the utilities evolve. This project makes no promises about a consistent API structure within itself, despite keeping things documented in a publicly-accessible fashion.



A program that just displays info about the toolset that you are using (or manage other things, in the future).


A utility that uses a DECORATE-like language scheme for creating DeHackEd patches.


A utility that bulk converts images to Doom formats.


A utility that converts all sorts of sounds to DMX digital sounds using either the Java SPI or FFmpeg.


A utility that fetches WAD files from different sources. Can serve as a dependency manager.


A project build utility that is agnostic to all operating systems (for the most part).


A utility that performs Script-based WAD compilation and merging.


A utility that reads DEFSWANI/SWANTBLS data files and compiles it into ANIMATED and SWITCHES lumps. Can also export a set of ANIMATED and SWITCHES lumps to a definition file.


A utility that reads a DEUTEX-style texture file and imports it into a WAD file as TEXTUREx and PNAMES lumps. Can also export TEXTUREx/PNAMES in the same way.


A utility that scans maps in a WAD and outputs a list of found textures and flats, suitable for import into the next program...


A utility that exports textures from one WAD into another, including associated ANIMATED and SWITCHES textures.


A scripting system for doing practically anything with Doom stuff. Also includes Rookscript, a subset script.

Special Thanks

Special thanks to, in no particular order, Aurelius, Antares031, floatRand, Xaser, kraflab, skillsaw, and punchyouinthefaceman for their incidental QA testing. Lots of bugs were fixed because of all of you!


These programs and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the MIT License, which accompanies this distribution.

A copy of the MIT License should have been included in this release (LICENSE.txt). If it was not, please contact us for a copy, or to notify us of a distribution that has not included it.

This contains code copied from Black Rook Base, under the terms of the MIT License (docs/LICENSE-BlackRookBase.txt).

This also makes use of the FamFamFam "Silk" icon set by Mark James, under the terms of the Creative Commons 3.0 License with Attribution, Unported (docs/LICENSE-Silk Icons.txt).